
出版時間:2009-12  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:蔣花  頁數(shù):233  






Introduction Doris Lessing and Her African Fiction0.1 Reaching Lessing0.2 The Relationship between the Individual and the Collective0.3 Understanding Lessings African Fiction0.4 Pursuit in Lessings Africa0.5 Literary Reviews on Lessings African Fiction0.6 The Theme and Brief Introduction to the OrganizationChapter 1 The (s)Self and the (o)Other1.1 The Theme and the Theoretical Framework1.2 Selfhood1.3 The self1.4 Historical Demarcation of the Self and the Other1.5 Difference and the Other1.6 Lacans Concept of the Other and the other1.7 The Other in Light of Postcolonialism1.8 Woman and the OtherChapter 2 The Natives and the Land as the Other, the Whites as the Bewildered Keepers of the White Mythology2.1 The Self and the Other in Colonial Africa2.2 Demonizing the Other, Destroying the self2.2.1 Moses Look, Marys Uneasiness2.2.2 Crippled Life of Stereotyped White Women2.3 Increasing Haunting Fear and Homelessness of the Average White People2.4 White Liberals Fragmentation2.5 Nature and "Ecological Imperialism".2.6 The Revenge of the Bush2.6.1 House, Settler Women and the Bush2.6.2 Menacing the House, Imprisoning Settler Women2.7 The Resistance of the Land2.7.1 Slatter, an "Automaton" of Colonialism2.7.2 Disillusioned Romantic FarmersChapter3 Minority Groups as the Other, Irreconcilable Conflicts within the Whites3.1 Minority Groups within the Whites3.2 Piled-up Grievances between the British and the Afrikaners3.2.1 Frail Friendship between the Quests and the Van Rensbergs3.2.2 White Skin, Native Life3.3 Martha and Jews, Victims of Anti-Semitism3.3.1 Corrupted Friendship with the Cohen Boys3.3.2 Distorted Love Affair with Adolph3.3.3 Martha and Thomas, the Permanent Exile3.4 The BitterAlienation of "the Sports Club Crowd".3.4.1 Receiving Typical English Education and Growing up in Africa3.4.2 Reducing Themselves to the Other in Ethics and Marriage3.5 The Inevitable Frustration of the Communist GroupChapter 4 Women, the Hopeless Otherin ColonialAfriea4.1 kessing and Feminism4.2 Poor, Lonely and Depressed Housewives on Remote Farms4.3 Exiled Eves on the Veld: "Normal" Daily Life, Abnormal Emotional Life4.4 The Other among Housewives on Farm4.5 Martha, a Townswoman with Distorted Subjectivity4.5.1 Adolescent Rebellion4.5.2 Inevitable Alienation Resulting from Romantic Love and Marriage4.6 Mrs.Van, a Townswoman Leading a Double Life4.7 No Enunciation Position for Native Women4.7.1 In the Eyes of White Female Settlers4.7.2 In the Eyes of White Men4.7.3 In the Eyes of Native MenChapter 5 Narrative Methods5.1 The Theme and Narrative Methods5.2 Omniscient Third Person Narration5.3 Epigraph5.4 From the Point of View of a Child or an Adolescent5.5 Dialectical Method5.5.1 Dialectical Method and the Theme5.5.2 Marstons Dialectical Roles5.5.3 Dialectical Method and the White and the Native RelationshipConclusionWorks Cited


  Lessing sets many of her stories in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe),a place she calls Zambesia in Children of voilence sequence, so a basic knowledgeof Southern Rhodesia is a prerequisite for understanding her African writings.Southern Rhodesia is located between two rivers the Zambezi River andthe Limpopo: the former in the north separates it from Zambia (formerlyNorthern Rhodesia); the latter serves as its southern border from SouthAfrica. Known as central Africa, it is to the northeast of the state of Botswanaand to the west of Mozambique. The northern and southern Rhodesia wasnamed in 1895 after the British entrepreneur Cecil John Rhodes in memoryof the great achievements Rhodes scored in establishing white settlementin the territory From then till 1923, Rhodes and the British South AfricaCompany were empowered to run the count. In 1923, Rhodesia officiallybecame a Crown Colona self-governing company. Ruled by the British,it was different from its neighbour, South Africa, and its governmentmaintained its difference from the latter. It dreaded to be incorporatedinto the latter, which was ruled by Afrikaners, and this partly caused greatantagonism between the colony and the Afrikaner country. Meanwhile, thecolony needed South Africa rather than England to support its apartheidpolicy for “from the forties onward it became increasingly clear that Britainwould be less likely than South Africa to support perpetual domination of thecountrys blacks, a strategy regarded by the settlers as essential to their verysurvival.”(Bertelsen 30) This particular situation made English settlers in thecolony foster and harbour a complex feeling toward "home" and deepenedtheir sense of homelessness.





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