出版時間:2009-5 出版社:武漢大學出版社 作者:張立玉 主編;鄧之宇,石定樂 副主編 頁數(shù):317
商務活動離不開商務談判,商務談判既是商務活動的重要內(nèi)容,又是商務活動的必要手段。商務談判關系到商務活動的成敗以及企業(yè)的生存和發(fā)展,成功的商務談判可以產(chǎn)生出極大的經(jīng)濟效益和社會效益。因此,要順利地開展商務活動首先要能夠成功地進行商務談判。為了使商務進展順利,要求談判簡潔、清楚、具體、完整,才能達到預期目標。國際商務談判是一門綜合藝術,要求談判人員具備國際商務活動綜合基本技能——國際貿(mào)易基本常識、商務文化和跨文化交際理念和技能以及必備的語言技能。為了幫助從事國際商務談判人員或有志于商務談判的人士盡快熟悉和掌握運用國際商務談判原理和技能,我們精心編寫了《商務談判英語》。該教材將商務談判與英語學習有機結(jié)合,便于教學和自學,具有簡明、易懂、實用的特點?! 】勺鞲叩仍盒I虅沼⒄Z專業(yè)學生商務英語談判課程教材,還可供外貿(mào)工作人員、商務管理人員、外企人員以及準備參加BEC和各類商務英語考試的廣大考生自學使用。 本書旨在幫助讀者掌握商務談判基本用語,熟悉各種商務談判活動,了解商務談判活動背景及常識、程序變換,擴充商務知識,擴大專業(yè)詞匯,訓練談判基本技巧及提高談判能力和商務談判分析處理能力。本教材以實用、適用為編寫原則,提供各種實用商務活動內(nèi)容,取材真實、內(nèi)容新穎、信息豐富,有助于進行有效的談判訓練,系統(tǒng)地掌握各種商務活動特點及談判技巧。通過對本教材的學習,讀者能了解和掌握國際商務談判的基本原則和技巧,并能流利地用英語進行商務溝通、完成商務談判。
Chapter 1 On Pricing Tuning-in Sourcing-up Haggling Is a Strategy Haggling-over Case I A Malting an Enquiry Case I B Price Haggling Case II CIF or FOB Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash An Introduction to Negotiation BBS RefreshingChapter 2 On Quality and Quantity Tuning-in Sourcing-up Quality and Quantity Haggling-over Case I A Talk on Quality Case II A Talk on Quantity Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Listening Technique BBS RefreshingChapter 3 On Packing Tuning-in Sourcing-up Packing Haggling-over Case I The Pacldng of Air-conditioners Case II The Packing of Women's Pajamas Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Non-verbal Devices Valued for Negotiation BBS RefreshingChapter 4 On Logistics Tuning-in Sourcing-up Logistics Haggling-over Case I A Talk on Freight Case 1] A Talk on Partial Shipment Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Right Attitudes Towards Counterparts BBS RefreshingChapter 5 On Insurance Tuning-in Sourcing-up Marine Insurance Haggling-over Case I A Talk on Insurance Rate Case II A Talk on Insurance for an Order Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Face-saving Technique in Negotiation BBS RefreshingChapter 6 On Payment Tuning-in Sourcing-up The Payment Terms in International Trade Haggling-over Case I Payment by D/P Case 11 Payment by L/C Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Avoiding Stereotyping Individuals BBS RefreshingChapter 7 On Complaint and Claim Tuning-in Sourcing-up Complaints and Claims Haggling-over Case I A Malting a Complaint for Inconformity Case I B Malting a Complaint for Delay of Payment Case II A Lodging a Claim Case II B Settling a Claim Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Strategy Depends on Preparation BBS RefreshingChapter 8 Revision and Consolidation I Part One Self-assessing Part Two Group-workChapter 9 On Arbitration Tuning-in Sourcing-up Arbitration Haggling-over Case I A Talk to Settle the Dispute Case II A Talk with a Dispute Settlement Expert Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Anchoring Technique in Negotiation BBS RefreshingChapter 10 On Agency Tuning-in Sourcing-up Agency Haggling-over Case I Appointing an Agent Case II Settling an Agency Agreement Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Framing Technique in Negotiation BBS RefreshingChapter 11 On Signing a Contract Tuning-in Sourcing-up Signing a Contract Is Not the End Haggling-over Case I A Discussion on Stipulations of the Draft Case I B Let's Check All the Clauses Before Signing the Contract Case II Signing a Contract Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Relief Technique and Deadlock BBS RefreshingChapter 12 On Inviting Tender and Bidding Tuning-in Sourcing-up ABC About Invitation of Tender and Bid Haggling-over Case I A How Much Can We Guarantee Our Participation in the Tender? Case I B Can You Tell Me More About Your Products? Case II Here's How I Select and Bid for Tenders Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Techniques of Avoiding, Deferring and Abeyance BBS RefreshingChapter 