
出版時間:2000-8  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:Jean Stilwell Peccei  頁數(shù):121  


  In Child Language, Jean Stilwell Peccei outlines the major areas of inguistic analysis involved in the study of childrens language and covers key areas such as : vocabulary development, word and sentence structures, conversational skills and pronunciation. Building on the established strengths of the first edition. Child Language has now been fully updated and expanded throughout.  The second edition of Child Language: contains an expanded corpus of child language data and twenty-four additional exercises provides detailed guidance for a range of simple research projects now contains unit summaries provides an updated and expanded further reading section.


  Jean stilwell Peccei is a Visiting Lecturer at the Roehampton Institute London. She is the author of Pragmatics (forthcoming Language Workbook)and co-author of Language, Society and Power(1999).


王宗炎序?qū)ёxUsing this bookAcknowledgements1 Starting to talk2 Finding out what words mean3 Building up a dictionary4 Prtting together sentences5 Building longer sentences6 Saying‘No’and asking questions7 Becoming a word mader8 Having a conversation9 Learning to get the sounds right10 Still learning:‘Dogs’and ‘Gogs’11 Exploring childrens language:projects12 Going of from here:central issues and study questionsFurther readingCorpus of chlld - language dataAnswers to further exercisesIndex文庫索引




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