
出版時間:2003-1  出版社:電子工業(yè)出版社  作者:萊莫  頁數(shù):603  字數(shù):1000000  


Welcome to the exciting world of Cisco certification! You have picked up this book because you want something better ;namely,a better job with more satisfaction.Rest assured that you have made a good decision.Cisco ertification can help your first networking job,or more money and a promotion if you are already i the field.


IntroductionAssessment TestChapter 1 InternetworkingChapter 2 Layer-2 SwitchingChapter 3 Internet ProtocolsChapter 4 Introduction to the Cisco IOSChapter 5 IP RoutingChapter 6 Virtual LANs(VLANs)Chapter 7 Managing a Cisco InternetworkChapter 8 Configuring Novell IPXChapter 9 Managing Traffic with Access ListsChapter 10 Wide Area Networking ProtocolsAppendix A Introduction to the Cisco IOS:Hands-on LabsAppendix B Configuring the Catalyst 1900 SwitchAppendix C Commands in This Study GuideGlossary



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