出版時間:2008-1 出版社:中國電力出版社 作者:唐曉靜 編 頁數(shù):186
名師主筆,專家審稿:本套叢書由各省市國家級示范中學和省級示范中學的特高級教師、優(yōu)秀骨干教師聯(lián)合編寫,由中外教育專家審定把關。 設計新穎,操作靈活:本套叢書內容按周發(fā)設計,既有利于教師課堂定時檢測,又適合學生同步自測,操作曼活方便、節(jié)時高效。 同步性好,適用性廣:本套叢書以新課標及最新考綱為依據(jù)編寫,適用于各種版本教材。 設計巧妙,效果最佳:聽力理解訓練需要最強的心理關注度,間隔一到兩日訓練。利于學生保持足夠的訓練興奮度和最強的心理關注度,事半功倍。 講解精要,歸納精準:每周均附有訓練、應試技巧指導,有助于學生體會規(guī)律,舉一反三。經(jīng)典表達列出相關高頻語言材料。有助于學生不斷積累聽力語言素材,培養(yǎng)話感。進而大幅提高聽能水平。
WEEK 1 Phonetics & IntonationWEEK 2 Time & NumberWEEK 3 Certainty & UncertaintyWEEK 4 Wish & FarewellWEEK 5 Existence & PositionWEEK 6 Talking about PastWEEK 7 Food & DrinkWEEK 8 TestWEEK 9 Asking for OpinionWEEK 10 Interest & HobbyWEEK 11 Request & PermissionWEEK 12 Forecast & DeduceWEEK 13 ComparisonWEEK 14 Desire & PlanWEEK 15 Advice & SuggestionWEEK 16 Test錄音稿參考答案
M:My.brother isn't like me.I like playing chess whilehe likes playing cards. W:I think chess is fairly similar to cards,though Idon't play cards very often. M:1 wouldn't say they're totally different.But chess iscertainly more difficult and requires moreconcenafion. W:I agree with you there.That's why there're fewerpeople who play chess.(Text 6) W:HeHo! M:Hello!IsthatDrSmith'soffice? W:Yes.what canIdoforyou? M:IsDrSmiththere? W:DrSmithhadtogohome atnoon.MayIaskwhoiscalHng? M:ThisisTom. W:Oh.DrSmith saidhewasanxioustotalktoyou. M:I know.Do you mind telling him that I phonedhim? W:All right.He said that you could phone him.Hisphone number is 69876543. M:Thank you very much.1 will phone him after awhile. ?。═ext7) W:You seem happy today,don't you? M:Yeall.111e sun was shining when I got up thismorningandIdroveLizzyto sch001. W:Wheredidyoumeether? M:Shewas standingatthe comeL Shewaswaitingforabus. W:Wlas shegladto seeyou? M:Very glad.It was cold on that comer and she wasonlywearing a skirtand alightblouse. W:Wereyoulateforwork? M:No.I got to my office at twenty-five past eight.Ihad five minutes left. ?。═ext8) M:What'sthetime,Jane? W:2:20bymywatch. M:Hurryup.We'11belate. W:Whendoestheplanetakeoff7. M:At4:30. W:Don'tworry.There'splentyoftime. M:I'mnot sureofthat.Youknow,wehavetobethereone hour before the plane takes off and there isalwaysheavytraffic. W:Then let's startoff. M:Jane.Haveyougotourtickets? W:Aren'ttheywithyou? M:But I can't find them now.See if they ale in yourhandbag. W:No.theyarea't. M:Oh.Irememberleavingtheminmyoffice. W:PoorTom,you're always forgetting things. ?。═ext9) M:I'dliketobook afew seatsforHamlet,please. W:Yes.Sir. M:Have you got any seats downstairs? W:Yes.wehave. M:Howmucharethey? W:$3.75 each. M:Arethereany seatsfor$2.507 W:Yes.thereare-upstairs.Howmany? M:Four,please. W:For which night? M:What aboutSaturday,October21st? W:I can give youfour seatsin row 8. M:How long will the performance last? W:Two and ahalfhours. M:Thankyou. ?。═extl0) W:Once aIl old gentleman went to see a doctor.Thedoctor examined him and said,"Medicine won'thelp you.You must have a complete rest.Go to aquietplacefor amonth。gotobed early,drinkmilk,walk alot,and smokejustone cigaraday." ……