
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:世界圖書出版公司  作者:[美] 鐘開萊  頁數:402  


In this edition two new chapters, 9 and 10, on mathematical finance areadded. They are written by Dr. Farid AitSahlia, ancien dlve, who hastaught such a course and worked on the research staff of several industrialand financial institutions.The new text begins with a meticulous account of the uncommon vocab-ulary and syntax of the financial world; its manifold options and actions,with consequent expectations and variations, in the marketplace. These arethen expounded in clear, precise mathematical terms and treated by themethods of probability developed in the earlier chapters. Numerous gradedand motivated examples and exercises are supplied to illustrate the appli-cability of the fundamental concepts and techniques to concrete financialproblems. For the reader whose main interest is in finance, only a portionof the first eight chapters is a "prerequisite" for the study of the last twochapters. Further specific references may be scanned from the topics listedin the Index, then pursued in more detail.I have taken this opportunity to fill a gap in Section 8.1 and to expandAppendix 3 to include a useful proposition on martingale stopped at anoptional time. The latter notion plays a basic role in more advanced finan-cial and other disciplines. However, the level of our compendium remainselementary, as befitting the title and scheme of this textbook. We have alsoincluded some up-to-date financial episodes to enliven, for the beginners,the stratified atmosphere of "strictly business". We are indebted to RuthWilliams, who read a draft of the new chapters with valuable suggestionsfor improvement; to Bernard Bru and Marc Barbut for information on thePareto-L~vy laws originally designed for income distributions. It is hopedthat a readable summary of this renowned work may be found in the newAppendix 4.


本書是一部介紹概率論及其應用的入門教程。其原始版本面世已經有30余年,但仍然是本科一二年級的經典概率教程。在第4版中增加了兩章講述應用和數學金融。傳承前面版本詳細、嚴謹的風格,講述了有價證券和期貨理論的基本知識。書中用最初等的方法講述了概率測度、隨機變量、分布以及期望等基本概念。離散和連續(xù)的案例都有所涉及,在講述后者的時候運用了微積分知識。配以大量的典型例子重點講述概率推理,集中介紹了組合問題、Poison過程、隨機漫步、遺傳模型和Markov鏈。每章末都附有習題及其解答。目次:集合;概率;計數;隨機變量;附錄?! ∽x者對象:數學專業(yè)的本科生以及廣大概率論愛好者。


PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION PROLOGUE TO INTRODUCTION TO MATHEMATICAL FINANCE 1 SET  1.1 Sample sets  1.2 Operations with sets  1.3 Various relations  1.4 Indicator  Exercises 2 PROBABILITY  2.1 Examples of probability  2.2 Definition and illustrations  2.3 Deductions from the axioms  2.4 Independent events  2.5 Arithmetical density  Exercises 3 COUNTING  3.1 Fundamental rule  3.2 Diverse ways of sampling  3.3 Allocation models; binomial coefficients  3.4 How to solve it  Exercises 4 RANDOM VARIABLES  4.1 What is a random variable?  4.2 How do random variables come about?  4.3 Distribution and expectation  4.4 Integer-valued random variables  4.5 Random variables with densities  4.6 General case  Exercises  APPENDIX 1: BOREL FIELDS AND GENERAL RANDOM VARIABLES 5 CONDITIONING AND INDEPENDENCE  5.1 Examples of conditioning  5.2 Basic formulas  5.3 Sequential sampling  5.4 P61ya's urn scheme  5.5 Independence and relevance  5.6 Genetical models  Exercises 6 MEAN, VARIANCE, AND TRANSFORMS  6.1 Basic properties of expectation  6.2 The density case   6.3 Multiplication theorem; variance and covariance  6.4 Multinomial distribution  6.5 Generating function and the like  Exercises 7 POISSON AND NORMAL DISTRIBUTIONS  7.1 Models for Poisson distribution  7.2 Poisson process  7.3 From binomial to normal  7.4 Normal distribution  7.5 Central limit theorem  7.6 Law of large numbers  Exercises APPENDIX 2: STIRLING'S FORMULA AND DE MOIVRE-LAPLACE'S THEOREM 8 FROM RANDOM WALKS TO MARKOV CHAINS  8.1 Problems of the wanderer or gambler  8.2 Limiting schemes  8.3 Transition probabilities  8.4 Basic structure of Markov chains  8.5 Further developments  8.6 Steady state  8.7 Winding up (or down?)  Exercises APPENDIX 3: MARTINGALE 9 MEAN-VARIANCE PRICING MODEL  9.1 An investments primer  9.2 Asset return and risk  9.3 Portfolio allocation  9.4 Diversification  9.5 Mean-variance optimization  9.6 Asset return distributions  9.7 Stable probability distributions  Exercises APPENDIX 4: PARETO AND STABLE LAWS 10 OPTION PRICING THEORY  10.1 Options basics  10.2 Arbitrage-free pricing: 1-period model  10.3 Arbitrage-free pricing: N-period model  10.4 Fundamental asset pricing theorems Exercises GENERAL REFERENCES ANSWERS TO PROBLEMS VALUES OF THE STANDARD NORMAL DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION INDEX








