
出版時間:2008-6  出版社:蘭州大學出版社  作者:黃永超,白東輝  頁數(shù):411  


  In China, mainstream finance covers primarily International Finance and Money and Banking。 Whereas in the western world, the study of finance focuses on three main areas, namely: Investment, Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions Management。 In this book, we focus mainly on the first two areas。


Chapter 1 What is Finance and Why Study FinanceChapter 2 The Tax EnvironmentChapter 3 Financial Statements, Financial Ratios and Cash FlowsChapter 4 Time Value of Money and Discounted Cash FlowsChapter 5 Long-term Debt and Interest RatesChapter 6 Common and Preferred Stocks ValuationChapter 7 Techniques on Carrying out Capital Budgeting AnalysisChapter 8 Capital Budgeting (Fixed Asset Expansion)Chapter 9 Risk and Return RelationshipChapter 10 A Companys Cost of CapitalChapter 11 Financial Leverage and Capital Structure PolicyChapter 12 Dividend and Dividend PolicyChapter 13 Working Capital ManagementChapter 14 International Corporate FinanceChapter 15 Derivative SecuritiesChapter 16 Mergers and AcquisitionsReferencesAppendix 1 Present Value and Future Value Factor TablesAppendix 2 Answers to End of Chapter ProblemsAppendix 3 Glossary (English and Chinese Term Equivalents)Appendix 4 Glossary of Abbreviated Terms




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