
出版時間:2010-3  出版社:李小五 中山大學(xué)出版社 (2010-03出版)  作者:李小五  頁數(shù):367  


Dynamic Epistemic Logic is the logic of knowledge, actions and the interrelation of them.This is not about one logic, but about a whole family of logics that allows us to specify staticand dynamic aspects of rational agent systems. The book provides various logics to supportsuch formal specifications.Knowledge here is understood in a broad sense, that is, we see also doxastic logic as asort of epistemic logic.Knowledge is defined as a set of propositions that an agent knows in the classicaldynamic epistemic logic. In other words, cognitive objects of the agent are propositions forsuch logic. But, in my opinion, cognitive objects of an agent can also be actions, agents,individuals and so on.Hence, in this book, we will study such cognitive objects by logical methods.In the book, except classical logical methods, we mostly use four methods: Semi-infinitary Method, Bounded-valuation Method, Self-substitution Method and Fixed-pointMethod. By Semi-infinitary Method we mean a method presented by de Lavalette, Kooi andVerbrugge [2004], where they used such a method to prove strong completeness of PDL.But it seems to me that Bounded-valuation Method, Self-substitution Method and Fixed-pointMethod are new ones.


  Dynamic Epistemic Logic is the logic of knowledge, actions and the interrelation of them.This is not about one logic, but about a whole family of logics that allows us to specify staticand dynamic aspects of rational agent systems. The book provides various logics to supportsuch formal specifications.


Chapter 1 Foundations 1 Epistemic Logic 2 Dynamic Logic PDL3 Dynamic Logic PDL~0 and One Generalization of It4 Dynamic Epistemic LogicChapter 2 Do an Action1 Logics for Having Done an Action ( 1 )2 Logics for Having Done an Action ( 2 )3 Logics for Intending to Do an Action4 Logics for Being Doing an ActionAppendix 1 A Logic for Transferring a State by Resultant ForceAppendix 2 A Logic for Achieving an Intention by Doing an Action..Chapter 3 Know an Action1 Self-substitution Systems .2 Some Versions of Self-substitution Systems3 Minimal Systems and Bounded-valuation Method4 Semi-infinitary Proof Systems5 Fixed Point Systems6 Systems Containing Dot or Dga  Appendix What Is an Epistemic ActionChapter 4 Cognize an Agent1 Dynamic Epistemic Logics for Knowing an Agent2 Epistemic Logics for Knowing an Agent3 An Auto-epistemic Logic for Knowing an Agent  4 A Dynamic Doxastic Logic for Believing an AgentChapter 5 Cognize a Concept1 Know a Modality Concept2 Cognize a Cognitive Concept3 Cognize a General Modal ConceptChapter 6 Know an Individual and Know a Relation1 Know an Individual2 Know a RelationAppendix A First-order Epistemic LogicChapter 7 Dynamic Negation1 Characterization by Abbreviations2 Characterization by Binary Relations3 Characterization by Ternary RelationAppendix A Action is Negated by Another ActionChapter 8 Dynamic Conditional Logies1 Conditional Logics for 2 Conditional Logics for 3 Conditional Logics for Chapter 9 Update Semantics for Epistemic Systems1 General Update Semantics2 Degenerate Frame Semantics3 Point Relation Frame Semantics4 Set Relation Frame Semantics5 Transformation Function Frame Semantics6 Selection-class Function Frame Semantics7 Neighborhood Function Frame Semantics8 Dynamic Frame SemanticsBibliography后記


插圖:As far as we know, PDL and PDL do not characterize directly the logical properties of "anagent has done an action" from the aspect of syntax (with respect to an axiomatizationsystem). For example, they do not characterize directly the sentences of the form "He hasgone". In other words, they just characterize the sentences of the form [a] w.r.t, action ~,but such sentences just characterize t indirectly. As for the sentences of the form "He hasgone" from which we can generalize the sentences of the form "an agent has done action tx",denoted by D, the logics do not reveal what are logical properties of them. But in myopinion, such sentences are very important in the way of investigating agent having done anaction. How to use logical methods to characterize directly phrases of the form "an agent doesan action"? In Li Xiaowu [2005c], [2005b], [2005d], [2005e], [2006a], [2006b], [2007-1],[2007-2] and [2007-3], we have presented several classes of dynamic systems characterizingdirectly "an agent has done an action", "an agent intends to do an action" and "an agent isdoing an action", respectively, and then present the corresponding semantics, and thus provethat the systems are sound and complete with respect to the corresponding semantics,respectively. In this chapter, we will continue that research.








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