
出版時間:2012-1  出版社:知識產(chǎn)權出版社  作者:徐世璇,等 編  頁數(shù):207  




Chapter I Language Endangerment:Descriptions and Analyses1.Mapping Endangered Languages of the Pacific: Cases Studies in Taiwan of China, Orchid Island and the Batanes2.A Sketch Introduction of Sakizaya3.Structural Decline in Endangered Languages as Exemplified by Structural Changes in Southern Tujia4."Endangered Dialects" in Tibetan: a Case of Eastern Khams Vernaculars5.A Description of Endangered Phonemic Oppositions in Yongning Na (Mosuo)6.New Data on the Socio-Linguistic Situation in Minor Pamiri communities7.Endangered languages in Africa: Focus on Tanzania's Ngasa and Akie8.Saami Languages in Finland and Russia after One and a Half CenturyChapter 2 Language Maintenance:Documentation and Preservation9.The Use of Sound Archives for the Study and Teaching of Endangered Languages10.Language Policy, Endangered Languages Research and Teaching Experience in the Russian Federation11.Endangered Languages Documentation and Description: Should these Activities be Separated?12.Globalization and Language Preservation--A case study of Naxi13.A Case Study of Language Heritage Maintenance14.The Maintenance of Written Hani and Resilience Thinking--A Case Study of the Hanitanlan Website15.Using Information Technology to Salvage and Protect Nu ShuAppendix Academic Session on Issues of Language Endangerment at the XVIth IUAES Congress 2009



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