
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:廣東教育出版社  作者:沈紅,湯璐  頁數(shù):167  


  每一個成語背后都有一段傳奇軼事、歷史典故。《中國成語故事》以中英對照的形式描述了中國成語故事,內(nèi)容豐富,語言簡潔,集知識性與趣味性一體,既學習中華民族的語言精華,又提高英語閱讀水平。擁有《中國成語故事》,魚與熊掌可以兼得?! ≡谥腥A民族五千年的傳統(tǒng)文化中,成語是漢語中的璀璨明珠,是中華民族語言的瑰寶。其精練、形象,極富表現(xiàn)力,有著歷史歷史文化、民族文化的豐厚積淀?!吨袊烧Z故事》將那些最常用、最膾炙人口的成語以講故事的形式呈現(xiàn)出來,使青少年在了解歷史、增長見識、提高學習成績等諸多方面受益匪淺,全書配有精美插圖,對文中生僻字注音,并注明了成語的出處,是青少年成長的必備讀物。




  1.愛屋及烏  中國歷史上有一個國家名叫“周”。一天,周王問他的官員,應該怎樣處理戰(zhàn)俘。  一個官員說:“我以前曾聽說:如果喜歡某個人,就連停留在那人住的屋頂上的烏鴉都喜歡;如果厭惡某個人,就連那人家里的墻壁和圍墻都厭惡。戰(zhàn)俘是我們的敵人,和我們是對立的,我覺得最好把他們?nèi)繗⒘恕!敝芡跽J為這樣做不行?! ×硗庖粋€官員也提出了自己的意見:“依我看應該把戰(zhàn)俘區(qū)分對待,把有罪的和無罪的、好的和壞的區(qū)分開來。有罪的戰(zhàn)俘要處死,不能留下禍患。”周王認為這樣做也不大妥當。  接著,又有一個官員說:“大王,我認為應該把這些戰(zhàn)俘全都放了,讓他們回到自己的家里,耕種田地,自食其力。而大王對自己的親人和朋友,也要賞罰分明,不能偏心。通過道德和法律來治理國家,人民肯定會對大王信服的?!敝芡趼牶笥X得很有道理,就按這個辦法去做,結(jié)果國家真的很快安定下來了,變得越來越穩(wěn)定和強大?! 〕烧Z“愛屋及烏”后來就被用來比喻:因為喜愛一個人,連帶和他有關(guān)的人或事物也喜愛、關(guān)心?! he Love for a Person Extending Even to the Crows on His RoofThere was a state called Zhou in the Chinese history. Oneday, the king of Zhou asked his officials for advice on dealingwith prisoners of war.  An official said, "I once heard if you love someone, you areintended to love even the crows on the roof of his house;if youhate someone, you are intended to hate even the walls and theparapets of his. The prisoners of war were enemies fightingagainst us. In my opinion, we'd better kill them all."But the kingdidn't agree with him.  "I think we should treat the prisoners of war differently bydiffering them into those who are guilty and those who are not.The guilty ones will be sentenced to death in order to avoidfuture disasters." Another official put forward his suggestion.The king didn't think it was a proper way, either.  Then a third one said, "Your Majesty, I think all theprisoners should be set free and sent back home to work in thefields and support themselves by their own labor.Moreover, youshould keep strictly the rules for reward and punishment and treatyour relatives and friends impartially.The people are sure tobelieve in you if you administer our country by morals and laws."The king thought the official's proposal was quite reasonable sohe accepted and followed it.As a result, the domestic situationsoon settled down and gradually the country became more stable andstronger.  The idiom is then used to mean that if you love someone,you'll love people and things relative to him as well.  ……



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