13 On Processing and Assembling Trade Tuning-in Sourcing-up Processing with Customer's Design or Samples Haggling-over Case I A We Are Very Interested in the Processing Business Case I B Let's Talk About Assembling in Detail Case II A We Are More than Pleased to Improve Our Present Products and Develop New Products Case II B We Are Willing to Cooperate with You in This Line Tuning-out Section A Sunmming-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Language Skills at Negotiating Table BBS RefreshingChapter 14 On Technology Transfer Tuning-in Sourcing-up A Brief Picture About ITT Haggling-over Case I A Technology Has a Price Tag Case I B The Royalty Should Not Be Higher than the Standard International Rate Case II Using Technology as a Means for Adapting and Surving Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Dovetailing--Asking for Their Preference BBS RefreshingChapter 15 On Joint Venture Tuning-in Souroing-up A Joint Venture Is a Legal Organization Haggling-over Case I A Talk on the Forms of Business Organizations Case II A Talk on Setting up a Joint Venture in China Tuning-out Section A Summing-up Section B Sorting-out Section C Practicing Flash Getting-in Step BBS RefreshingChapter 16 Revision and Consolidation II Part One Self-assessing Part Two Group-work附錄 練習參考答案 參考書目
book is aiming to help you develop the negotiation skill, The first thing for negotia-tion is price-haggling. Even before you start this course, you surely have had someexperience in price-haggling on various occasions. And then the following part of thecourse will be much easier for you for certain.Haggling Is a Strategy. Haggling is an evolving marketplace skill. In practice, it goes back centuries, totimes when the vendor-cart and booths were the only sources of market trading activityand goods exchange. Today, we find that bargain hunting and sale shopping are viableadventures for discounts at retail stores; however, garage sales, auctions, flea markets,and booth sales are prime opportunities to learn the art of haggling. Haggling is often as-sociated with bantering, price debates, and auction-style environments. The (often) un-comfortable, face-to-face negotiations of pricing quickly become competitive, thrilllng,and at times, risky. The lure of "the best bargain" is enticing with its accompanyinghaggling process; the strategy of haggling really is based on simple bargaining roundtablestrategies. Understanding the key components of haggling can help you build a strong set ofskills for your bargaining efforts. When you can accurately gauge the sellers "hunger,"you can gain a significant advantage. Haggling requires understanding your own motive;without your baseline, or "set point" price in mind for a particular product, youll quick-ly fall into the trap of being out-priced, or losing the item to a price you may not havehad to pay for. Buyers remorse is the worst felt when you know you could have gotten abetter price if you had just been patient, or taken different steps in your ~tL-,~gy. Thewinning streaks will come with time, but you can best prepare by following these simplesteps to a valuable haggling strategy: Learn to bid VERY low: This is a technique that will surprise you more often than not. If you bid extremely low in some cases, the sellers may completely re-consider their first offer. Sometimes this makes them even stop and reflect; maybe theyve priced too high, and are unaware of the true value; maybe theyve overlooked something. Whatever the case may be, you can start out by completely undercutting the initial offer, giving you the chance to gauge the sale with better accuracy. Play the inspector: Make sure to touch, feel, and account for any flaws or legitimate defects on the product. This will provide you a chance for leverage so you can secure a lower price easily.