出版時間:2003-9 出版社:上海交通大學出版社 作者:何光明
《劍橋商務英語輔導教程·BEC2》主要特點如下: 1.內(nèi)容實用,較之初級用書,《劍橋商務英語輔導教程·BEC2》這一特點更為突出,雖然沿用上《劍橋商務英語輔導教程·BEC2》中的部分結構版塊(商務閱讀,實用句型、商務對話、小組討論、商務演講),但內(nèi)容上更為注重學習者實際語言能力和操作能力的訓練,增添了商務禮儀和進出口業(yè)務詞匯及實用信件兩大版塊,后者按實際進出口業(yè)務流程,向讀者逐一展出了國際貿(mào)易的具體操作步驟。應試技巧部分則詳細介紹了劍橋商務英語(BEC2)的考試情況,同時還提供樣卷并作了具體的分析?! ?.編排新穎,《劍橋商務英語輔導教程·BEC2》編排承續(xù)上冊邏輯縝密、形式新穎特點,前半部分主要討論了商務溝通、職業(yè)介紹、工作環(huán)境等內(nèi)容,起到介紹與導讀的作用,而后半部分逐步涉及一些較為專業(yè)的商務主題。 3.操作性強,各單元前后聯(lián)系緊密,易于實際操作。通過配以詞匯注釋的商務閱讀、經(jīng)典句型的學習,然后是商務對話,小組討論與商務演進的進一步操練以及商務寫作部分的詳盡討論和相關練習,能讓學習者在實踐中做到熟能生巧、學以致用;教師可利用書中提供的新穎模式,充分調(diào)動學生的主動性、活躍課堂氣氛,充實教學內(nèi)容,從而切實提高教學水平和教學效果。
Unit 1 Face-to-Face Interaction Unit 2 Jobs and Careers Unit 3 The Place of Work Unit 4 Interviews Unit 5 Organizational Behavior Unit 6 Marketing Research Unit 7 Products Unit 8 Quality and Price Unit 9 Advertising Unit 10 Sales Promotions Unit 11 Negotiations Unit 12 Corporate Culture Unit 13 Banking Unit 14 Internationsl Trade Unit 15 Electronic Business 劍橋商務英語(BEC2)應試技巧概述 劍橋商務英語(BEC2)閱讀應試技巧 劍橋商務英語(BEC2)寫作應試技巧 劍橋商務英語(BEC2)聽力應試技巧 劍橋商務英語(BEC2)口語應試技巧 劍橋商務英語(BEC2)應試技巧綜合訓練答案 單元補充部分(Unit1-Unit 15)寫作練習參考答案
A: I think so. What have you got then? B: There are simultaneous translation facilities in the auditorium and there's a video projector in the conference room. A: What about microphones and slide projectors? B: All the rooms have them.A: Good. B: What time would you like to start? A: Nine, I think, then we can fit two sessions in before lunch. What shall we do for lunch? B,:There's a bar for drinks and I think we'd have a buffet lunch. A: Don't they have a sit-down meal? B: Yes. Would you prefer a sit-down meal, then? A: I suppose so. B: OK, I'll arrange it. A: And I'll find out how many people are going to each presentation. B: And what other equipment the speakers need. A: OK. 5 Group -Discussions (小組討論 ) 1) What are the proper manners in making and receiving phone calls? Hints: identifying yourself immediately using polite expressions answering with a smile answering the phone promptly using the callerts name remembering the "verbal" handshake 2) HOW can you do a great presentation? Hintsa good beginning (the purpose of your speech) · proper sentences · body language (facial expressions, etc. ) · visual aids · vocal quality · a proper ending (summarizing the main points) 3) Do you make small talk in office? What are the common topics? 4) Do you belong to a certain office clique in your company? What are the advantages and disadvantages of office cliques? 5) What's your viewpoint on job-hopping? Do you agree with the practice of employees' frequent job-hopping? 6) Do you mix your work and social life? What is special within your culture? 6 Business Speeches(商務演講) 6. 1 Topics for SpeechAsk students to make a five-minute speech on one of the following topics. Before making the speech, they should take one or two minutes to write an outline of their speech.· What should you pay attention to in your first day at work? How can you win promotions?· What is your advice on interpersonal relationships in the place of work? 6. 