
出版時間:2010-2  出版社:上海外語教育出版社  作者:曾靜,張文濤,鄭孟雯 主編  頁數(shù):283  




Unit 1 Love Text A A boy with a mission  Dialogue Romance is usually a mystery Text B Hungry for your love  Guided writing Simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentences  Grammar Punctuation IUnit 2 Growing-up Text A When Allie left home  Dialogue I wish I had a sister like yours Text B It's not just how we play that matters  Guided writing Relations between sentences I—— combination, expansion and transition  Grammar Punctuation HUnit 3 Culture and language Text A Friendship in different cultures  Dialogue What do you like to do with your free time? Text B Do the English understand English?  Guided writing Relations between sentences H——parallelism, subordination and contraction  Grammar Tag questionsUnit 4 Lifestyle Text A How to install love  Dialogue Would you please teach me how to use the computer? Text B My resignation  Guided writing Topic sentences  Grammar Phrasal verbsUnit 5 Happiness Text A The importance of just being there  Dialogue Why don 't you change your attitude and be happy? Text B The terribly, tragically sad man  Guided writing Paragraph development by examples  Grammar Compound wordsUnit 6 Comm Unication Text A Comm  Unicating without body language  Dialogue I ordered it through internet! Text B Internet addiction——fact or fantasy?  Guided writing Paragraph development by comparison and contrast  Grammar The word order of adjectivesUnit 7 Psychoanalysis Text A Young Hans   Dialogue Bird-watching on TV or in the mountains? Text B Doctor of the mind   Guided writing Paragraph development by definition and classification  Grammar Noun clausesUnit 8 A better world Text A I imagine world peace  Dialogue Earth day Text B The butterfly on the redwood  Guided writing Paragraph development by space and time  Grammar Adverbial clauses of time, place, concession and comparisonUnit 9 The most precious gift Text A The most precious gift  Dialogue What is the most precious gift? Text B Wendy's story  Guided writing Paragraph development by cause and effect  Granunar Adverbial clauses of cause, purpose and resultUnit 10 Popular science Text A Ants are smarter than we think  Dialogue Does camel spit at people? Text B How plants prepare for winter  Guided writing Concluding sentences  Grammar Subordinate clausesUnit 11 Job and interview Text A How to handle different types of interview  Dialogue I am qualified for the job I apply for Text B What to wear for job interviews  Guided writing   Unity and coherence Ⅰ  Grammar Appositives and appositive clausesUnit 12 Opinions Text A No gains without pains —— or are there?  Dialogue Isn't it unfair, sir? Text B So-called psychic a simple trickster  Guided writing   Unity and coherence Ⅱ   Grammar ParallelismAppendix Glossary



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