
出版時間:2010-5  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:戴煒棟 編  頁數(shù):551  


  很早以前,在開設外語教學法課程的過程中,我們就產(chǎn)生了選編一本介紹外語教學理論和動態(tài)走向的讀本的想法。我們選取了國外外語教學研究領域的領軍人物近20年來發(fā)表的關于教學研究的必讀文章,以及一些學者撰寫的具有學科指導意義的精品文章,力圖幫助廣大外語教學領域的研究者從宏觀上把握該領域的研究狀況,從而獲得研究的一手資料?! ∥覀冞x編的文章既包括2000年以后發(fā)表的介紹外語教學研究領域最新進展和發(fā)展方向的文章,也包括20世紀80、90年代發(fā)表的介紹本學科基礎內(nèi)容的必讀文章,以幫助研究者了解外語教學領域研究的不同層面。選編的內(nèi)容主要包括這幾個方面:外語教學基本理論、教學法、教學內(nèi)容設計、教材編寫、測試、師資培訓、學習者策略、多媒體教學和語料庫研究?! ⊥庹Z教學是研究教授和學習外語規(guī)律的科學。它是語言學研究的具體體現(xiàn),語言學研究的諸多理論成果要放到外語教學實踐中去檢驗。因此,如同語言學的發(fā)展一樣,外語教學首先是對語言進行靜態(tài)的教學,然后才逐漸向動態(tài)教學過渡。影響外語教學呈動態(tài)發(fā)展的原因主要有兩個:其一,語言學理論的發(fā)展;其二,時代要求。一直以來,我們呼喚具有中國特色的外語教學理論,最主要的原因之一是目前中國的外語教學還存在不少問題。我們需要有中國特色的外語教學理論,并不是說我們不需要學習和研究國外的外語教學理論;恰恰相反,具有中國特色的外語教學理論需要對國外相關理論,尤其是第二語言習得理論,進行認真學習、梳理和消化才會有堅實的基礎。其實,在過去的幾十年里,我國的外語教學理論研究主要是對國外外語教學理論的引進、消化和應用。




CHAPTER 1  Fundamental Concepts of Foreign Language Teaching  Three Misconceptions about Age and L2 Learning  Towards Intercultural Communicative Competence in ELT  Feedback on Second Language Students' WritingCHAPTER 2  Teaching Methodology and Approaches  There Is No Best Method --Why?  TESOL Methods: Changing Tracks, Challenging Trends  Exploring Input Processing in the Classroom: An Experimental Comparison of Processing Instruction and Enriched InputCHAPTER 3  Foreign Language Teaching Research Methods  Action Research: An Evolving Paradigm?  Exploratory Practice: Rethinking Practitioner Research in Language Teaching  Making Sense of Language Teaching: Teachers' Principles and Classroom PracticesCHAPTER 4  Curriculum Development  French Core Programs across Canada: How Can We Improve Them?  The Use of a Research Model to Guide Curriculum Development  Developing Web-based Curricula: Issues and ChallengesCHAPTER 5  Materials Development  The Textbook as Agent of Change  The Empirical Evaluation 0fLanguage Teaching Materials  Materials Development and Research -- Making the ConnectionCHAPTER 6  Syllabus Design and Needs Analysis  A Critical Look at the Communicative Approach (Ⅰ)  A Critical Look at the Communicative Approach (Ⅱ)  On Notional Syllabuses  Negotiating the Syllabus: A Win-win Situation?CHAPTER 7  Teacher Education  Teacher Training, Development, and Decision Making: A Model of Teaching and Related Strategies for Language Teacher Education  Teachers' Theories in Grammar Teaching  The Sociocultural Turn and Its Challenges for Second Language Teacher Education


  Instead of arguing over whether or not L2 teachers should study,for example, theories of SLA as part of a professional preparation program, attention may be better focused on creating opportunities for L2 teachers to make sense of those theories in their professional lives and the settings where they work (Freeman &Johnson, 1998a; 2004). From this perspective, the construct of praxis (Freire, 1970) is more suitable for the preparation of teachersbecause it captures how theory and practice inform one another and how this transformative process informs teachers work (Carr & Kemmis, 1986; Edge &Richards, 1998; Simon, 1992).  A recent account of L2 teachers praxis is The TESOL Quarterly Dialogues:Rethinking Issues of Language, Culture, and Power (Sharkey &Johnson, 2003). In this collection of dialogues between TQ readers (classroom teachers) and TQ authors (researchers), expert knowledge (Kennedy, 1999) as codified in previously published TQ articles provides TQ readers with theoretical constructsand multiple discourses through which they express their emerging under-standings of language, culture, and power in L2 teaching. TQ readers actively link this expert knowledge to their own experiential knowledge as they reframe the way they describe and interpret their lived experiences. These new under- standings enable TQ readers to reorganize their experiential knowledge, and this reorganization creates a new lens through which they interpret their understandings of themselves and their classroom practices. Thus, praxis, as a form of expertise, has a great deal of experiential knowledge in it, but it is organized around and transformed through theoretical knowledge.



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