
出版時(shí)間:2009-7  出版社:冶金工業(yè)出版社  作者:汪旭光 編  


The Asian.Pacific region and Russia are the most active regions globally in the field of blastingengineering.There is no exaggeration to say that the development of blasting technology in the Asian.Pacific region and Russia is of far.reaching influefice over the world.  In order to further promote the development of blasting industry in the Asian-Pacific region,China Society of Engineering Blasting successfully held the first Asian..Pacific Symposium on Blast.,ing Technology on May 8.1 2th,2007 in Kunming,China.The organizing committee unanimously ac.knowledged the success of the symposium and approved the motion of making the“Asian.PacificSymposium on Engineering Blasting”into serial conferences.The Symposium will be held every twoyears and the second Asian.Pacific Symposium will still be held in China.The International Confer.ence on Physical Problems of Rock Destruction was successfully held five times in Russia。.I,togetherwith other Chinese experts,was warmly invited to attend the Conference for several times。It has beendecided that the Sixth International Conference on Physical Problems of Rock Destruction will behosted by China Society of Engineering Blasting in the city of Dalian,China.  The Asian-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Blasting and the International Conference onPhysical Problems of Rock Destruction are intended to strengthen the academic exchange and techno.10gical cooperation among various countries in the Asian.Pacific region and Russia,to enhance inter-disciplinary penetration,to explore the opportunities,challenges and counter-measures faced by blast.ing technology and physical problems of rock destruction in the new century and to forecast the appli-cation prospects of blasting technology in various fields in a bid to j ointly promote the development ofblasting technology and physical problems of rock destruction in the world.The two conferences willoffer valuable opportunities for experts,professors and engineers from the Asian.Pacific region andRussia engaged in industrial explosives,engineering blasting,rock destruction and other relevant fieldsto enhance understanding and cooperation.I hope and believe these two series international confer.ences will go ahead smoothly and successfully.


《工程爆破新進(jìn)展2(英文版)》主要內(nèi)容包括:A FundamentalStudy on the Prevention of Occurrence of Channel Effect、The Key Technique of Highly Precise and Safe Delay Detonator 、without Primary Explosive、Production and Application of New Explosives at the Mining Enterprises of Kazakstan、Relationship between Pressure Desensitization and Sensitization Bubbles Content of Emulsion Explosives等。


1  General Review Blastinq Technology Scenerio in the Next Decade An Oven,iew of lnstrumentatiOn for Rock BIasting   Scientmc and TechnologicaI Advance of Rock Breaking by Blast in Russia A Review of Current IntematiOnaI Standards,Guidelines and Criteria for the COntrol If Airblast OVerpressure from Blasting Danger Remlval Technology by BIasting after Earthquake PrOduction of Emulsion Explosives in Russia State Of Production and AppIicatiOn Of Current ExpIOsives and Devices for Their Initiation in  Serbia and World2  Blasting Theory Research Characteristics Of Stress—wave Induced Fractures in COntrOlIed Laboratory—scale Blasting Expe riments  Blasting OperatiOns Information Management System    ROck Microstructure DisintegratiOn In Case Of Breakage by Blast  Study to Damage Effect Of Insitu Stress Dynamic Unloading du ring Drilling and Blasting ExcaVation Dynamic Causlics Analysis Of ObIique Crack PrOpagatiOn under Blast LOading PPV Management and Frequency Shifting in SOft GrOund Near HIghwalls tO Reduce BIast Damage MethOds fOr DeterminatiOn Of Basic Characte ristics Of ExplOsives and PrOperties of Rocks fOr  DevelOpment Of Rational Parameters Of Drilling and Blasting operatiOns Fine Particles in Expe riments On DestructiOn Of ROcks by Repeated ExplosiOns Failure Analysis and Its Numerical SImulatiOn On lmpaCt—damage ROck ExperimentaI Study On ROck Damage in SlOpe Cut by PrespIit BIasting Failure Mechanism Of LignOcellulOsic Mate rial under ExplOsive Load AdVanced PrOfiling Technology DefOrmatiOn and Failure Of ROcks within Limit and BeyOnd—limit Ranges. EStimating and FOrecasting the Parameters Of Technogenic Faulting ZOnes Around Mine Workings Meteorology&Airblast—Effects&Prediction. Pressure on Wall of HoIe and Destruction of Rock after Blasting of Water of Small upIe Charge Efflect Of Expfosion Waves On Wood Chips Stacked in a Closed Vessel The Pressure of Non—ideal DetOnatiOn Wave. Preliminary Analysis On the BrOken ROck ZOne Of a Deep Mine Tunnel under the InfIuence Of Moving Load Created by Blasting Explosion Vessel for Sjmulating ExplOding in Deep Water Of Small Charge Stress WaVe Energy Distrbution in SOlid Rock During Shothole Blasling Effect Of Blast ShOck On Luminescence Of Diamonds Experimental Research On the Mechanjsm of ReinfOrcing SOft CIay GrOund by Blasting.3  PhysicaI Problems Of ROck DestructiOn Resource SaVing Strategy in the PrOcess Of ROck DisintegratiOn Dilatancy Mechanjcal Model for Strain and Failure Of Rocks under CreeD CondtiOns Basic Types Of ROck DestructiOn and PrOductivitV Of It   Loss Of Pit—wall Stability and ROck Failure around Mine Workings under Creep ConditiOns Research into the Strength and DefOrmatiOn Of Rocks in Conditions of TriaxiaI lnequicOmpOnent COmpressiOn Intensification Of MineraIs Disintegration in AutOgenOus Mills ROck Breaking and Main Aspects of Its Scale AppIjcatiOn Main MethOds of Increasing MineraIs LIberatiOn SeIeCtivity In Processes Of Ore Preparation for BeneficiatiOn   Dynamics Analysis On Sizing Crushing and lndusl rial AppfjcatiOn Of Sizing Crusher Influence Of Ball Mill Operating Parameters On Grinding Effect ……4  Blasting Demolition5  Explosives and Initiation Technology6  Special Blasting and Underwater Blasting7  Blasting Vibration and Measuring8  Blasting Safety


插圖:Presently the technology to provide the needed data to  extract this information is in its infancy.It is believed that  mechanical measurements(torque,etc.)by themselves are  insufrcient to extract all of the desired information.Addi.  tional,geophysical,data will be needed.The petroleum  industry has shown the way.In this industry the well is the  production unit and almost no expense is spared in obtain-ing information about the lithology of the hole and the na-  ture of the reservoir.This information is gathered USing a  suite of geophysical tools.  Unfortunately the mining  industry cannot afford to collect this information at any  expense.At the same time the shallow blastholes in the  mining require less demanding solutions than the very deep  petroleum wells.Drill rigs using this technology have  started to be used on experimental basis.During the next decade blasthole drills will be fitted  with a range of mechanical and geophysical sen.  sors.These will provide real-time information on the rock  mass.Specifically they will allow assessment of the  strength of the intact rock,the effective strength of the rock  mass,the location of discontinuities within the hole and the  orientation and strength of these discontinuities.They will  alSO monitor the position of any orebody boundaries and,  for some ore types;they will allow assessment of the ore  grade along the hole.In some deposits they will monitor  impurities found within the orebody.This information will be used as immediate input to a  numerical blasting model.This model will enable the min.  ing engineer to change the design of the blasting round dur.  ing the drilling operation.It will allow the engineer to de.  sign the explosive loading of each hole individually and to  design the sequence and the timing of the round to optimise  the breakage process。As knowledge of the rock mass will  improve there will be an improvement in blasting perform.





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