2 A Sample Speech Tips for First-day WorkersImagine that a friend is going to start a new job, and turns to you for some suggestions for his or her first-day's work. What suggestions would you give? Here are some tips: "First, proper personal appearance is very important. That is to say, you should dress suitably to give a good impression to your superiors and colleagues. However, dressing is rather culturally hound, for different companies have different styles. You should find out the style beforehand, and adapt yourself to it. For example, if you work for an American company, you may wear casual clothes, as it is very common for an American manager to wear jeans while chairing a meeting. In contrast, someone working for a British company may be required to wear a suit in the workplace, as British bosses generally prefer a more formal and conservative style. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Second, remembering new faces and names also matters a lot in a work situation. If you greet your new colleagues by name oft the second day, they will be pleased and feel that you respect them. Therefore, they will be ready to offer a hand if you need help, or even offer help without being asked. On the other hand, if one of your new colleagues greets you by name and you have forgotten his or her name, you won't know what to do and you will feel embarrassed. Probably, you will find it difficult to cultivate a relationship with this colleague in the future. There are also some other first-day points workers should bear in mind. For example, you should arrive ten minutes early or at least punctually. It is never good for someone to be late for work. If you smoke, you should ask for your colleagues' permission first before smoking, or you could simply go to the smoking area. And one last thing, which deserves attention, is that you should listen more than you talk during your first day at work. If you talk a lot about your family, or some other things to your new colleagues, they may become bored and begin to dislike you. ……
前言 商務英語培訓是近幾年來興起的英語培訓項目.它反映了我國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展對國際型商務人才的迫切需要。經(jīng)編者調(diào)查,目前僅在上海,有關商務英語的課程就有;劍橋商務英語(BEC)系列培訓、上海市等級商務英語考試培訓、外貿(mào)英語函電以及進出口實務英語課程等。但是,作為新興的英語學習熱潮,師資培訓、配套教材、輔導書等方面都尚未滿足日益激增的市場需求。由此引起了教師教學吃力,難以兼顧精通英語語言與熟諳商務知識的雙重任務,學生考試通過率低,實際運用能力差等問題。盡管市場上商務英語書籍漫天飛,但真正做到同時關注商務英語教學與商務英語學習過程的卻無數(shù)不多。為此,本系列書籍的編寫正填補丁這一空缺. 本系列叢書按BEC等級分為兩冊,它們浸潰著編者多年的教學經(jīng)驗與研究心得,可以說是理論與實際聯(lián)系的成果。本書為BEC2級,是在BEC1級基礎上的進一步提升,更具有可讀性與實效性?! ≈饕攸c如下: 1.內(nèi)容實用 較之初級用書,本書這一特點更為突出.雖然沿用上本書中的部分結構版塊(商務閱讀,實用句型、商務對話、小組討論、商務演講),但內(nèi)容上更為注重學習者實際語言能力和操作能力的訓煉,增添了商務禮儀和進出口業(yè)務詞匯及實用信件兩大版塊,后者按實際進出口業(yè)務流程,向讀者逐一展示了國際貿(mào)易的具體操作步驟。應試技巧部分則詳細介紹了劍橋商務英語(BEC2)的考試情況,同時還提供樣卷并作了具體的分析?! ?.編排新穎 本書編排承續(xù)上冊邏輯縝密、形式新穎特點,前半部分主要討論了商務溝通、職業(yè)介紹、工作環(huán)境等內(nèi)容,起到介紹與導讀的作用,而后半部分逐步涉及一些較為專業(yè)的商務主題,如:營銷調(diào)研、產(chǎn)品、價格、銀行等.同時,各單元結構版塊安排更為靈活,從理論知識到實際操練,再通過實踐鞏固理論知識。此外,精美的插圖與文字內(nèi)容相映成趣,輕松詼諧。 3.操作性強 各單元前后聯(lián)系緊密,易于實際操作。通過配以詞匯注釋的商務閱讀、經(jīng)典句型的學習,然后是商務對話、小組討論與商務演講的進一步操練以及商務寫作部分的詳盡論述和相關練習,能讓學習者在實踐中做到熱能生巧、學以致用;教師可利用書中提供的新穎模式,充分調(diào)動學生的主動性,活躍課堂氣氛,充實教學內(nèi)容,從而切實提高教學水平和教學效果?! ”緯卜质鍌€單元,每單元圍繞一個商務主題展開敘述,結構安排合理,內(nèi)容選擇嚴謹,凸顯了學術性、實用性的特點。精選閱讀一改往昔多數(shù)英語閱讀材料的枯燥乏味,在介紹知識的同時,注重了趣味性。讀者在輕松閑適的氛圍中,借助詞匯表內(nèi)的注釋能更好地認識與理解文章主題。教師可安排學生課前預習,思考文章前面的問題,以便課堂上學生積極參與討論;口語練習由經(jīng)典句型、商務對話、小組討論、商務演講組成,各部分環(huán)環(huán)人扣,逐步推進.學習者可以通過給定材料開展一些自說練習,或在教師的指導下積極參與課堂討論,在“實際”情景中提高自己的口語水平;商務禮儀主要闡述了中外商務禮儀差異,以及國際商務交往中應注意的問題,學習者可借此身體力行,活學活用;業(yè)務信函與寫作指導提供了一系列實用信件與相關詞匯,內(nèi)容涉及各種進出口業(yè)務流程的經(jīng)典信件及多種商務信函的寫作,除了詳盡的商務寫作技巧及經(jīng)典范例,還配有練習使學習者進一步鞏固學到的知識;應試技巧主要針對劍橋商務英語(BEC2)考試,根據(jù)劍橋商務英語考試大綱,書中分別介紹了閱讀、寫作、聽力、口語的應試技巧及其它注意事項,并配有最新全真題和模擬練習題?! ≡诒緯帉懙倪^程中,外國專家David、Richard、Stephen提供了許多寶貴的意見,編者的好友陸驊,花費了許多時間為本書編排格式、挑選插圖,在此,對他們表示衷心的感謝.由于編者水平有限,書中不盡如人意之處,敬請廣大讀者、專家、同行不吝指正?! 安环e跬步,無以至千里。”任何知識的獲得皆非朝夕之功,它是一個不斷積累、不斷實踐的過程。本書只是讀者學習途中的指路人,抑或說是其前進階梯。讀者能從中獲得切實的收益和幫助,則是我們最大的快慰!