出版時間:2010年 出版社:中國社會科學出版社 作者:劉林軍 頁數(shù):306
話題作為一個重要的語言學概念已有幾十年的歷史。1958年Charles Hocket注意到有些漢語句子的主謂式里包含主謂式,像個套盒。1968年,趙元任第一個把話題-述題的概念引入漢語,指出漢語的主語-謂語關(guān)系就是話題-述題關(guān)系。1976年,Charles Li和Sandra Thompson從類型學的角度進行語言分類,把漢語歸為話題優(yōu)先的語言以別于英語這樣的主語優(yōu)先的語言。他們兩人的論述對話題研究產(chǎn)生了很大的影響,也引起了不少爭議,但從此以后,語言學界,特別是我國語言學界對話題的研究不斷涌現(xiàn)?! ≡掝}研究無疑具有重要的意義。這是因為話題-述題是漢語的顯著特點,對它的研究將使我們能夠科學地描寫和解釋漢語的這個特點,具有實際和理論價值。另一方面,對話題的研究會有助于語言類型學的發(fā)展,因此具有一般語言學意義?! ∑裎覈Z言學界對話題的研究基本是從結(jié)構(gòu)-功能,或者說是從句法-語用的角度進行的。運用認知語言學的理論和方法研究話題的文章相當少,而寫成專著的恐怕更是鳳毛麟角了。
List of AbbreviationsList of TablesList of FiguresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Issue1.2 Cognitive Linguistics as an Alternative1.3 A Corpus Approach1.4 Monograph ChaptersChapter 2 Review of Previous Studies on Mandarin Topics and the Cognitive Approach as an Alternative2.1 Findings on and Controversies over Topic2.2 A Cognitive Approach to Topic2.3 Findings in Other Topic-Prominent LanguagesChapter 3 Pauses and Pause Particles as Topic Markers in Mandarin3.1 Pauses as Topic Markers3.2 Pause Particles as Topic Markers3.3 Discourse Use of Pause Particles in Beijing MandarinChapter 4 Methodology of a Corpus Study4.1 A Coding Property Based Approach to Topic Identification4.2 Defining Some Grammatical Terms4.3 Data: The Beijing Corpus4.4 Corpus Analysis Procedure4.5 Research GoalsChapter 5 Pausing and Topic Marking5.1 Pausing in Nominal Constructions5.2 Pausing in Double-Subject Constructions5.3 Pausing in TOP-subject Constructions5.4 SummaryChapter 6 High Frequency Topic Markers in Beijing Mandarin6.1 Pause Particle ne6.2 Pause Particle ba6.3 Pause particle a and its phonetic variants6.4 Pause particle ma6.5 Lexical topic marker dehua if and laijiang speaking of6.6 Discussion6.7 SummaryChapter 7 A Unified Interpretation of Topic as Conceptual Reference Point7.1 Reference Points are more than entities7.2 Reference Points can be multiple7.3 Schematizing Topic-Comment Constructions7.4 SummaryChapter 8 Conclusion8.1 A Brief Review8.2 Revisiting the Controversies over Mandarin Topics8.3 Reference Point as a Conceptual Archetype8.4 Areas of Further StudyAppendix : Characteristics of Monologues Comprising the CorpusReferences
Cogntive hnguistics is a cover term for a variety of approaches, methodologies and emphases which are unified by a number of assumptions. Foremost among these assumptions is the belief that language forms an integral part of human cognition, and that any insightful analysis of linguistic phenomena will need to be embedded in what is known about human cognitive abilities. Accordingly, cognitive linguistics aims for a cognitively plausible account of what it means to know a language, how languages are acquired and how they are used. The foundational point of cognitive linguistics is simply that "language is all about meaning"; that is, language is viewed as an instrument for organizing, processing and conveying information (Geeraerts 2008:3). To cognitive linguists, a formal semantics based on truth conditions is inadequate for describing the meaning of linguistic expressions. Langacker (2008:29) suggests two reasons: " One reason is that semantic structures are characterized relative to knowledge systems whose scope is essentially open-ended. A second is that their value reflects not only the content of a conceived situation, but also how this content is structured and construed. "
北京話口語中話題結(jié)構(gòu)的功能認知研究 PDF格式下載