出版時(shí)間:2010-5 出版社:黃亞平 上海書店出版社 (2010-05出版) 作者:黃亞平 頁數(shù):92
Sun-Yat-Sen is highlY regarded as the forerunner of the ModernChinese Democratic Revolution and a nationalist.He iS the first onein China to eclare that China should abolish feudal monarchy andget rid of the ppression from the western lonizers withrevolutions.He also callS for the establishment of a republic andmoder in China.Under the leadership of Sun,a huge revolution tookplace in China in 1920s,in the purpose of changing China.Thisrevolution eventually overthrew monarchy and established Republicof China.
Huang Yaping,who was born on March,1962,Nanhui,Shanghai.He has been working at Shanghai Administrative Committee for the HistoricaI Relics of Sun YaFsen and Soong Ching Ling since July 1986.He edited and published various academic works and popular public readings,which include:Soong Ching Ling in Shanghai,Soong Ching Ling and the 20th Century,Soong Ching Ling,Sun YaFsen。He has been the Iong~erm participant of secretary section of Shanghai Research Association of Soong Ching Ling and organized several international seminars such as Soong Ching Ling and the Anti·Japanese War。Sun Yat-sen; History,Reality and Future,Soong Yao Ru and his time.He has been the chief editor of the biomonthly The Trends of the Study of Sun YaFsen and Soong Ching Ling, Deputy Chief of the Research Section of Shanghai Administrative Committee of the Historical Relics of Sun Yat sen and Soong Ching Ling。Deputy Secretary-General of Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Study Association,and the senes Sun Yat’sen and Soong Ching Ling:Archives and Research
Introduction Photos Residence Works Relics Chronicles and Activities of Sun-Yat-Sen in Shanghai
版權(quán)頁: 插圖: On September 4th 1922, Sun held the first meetingto study how to reorganize Kuomingtang in China.On Novermber 15th, Sun called in 59 Kuomingtangrepresentatives to discuss the amended plan ofreforming Kuomingtang. On January 1st 1923, Sun YatSen issued 'Declaration of Chinese Kuomingtang'. On January 2nd, Sun orgainized a general meeting ofreforming Kuomingtang and proclaimed the 'GeneralCharpter of Kuomingtang'. In late March, as the PrimeMinister, Sun made the appointments of departmentheads of Kuomingtang and members of militarycommittee, etc. On January 17th, Yue Fei came to Shanghaiand discussed with Sun about issues includingthe cooperation between Kuoming tang and CPC,reorganizing Kuomingtang, setting up armies, Russiaand Comintern providing aids for Chinese revolution,etc. On 26th, both parties signed the Declaration ofSun Wen and Yue Fei, thus Sun established the unionwith Soviet Russia. In January that year, Cominternalso passed the resolution of cooperation betweenKuomingtang and CPC. Meanwhile Sun organized two forces to suppressChen Jiongming. On January 16th, Chen was drivenout of Guangzhou. On Febuary 15th, Sun returnedto Guangzhou and set up revolutionary governmentfor the third time. In August Sun sent a group toSoviet Russia to talk about aids. As required by Sun,Soviet government assigned a political and militaryconsultant to stay in Guangzhou permanently to giveinstructions to Sun to organize relutionary activities.On January 20th 1924, Sun-Yat-Sen presided the firstNational Congress of Kuomingtang and completedthe reorganization of Kuomingtang and cooperationwith CPC in terms of organizational forms. In fact,this meeting symbolized the establishment of the firstcooperation between Kuomingtang and CPC. After the congress, Sun established executivedepartments in Beijing, Shanghai and Hankou. He alsoset up the Nationalist Party of China Army OfficerAcademy, i. e. Whampoa Military Academy. BetweenJanuary 27th 1924 to August 24th, he made a series ofspeeches on the Three Principles of the People. However, his reorganization of Kuomintang andcooperation with CPC were opposed by many partymembers. Most people in the party had doubts andworries with his policies. But Sun believed thatKuomintang needed fresh blood to revive and sethimself against those right-wing members. Whensome opponents threatened him that they would quitKuomintang, Sun immediately expelled them.