出版時間:2007-03-01 出版社:黑龍江朝鮮民族出版社 作者:嚴文勇 著 頁數(shù):181
Hey!Friend!You Are Still Alive!There is an episode of young Bismarck the great man in Germany.One day,whenBismarck and his friend went hunting,theycame to a rapid stream in the valley.Therewas a log bridge but it looked very oldand dangerous.Bismarck gave up on crossing the bridgeand looked for another way.But his foolishfriend decided to go on that bridge and fellinto the water.The friend shouted and criedfor help in the deep water.Then Bismarck didn't try to help himand even aimed at him with his pist01.”Icouldn’t see you drowning to death,SO Iwould rather kill you with my pistol!”Afterhearing what Bismarck said,the drowningand struggling friend was very angry andtried to collect himself,saying,”I will seeyou,later.” He tried harder and did his best andgot out of the water.And he asked Bismarck to fight,because he tried to kill him.Then,Bismarck smiled and said gently."Hey!My friend!Look on the bright side!You're alive now.If I jumped into the water to save you,we both would have drowned.Or if I did SO,you wouldn’t try your very best.”Finally the friend realized his foolishness and said to a wise Bismarck,”Thank you my friend.When you aimedyour pistol at me,I was really angry So Icould get out of the water to fight you.Infact,you helped me come out of the water.At first,I thought that you were foolish nottO go on that log bridge.but I was thefool.”Then two of them walked side by side.