
出版時(shí)間:2002-6  出版社:清華大學(xué)出版社  作者:Wayne C.Turner  頁數(shù):540  




prefacepart 1 history and perspective of industrial engineering1 history of engineering and development of inoustrial engineering1.1. introduction 11.2. early developments 21.3. the modem era 31.4. the engineering process 51.5. engineering as a profession 61.6. professional ethics 81.7. professional licensing 81.8. engineering education and abet accreditation1.9. chronology of industrial engineering 121.10. industrial engineering organizations 151.11. definition of industrial engineering 181.12. industrial engineering education l81.13. impact of related developments 191.14. relationship to other engineering disciplines 211.15. challenges of the future 232 industrial and systems engineering2.1. introduction 252.2. industrial and systems engineering design 262.3. typical i.&s.e. activities 282.4. relationship to total organization 332.5. internal organization of the i.&s.e. function 362.6. effectiveness measures for the i.&s.e. function 362.7. the nature of "systems" 362.8. feedback control in systems 38part 2 industrial and systems engineering methodologies3 manufawring engineering3.1. introduction 433.2. product--production design interaction 443.3. process engineering 453.4. industrial processes 563.5. ancillary functions 683.6. example 733.7. computer applications 734 facilities location and layout4.1. introduction to facilities location 804.2. considerations 8l4.3. analytical techniques 834.4. introduction to facilities layout 994.5. general considerations l024.6. systematic layout planning l024.7. computerized layout planning (optional) 1134.8. impact of computers 1185 material handling, distribution. and routing5.1. introduction 1255.2. material handling 1265.3. distribution 1376 work oesign and organizational performance--work measurement6.1. introduction 1516.2. methods improvement 1546.3. work measurement 1656.4. organizational system performance measurement 1756.5. computers and work measurement and design 1787 operatons planning ano control7.1. introduction 1837.2. overview of operations planning and control 1847.3. techniques for demand forecasting 1907.4. techniques for operations planning 1947.5. techniques for inventory planning and control 1977.6. techniques for operations scheduling 2(x)7.7. dispatching and progress control 2037.8. mrp systems 2037.9. just-in-time manufacturing 2078 quality control8.1. introduction 2128.2. a bit of history 2138.3. the malcolm baldrige national quality award 2138.4. deming's thoughts on continuous improvement 2168.5. juran's contributions to quality thought 2178.6. tools for on-line vs. off-line quality control 2188.7. quality function deployment 2l88.8. quality cost systems 2208.9. benchmarking 2218.10. tools of statistical process control 2238.11. background on control charts 2348.12. control charts for variables 2368.13. sensitivity checks for control charts 2418.14. process capability analysis 2418.15. control charts for attributes 2439 financial compensation9.1. introduction 2529.2. job analysis 2539.3. job evaluation 2549.4. wage surveys 2629.5. wage payment 26610 cad/cam. robotics. and automation10.1. the second industrial revolution 27510.2. computer-aided design 27910.3. computer-aided manufacturing 28210.4. robotics 29110.5. automation 29610.6. the promise of cim 29710.7. opportunities for i.e.'s 29811 human factors11.1. perspective 30111.2. physiological aspects of human performance 30211.3. psychological aspects of human activities 30411.4. human interface with the world of work 30512 resource management12.1. introduction 31212.2. energy management 31412.3. water management 32212.4. hazardous material management 32412.5. summary 32713 financial manage.ent and engineering economy13.1. introduction 32913.2. accounting 33013.3. cost accounting 33313.4. engineering economy 33613.5. interest factors 33713.6. back to gadgets--present worth calculations 34313.7. impact of the computer on accounting and engineering economy 34514 deterministic operations research14.1. introduction -- definition 34914.2. similarity to industrial engineering 35014.3. nature of operations research 35114.4. categorization of operations research 35214.5. deterministic operations research 35414.6. mathematical programming 35414.7. unconstrained optimization 35514.8. linear programming 36214.9. other techniques 37214.10. impact of computers 37315 probabilistic models15.1. introduction 37815.2. queueing theory 37815.3. inventory control 38415.4. markov chains 38915.5. impact of statistics and computers 39316 simulation16.1. introduction 39616.2. simulation examples 39716.3. random number generation 40316.4. time-flow mechanism 40716.5. simulation languages 40717 project management17.1. introduction 41117.2. project planning networks 41317.3. critical path method 41517.4. program evaluation and review technique 41917.5. time--cost trade-offs 42417.6. resource leveling 429part 3 integrated systems design18 systems concepts18.1. introduction 43218.2. introduction to systems thinking 43318.3. definitions and terminology 43618.4. systems engineering 44018.5. system representation 44219 management systems design19.1. introduction and perspective 44819.2. a systems view of an organization 44919.3. organization design 45619.4. providing management controls 46319.5. the organization life cycle 46420 computers and information systems20.1. perspective 46920.2. basic concepts of information systems 47020.3. the process of designing information systems 47220.4. data-base management systems 47620.5. data communications networks 47921 personnel management21.1. introduction 48321.2. selection, testing, and placement 48421.3. performance appraisal, training, education, and promotions 48621.4. job analysis and description 49021.5. labor relations 49021.6. safety programs 49221.7. benefits and services 49321.8. motivation, supervision, and communications 49421.9. engineering management 498appendicesa probability and statisticsa.1. introduction 50la.2. basic probability theory 502a.3. random variables 505a.4. estimating probabilities 506a.5. some important probability distributions 508a.6. expected values and variability 5l8a.7. populations and samples 520a.8. central limit theorem 523b tablestable b.1. poisson distribution--cumulative 528table b.2. normal distribution--cumulative 531indix




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