出版時(shí)間:2011-4 出版社:世界圖書出版公司 作者:萊特希爾 頁數(shù):504
作者:(英國(guó))萊特希爾(James Lighthill)
chapter 1. sound waves
1.1 the wave equation
1.2 the speed of sound
1.3 acoustic energy and intensity
1.4 the simple source
1.5 the acoustic dipole
1.6 compact source regions in general
1.7 compact source regions with dipole far fields
1.8 ripple-tank simulations
1.9 scattering by compact bodies
1.10 quadrupole radiation
1.11 radiation from spheres
1.12 radiation from plane walls
1.13 dissipation of acoustic energy
exercises on chapter 1
chapter 2. one-dimensional waves in fluids
2.1 longitudinal waves in tubes and channels
2.2 examples, including elastic tubes and open channels
2.3 transmission of waves through junctions
2.4 propagation through branching systems
2.5 cavities, constrictions, resonators
2.6 linear propagation with gradually varying composition and
2.7 frictional attenuation
2.8 nonlinear theory of plane waves
2.9 simple waves
2.10 shock waves
2.11 theory of simple waves incorporating weak shock waves
2.12 hydraulic jumps
2.13 nonlinear propagation with gradually varying composition and
2.14 nonlinear geometrical acoustics
exercises on chapter 2
chapter 3. water waves
3.1 surface gravity waves
3.2 sinusoidal waves on deep water
3.3 sinusoidal waves on water of arbitrary, but uniform,
3.4 ripples
3.5 attenuation
3.6 introduction to group velocity
3.7 the fourier analysis of dispersive systems
3.8 energy propagation velocity
3.9 wave patterns made by obstacles in a steady stream
3.10 ship waves
exercises on chapter 3
chapter 4. internal waves
4.1 introduction to internal gravity waves
4.2 combined theory of sound and internal waves
4.3 internal waves in the ocean and in the atmosphere
4.4 introduction to anisotropic dispersion
4.5 general theory of ray tracing
4.6 ray tracing in a wind
4.7 steady streaming generated by wave attenuation
4.8 stationary phase in three dimensions
4.9 general theory of oscillating sources of waves
4.10 internal waves generated by an oscillating source
4.11 caustics
4.12 wave generation by travelling forcing effects
4.13 waveguides
exercises on chapter 4
part 1 a variety of waves in fluids
part 2 nonlinear effects on dispersive wave propagation
(indexed as pages a to q)
part 1 some basic texts
part 2 acoustic literature
part 3 water-wave literature.
part 4 stratified-fluids literature
part 5 a bibliography for the epilogue
notation list
author index
subject index
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: We now consider what features in real plane waves of sound prevent these impossible deformations of waveforms in general,and then analyse,taking those features into account,the real wave generated by impulsive motion of a piston into fluid.Note that the only features which can modify our conclusions on simple-wave propagation are dissipative processes,since the Riemann theory(section 2.8)underlying our conclusions is exact for waves subject only to nondissipative processes.Out of the various dissipative processes considered in sections1.13 and 2.7,we must find therefore whether any can produce effects big enough and fast enough to annul a powerful and rapid tendency for transformations of waveform like those between figures 31 and 32.