
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:上海交通大學出版社  作者:何志范  頁數(shù):419  




何志范,教授,上海人,畢業(yè)于華東師范大學外語系?,F(xiàn)任“上海市公共場所中文名稱英譯專家委員會”委員。多年在大學擔任英語教學與首席口譯等工作。80年代赴美國、加拿大作為客座教授講學,講授中國文化,被授于美國榮譽公民稱號?;貒箝L期從事旅游教育工作,擅長漢語景點導游詞的英譯,主要作品:《景點導游與旅游文化知識》、《上海英語導游》、《成都三日游》、《樂山峨眉山巡禮》,英譯電影劇本《阿凡提的故事》、《神話世界九寨溝》、《長江三峽畫卷》等。還在美國《Herald”(先驅報)》,《School Views(學報)》、《中國翻譯》發(fā)表多篇譯文,論文“Touristic Trends In China”入選《世界旅游業(yè)發(fā)展》。


World Expo 2010 Shanghai ChinaAn Overview of Shanghai 1.Local Citizens 2.Stylish Local Men 3.Chic Local Women 4.Shanghai Fashion 5.Shanghai' s Longtang Residence  6.Superior Zone and Inferior Zone The Band 1.Waibaidu Bridge 2.Huangpu Park 3.Flood Prevention Wall 4.Bund Sightseeing Tunnel 5.Chen Yi Square 6.Time' s Waterfall Clock 7.Modern Sculptures on the Bund  8.Fascinating Buildings on the Bund  1) Meteorological Signal Tower  2) Asiatic Petroleum Building  3) Shanghai Club  4) HSBC Building  5) Jianghai Customs House  6) Peace Hotel  7) Bank of China Building Suzhou Creek Famous Streets 1.Nanjing Road 2.Huaihai Road 3.Duolun Road 4.Fuzhou Road 5.Xinhua Road 6.Maoming Road 7.Taikang RoadYuyuan Garden 1.Shanghai Old City 2.City God Temple Fair  3.Shanghai Old Street  4.Chenxiangge Nunnery People' s Square 1.People' s Mansion 2.Shanghai Museum 3.Shanghai Grand Theatre  4.Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall 5.Shanghai Art Gallery 6.People's Park 7.Moore Memorial ChurchEntertainment Centers and MuseumsMemorial Sites Temples XujiahuiJiangwan MarshlandMinhang Sports ParkQibao TownDuoyunxuanTraditional Chinese MedicineShanghai OperaPudong New Area……Appendices


插圖:Shanghai is developing so rapidly that its urban map has to beupgraded every six months. One obvious phenomenon is that thegreen belts are getting increasingly larger. At the end of 2002, per-capita green areas reached seven square meters and the coverage rateamounted to 27 percent. Per-capita landscaped areas in Shanghai havegrown from newspaper-size to room-size, leading every large and me-dium-sized city in China. In early years of the 21st century, Shanghaiwon a "City Sustainable Development Contribution" award from theUnited Nations. Like other international metropolises, Shanghai isdensely populated, but has found ways to develop green areas. Exist-ing green areas are fully utilized. Intimidating brick walls enclosingsome public institutions have been demolished or replaced with rail-ings, to share the greenery within. As well, to their merit, nearly allthe Shanghai parks are free of charge to visitors. The city has takenon a new look.Like many great cities, Shanghai has its own mother river ——the Huangpu, which has always nourished the people on its two banks. The Huangpu River, totaling 114 kilometers long, rises in the Taihu Lake, Jiangsu/Province and flows through the urban area of Shang- hai, and then empties into the mouth of the Yangtze River at the northeast Shanghai. Touring the river in a pleasure boat, you can en- joy the picturesque scenery along both the riversides, as you are transported between the city's past, present and future.


《繽紛上海漫步(英文版)》編輯推薦:雨絲攝影沙龍是中國民俗攝影協(xié)會上海分會會員沙龍之一,其定期進行會員攝影技能技巧的交流,開設有關攝影知識講座,組織會員到野外采風等活動?!独_紛上海漫步(英文版)》所用照片為雨絲攝影沙龍會員的作品。A trip to Shanghai is a memorable journey into everything that is exotic, mysterious and thrilling about China.Welcome to Shanghai, where the fascination never ends. And you're a dventure is just beginning.



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