
出版時間:2003-6  出版社:北京世圖  作者:B.Bollobas  頁數(shù):394  


Graph theory is a young but rapidly maturing subject. Even during the quarter of a century that I lectured on it in Cambridge, it changed considerably, and I have found that there is a clear need for a text which introduces the reader not only to the well-established results, but to many of the newer developments as well. It is hoped that this volume will go some way towards satisfying that need.


Apologia Preface I Fundamentals   I.1 Definitions   I.2 Paths, Cycles, and Trees   I.3 Hamilton Cycles and Euler Circuits   I.4 Planar Graphs   I.5 An Application of Euler Trails to Algebra   I.6 Exercises II Electrical Networks   II.1 Graphs and Electrical Networks   II.2 Squaring the Square   II.3 Vector Spaces and Matrices Associated with Graphs   II.4 Exercises   II.5 Notes III Flows, Connectivity and Matching   III.1 Flows in Directed Graphs   III.2 Connectivity and Menger‘s Theorem   III.3 Matching   III.4 Tutte‘s 1-Factor Theorem   ……Ⅳ Extremal ProblemsⅤ ColouringⅥ Ramsey TheoryⅦ Random GraphsⅧ Graphs Groups and MatricesⅨ Random Walks on GraphsⅩ The Tutte PolynomialSymbol InedxName IndexSubject Index




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