
出版時間:2010-7  出版社:孫毅 中國社會科學(xué)出版社 (2010-07出版)  作者:孫毅  頁數(shù):463  






前言Preface序Article One MetaphorArticle Two The Conduit Metaphor: A Case of Frame Conflict in Our Language about LanguageArticle Three The "Conduit Metaphor" Revisited: A Reassessment of Metaphors for CommunicationArticle Four The Metaphorical Structure of the Human Conceptual SystemArticle Five The Contemporary Theory of MetaphorArticle Six When Metaphors Function as Schemas: Some Cognitive Effects of Conceptual MetaphorsArticle Seven Conceptual Integration NetworksArticle Eight Blending and MetaphorArticle Nine Rethinking MetaphorArticle Ten Metaphor Interpretation and EmergenceArticle Eleven Metaphor, Relevance and the 'Emergent Property' IssueArticle Twelve Cognitive Effort and Effects in Metaphor Comprehension:Relevance Theory and PsycholinguisticsArticle Thirteen The Philosophy of Embodied Realism: A High Price to Pay?Article Fourteen Metaphor Interpretation as Embodied Simulation后記


版權(quán)頁:插圖:The principles on which metaphors function, then, according to this theory are the same as those for literal statements of similarity together with the principle of ellipsis. We understand the metaphor as a shortened version of the literal simile. 4 Since literal simile requires no special extralinguistic knowledge for its comprehension, most of the knowledge necessary for the comprehension of metaphor is already contained in the speaker's and heater's semantic competence, together with the general background knowledge of the world that makes literal meaning comprehensible.We have already seen certain defects of this view, most notably that metaphorical statements can't be equivalent in meaning to literal statements of similarity because the truth conditions of the two sorts of statements are frequently different. Furthermore, we must emphasize that even as a theory of metaphorical comprehension-as opposed to a theory of metaphorical meaning-it is important for the simile theory that the alleged underlying similes be literal statements of similarity. If the simile statements which are supposed to explain metaphor are themselves metaphorical or otherwise figurative, our explanation will be circular.Still, treated as theory of comprehension, there does seem to be a large number of cases where for the metaphorical utterance we can construct a simile sentence that does seem in some way to explain how its metaphorical meaning is comprehended. And, indeed, the fact that the specification of the values of R is left vague by the simile statement may, in fact, be an advantage of the theory, inasmuch as metaphorical utterances are often vague in precisely that way: it is not made exactly clear what the R is supposed to be when we say that S is P, meaning metaphorically that S is R.






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