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用戶評論 (總計25條)


  •   很不錯的書,有助于深入研習概率
  •   我在學校里沒專門學過高數,希望有好的教材引導我的理解。聽人介紹買的,據說作者是概率論大師而且學這個的對這本教材評價非常高。全英文,外國教材的讀者體驗普遍不錯的。
  •   一代華人數學家鐘開萊先生的傑作??赡苤犁娤壬值娜藖K不多,但在概率界,K.L. Chung的名字是如雷貫耳的。一定要好好讀一讀!
  •   學概率直接看這本吧,看國內教材就是在浪費時間
  •   概率論經典名著,不錯不錯
  •   Chung, Kai Lai, 鐘開萊寫的,看了他的簡歷,發(fā)現他真的很強,很有天賦。風格是美國和中國的結合。說句心里話,他對數學方面的貢獻絕對不亞于陳省身,只不過他,沒有回報祖國,這是最大的遺憾!
  •   書本不錯啊,絕對正品
  •   經典中的經典,雖然是初級概率論,但非常注重概率論的基本概得講解,并且這本書舉了大量例子來討論概率的直觀感覺。但是寫得非常好啊,實在建議所有沒讀過的人讀一遍。
  •   先介紹一下作者,鐘開萊(1917~2009)是著名華裔數學家、概率學家,1940年畢業(yè)于西南聯(lián)大數學系,1945年憑庚子賠款獎學金赴美留學,1947年獲普林斯頓大學博士學位,曾任斯坦福大學數學系系主任。本書是典型的大師之作,在初等水平上講解概率論的本質,與國內那些垃圾概率論教材相比,差距何止是幾條街,應該是幾光年才對!
  •   寫的通俗易懂??!大師呀~~翻開看的入迷把炒的菜都整糊了~~
  •   我?guī)缀鹾苌賹憰u,因為懶。但是滿懷痛苦看過Ross的A First Course in Probability之后,開開的書讓我有種找到知音的感覺??础叭饨z”的書,一個例子接著一個例子,不知道什么時候才是個完,而例子和例子之間的關聯(lián)也不明白,還喜歡跳掉步驟,喲喲,可惜“肉絲”畢竟沒有“鹵丁”那樣的寫書功力?!叭饨z”可以當做野怪,沒事去打打怪升級,“開開”可以當做主要的教程,自學也好,他人教也好,是兩相宜的。不知道知識要在頭腦里清晰到什么程度,才可以寫出如此簡單明了的書?!叭饨z”和開開的區(qū)別,可能就是牛人和大濕的區(qū)別吧。
  •   當然,內容是初等的,如果希望了解更高等的內容,可能還要參考別的書。
  •   封面很好看,看封面都覺得洋氣
  •   很不錯的寶貝,質量很好,就是物流慢了一些!
  •   不錯的概率入門書籍!?。?/li>
  •   上課時聽老師說鐘開萊的書是精品中的精品
  •   印刷好,內容經典,值得擁有!
  •   大師之作,讀起來非常舒服~
  •   有時會翻一翻,不錯的工具書
  •   概率是非常實用的科學,需要補補課了。
  •   書不錯,包裝精美,干凈。印刷也還好的,比較基礎的概論知識,適合初級入門者。
  •   大師的書,內容實在精彩。國內的教材可以撕了。
  •   由于工作中常用到概率和統(tǒng)計,我想再把自己的概論統(tǒng)計知識鞏固提高一下,查了好多書,網友都說這本書是經典,我便選擇了這本,但是看了三、四章,發(fā)現書寫的是很好,很生動,論述也應該很透徹,但是我發(fā)現似乎對非數學專業(yè)的人來說,是不是這本書有點太專業(yè)了?還是我水平不夠?。?/li>
  •   雖然名字叫初等,但是內容非常精彩,印刷也非常好,滿分
  •   這書是10年前寫的,大家查一下有沒有新版本吧

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