
出版時間:2008-4  出版社:奧爾森 上海外語教育出版社 (2008-04出版)  作者:John Olsson  頁數(shù):269  


  作者John Olsson是一名司法語言學(xué)家,協(xié)助法律界和警界多年,主要是為民事案件的調(diào)查偵訊提供語言學(xué)方面的指導(dǎo)和幫助,其獨特的鑒定理論也在美國庭審被廣泛運用。本書作為作者豐富實踐經(jīng)驗和深厚學(xué)術(shù)底蘊之結(jié)晶,詳細(xì)闡述了法律語言領(lǐng)域的基礎(chǔ)概念和研究方法,旨在為讀者提供一個全面的概要。  值得一提的是,本書重點介紹了司法語言學(xué)在罪案調(diào)查和法庭臨訊等過程中可能產(chǎn)生的作用和幫助,介紹了語言學(xué)家如何深入文字背后,分析各種線索,如果從語言角度入手科學(xué)的解讀各種重要的案例文本。作者特別引用了一些大眾熟悉的實際案例進(jìn)行分析,增強了本書的實用性和可讀性。


DedicationAcknowledgementsList of charts, figures, tables, texts, forensic: texts andexercisesIntroduction1.Previous authorship studies2.Individuals and language use3.Evidence in court4.An authorship inquiry5.Sampling and authorship6.Single-text inquiries7.Authorship profiling8.Detecting plagiarism9.Veracity in language10.Forensic text types11.Phonetics12.The forensic cookbookAppendix A: ExercisesAppendix B: TextsEndnotesBibliographyIndex


Forensic linguistics is an application of linguistics. Perhaps then we should begin by asking what linguistics is. Linguistics is the scientific study of language. There are many branches within linguistics, and the linguist might specialize in anything from language acquisition to grammar, language and society or - as in the present case - language, crime and the law.In addition, linguists look at how the individual's use of language changes through the course of life, language universals - the elements shared by all languages, the structure of language sounds, language and society, and of course the subject of this book - language, crime and thelaw.Language is the most advanced means of communication known to us,and its use is absolutely central to our existence. In the past few decades,the study of language and languages has greatly increased at centres of higher learning throughout the world. This has had massive benefits to both the science itself, and to students worldwide: whereas previously,linguistics inhabited its very own ivory tower within academia, it has in this time become less and less concerned with abstract theory and more concerned with the application of knowledge to everyday issues. One area that has greatly benefited from this approach is the interface between language and crime. In 1968, when Jan Svartvik analysed the statements of Timothy John Evans - hanged for the murder of his wife and baby, and posthumously pardoned - he coined the term forensic linguistics but for years little happened in the field. In time, however, it became evident that linguists could be of service to the law by helping those who had been treated unjustly by it, and in the early 1990s Malcolm Coulthard began to analyse other police statements. One of these was the text attributed to Derek Bentley, also hanged in the 1950s and - thanks largely to Coulthard - later pardoned.






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