
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:中國石化出版社  作者:陳波水 等編  頁數(shù):202  


  如果說學習英語主要是為了借鑒國外先進科技知識,為我國的現(xiàn)代化建設(shè)服務(wù),那么閱讀國外專業(yè)科技文獻則是達到此目的的最重要、最現(xiàn)實的手段。不少人有這樣一種錯誤認識:只要能讀懂英文報刊、小說,閱讀專業(yè)科技書刊就不成問題。實際上,英文科技書刊有許多與英文報刊、小說不同的特點,仍需要我們?nèi)W習和掌握。比如,專業(yè)科技書刊就其語言來說被動句多、長句多、專業(yè)詞匯多等。為了幫助油品應(yīng)用工程專業(yè)的本科生和相關(guān)專業(yè)的工程技術(shù)人員學習專業(yè)英語,我們編寫了此書?! 〗滩氖墙虒W的基本要素之一。本書旨在為油品應(yīng)用工程專業(yè)的專業(yè)英語教學提供一本比較系統(tǒng)的教學用書。書中課文和閱讀材料均選自英關(guān)原版書刊,語言地道,所涉及的專業(yè)內(nèi)容既照顧系統(tǒng)性,也考慮了先進性。通過學習本教材,可以對油品應(yīng)用工程專業(yè)有一個相對全面的了解,包括專業(yè)內(nèi)容、專業(yè)動態(tài)和文章題材等。  本書課文主要用于課堂教學,閱讀材料和練習主要用于課后閱讀和作業(yè)。教師可根據(jù)具體情況,有選擇地安排教學。本書雖經(jīng)多次補充和完善,但限于編者水平,不足之處在所難免,懇請廣大師生和讀者批評指正?! ”緯帉戇^程中始終得到后勤工程學院油品應(yīng)用工程教研室熊云教授的關(guān)懷和幫助。后勤工程學院王蒙、馮靜、林詩帆、肖璐薇、姚代勇、孫璐等同志參與部分內(nèi)容編寫和修校,在此一并表示感謝。


本書是在精選國外專業(yè)文獻基礎(chǔ)上編寫而成的。全書共20課,每課由課文、詞匯表、課文注釋、練習和閱讀材料組成。課文和閱讀材料的知識模塊主要包括新能源、石油開采與煉制、燃料、潤滑油、潤滑脂、油品添加劑、固體潤滑劑、石油化學品、燃燒學、摩擦學,基本囊括了油品應(yīng)用工程專業(yè)的專業(yè)內(nèi)容。    本書適于具有大學英語水平的讀者學習專業(yè)英語,可作為高等院校油品應(yīng)用工程專業(yè)的專業(yè)英語教材,亦可供其他相近專業(yè)選用,還可作為有關(guān)工程技術(shù)人員的參考書。


Lesson 1 EnergyLesson 2 PetroleumLesson 3 Origin of PetroleumLesson 4 Petroleum ProductionLesson 5 Petroleum RefiningLesson 6 GasolineLesson 7 KeroseneLesson 8 Diesel fuelLesson 9 Lubricating OilLesson 10 Automotive OilLesson 11 Lubricating GreaseLesson 12 Solid LubricantLesson 13 AsphaltLesson 14 PetrochemicalsLesson 15 Petroleum AdditivesLesson 16 Combustion of FuelsLesson 17 ViscosityLesson 18 Friction and WearLesson 19 LubricationLesson 20 TribologyAppendix I Petroleum GlossaryAppendix Ⅱ Organizations AbbreviationsAppendix Ⅲ Answer Keys


  Generally, with catenation comes the loss of the total amount of bonded hydrocarbons and anincrease in the amount of energy required for bond cleavage due to strain exerted upon the m01e-cule; in molecules such as cyclohexane, this is referred to as ring strain, and 0ccurs due to thedestabilized spatial electron configuration of the atom.  In simple chemistry, as per valence bond theory, the carbon atom must follow the 4-hydrogenrule, which states that the maximum number of atoms available to bond with carbon is equal to thenumber of electrons that are attracted into the outer shell of carbon. In terms of shells, carbon con-sists of an incomplete outer shell, which comprises 4 electrons, and thus has 4 electrons availablefor covalent bonding.  Hydrocarbons are one of the Earths most important energy resources. Hydrocarbons are cur-rently the main source of the world s electric energy and heat sources because of the energy pro-duced when burnt. Often this energy is used directly as heat such as in home heaters, which use ei-ther oil or natural gas. The hydrocarbon is burnt and the heat is used to heat water, which is thencirculated. A similar principle is used to create electric energy in power plants. Hydrocarbons areburnt and the energy released in this way is used to turn water into steam, which is used to turn aturbine that generates energy.  In an ideal reaction, the waste would be only water and carbon dioxide, but because the coalis not pure or clean there are often many toxic byproducts such as mercury and arsenic. Also, in-complete combustion causes the production of carbon monoxide (CO) which is toxic to humans dueto its tendency to bind to hemoglobin molecules in the bloodstream. Once bound, CO does not allowoxygen to be carried by hemoglobin and can result in hypoxia. Incomplete combustion also has a by-product of carbon in the form of soot.



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  •   內(nèi)容很專業(yè),很有質(zhì)量,配有課后練習,很不錯~~~

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