
出版時(shí)間:2009-6  出版社:南開大學(xué)出版社  作者:鄒洋  頁(yè)數(shù):201  字?jǐn)?shù):198000  


  This book consists of three parts. It studies the topic of the interactionsbetween public-sector activities, private behaviours, growth and efficiencyby different econometric methods.  Part I includes three chapters which focus on the effects on economicgrowth of public and private sectors activities. In Chapter 1, we examinethe relationship between public and private investment and GDP growthfor Japan and the US. We here, based on the features of the data of the twocountries, apply the methods of Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) to Japan and the US, respectively. It isshown that both public and private investment contribute to economicgrowth greatly in Japan, while in the US public investment seems to play aless important role than private investment.  In Chapter 2, we analyze the same problem for China. However,reviewing the corresponding data of China, we find that we had betterapply Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). It is found that in Chinapublic investment contributes greatly to economic growth while privateinvestment seems to do not.  In Chapter 3, we give a panel analysis by using Chinas provincialdata (1999-2004) to investigate the relationship of innovative inputs,patent and production outputs. We estimate the panel models by pooledIV (Instrument Variable)/Two-stage Estimated Generalized Least Squares(EGLS) to correct for endogeneity of explanatory variables due to omittedvariable problem or measurement error problem.


  Part I includes three chapters which focus on the effects on economicgrowth of public and private sectors activities. In Chapter 1, we examinethe relationship between public and private investment and GDP growthfor Japan and the US. We here, based on the features of the data of the twocountries, apply the methods of Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) to Japan and the US, respectively. It isshown that both public and private investment contribute to economicgrowth greatly in Japan, while in the US public investment seems to play aless important role than private investment.


Zou Yang, Associate Professor of Public Finance at School of Economics, Nankai University. Mr. Zou received his Ph.D. in International Public Policy from Osaka University in Japan in 2006.His research fields include Public Economics, Applied Economet


A DedicationAcknowledgementsIntroductionText FiguresText TablesPART Ⅰ Empirical Estimation on the Effects of Public-sector on Economic Growth  Activities  Chapter 1 A Comparative Analysis of the Relationship between Public and Private Investment and Economic Growth  1.1 Introduction  1.2 Theoretical Framework  1.3 Empirical Analysis      1.3.1 GMM Estimation     1.3.2 OLS Estimation  1.4 Some Confirmation  1.5 Conclusion    Appendix for Chapter 1  Chapter 2 A Simple VECM Estimatiofi on the Interactions among Public and Private Capital Investment, Innovation Investment and    Economic Growth  2.1 Introduction    2.2 Data and Unit Root Tests and Co-integration Tests    2.3 Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)    2.4 Empirical Estimation    2.4.1 Estimated Result    2.4.2 Impulse Response Function and Variance Decomposition Analysis    2.4.3 Granger Causality Tests    2.5 Conclusion    References for Chapters 1 and 2 Chapter 3 Innovative Inputs, Patent and Production Outputs  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Comparison of Technological Innovation Activities  3.3 Empirical Analysis   3.3.1 Data    3.3.2 Relationship of Innovative Inputs and Patent Outputs    3.3.3 Relationship of Patent and Production Outputs    3.4 Conclusion    References for Chapter 3PART Ⅱ Empirical Estimation on the Effects of Public-sector Activities on Private Consumption Chapter 4 Effects of Government Consumption and Public Debt on  Private Consumption: An Augmented Consumption Function Estimation     4.1 Introduction     4.2 Previous Empirical Studies     4.3 Empirical Analysis     4.3.1 An Augmented Consumption Function ……PART Ⅲ Empirical Estimation on the Effects of Public-sector Activities on Economic Efficiency


  In recent several years, empirical studies for developing countries asto the interaction between public and private investment and economicgrowth were carried out. For example, Ghali (1998) made a study forTunisia, a developing country that experienced the IMF debt-stabilizationprograms, and suggested that public investment has a negative long-runimpact on economic growth. Ramirez and Nazmi(2003) made anempirical study for nine major Latin American nations, and said that bothpublic and private investment contribute to economic growth.  It should be noted here that the former literature paid its attention tothe relationship between government spending and economic growth,while the latter analysis for developing countries directly paid theirattention to the relationship between investment and growth. Reviewingthat the relationship between investment and growth is an important issuein all countries, we here analyze this problem for the developed countries,specifically.  In this chapter, we thus investigate empirically the relationshipbetween public and private investment and GDP growth for Japan and theUS. As seen below, since the data of each country used shows a differentfeature to each other, we accordingly apply different empirical methods,specifically GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) and OLS (OrdinaryLeast Squares), to the Japanese and the US data of 1957-1997,respectively. The empirical result suggests that public investment inJapan makes the same contribution to economic growth as privateinvestment, while private investment in the US seems to play a much moresignificant role in economic growth than public investment.



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