出版時(shí)間:2004-09-17 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:M.L.ROSENTHAL 頁數(shù):288
Among the most important developments in contemporary global culture is the arrival of Western literary criticism and literary theory in China. FLTRP is to be congratulated for its imagination and foresight in making these crucial texts available to teachers and students of literature through-out China. There is arguably no greater force in producing understanding between peoples than the transmission of literary traditions the great heritage of narrative, lyric, and prose forms that give cultures theirdistinctive character. Literary criticism and theory stand at the cross-roads of these transmissions. It is the body of writing that reflects on what a literature has meant to a culture. It investigates the moral, political, and experiential dimensions of literary traditions, linking form to content, literature to history, the sensuous love of literature to an alyticunderstanding. The availability of these important texts will greatly help students andteachers to become acquainted with recent criticism and major critical theories and movements. I am convinced that the series will make an important contribution to the literary education of China, increasing literacy in new fields and international understanding at the same time. It is an extraordinarily timely venture, at a time when comparative literarystudy in a global context has become increasingly important for professionals, and beyond that, for a general readership that seeks a deeperunderstanding of literature.
One POETRY PAST AND PRESENT, 31. The Widening of Sensibility, 32. Some Workings of Tradition, 103.Hopkins, Hardy, and the Religion of Art, 20Two YEATS AND THE MODERN MIND, 281. The Unconsenting Spirit, 282. A Retrospect: The Here and the There, 353. Prophetic Yeats, 41Three EZRA POUND: THE POET AS HERO, 491. Authority, 492. Mauberley: Alienation of the Citizen-Artist, 583. Some Notes on the Cantos, 66Four T.S. ELIOT AND THE DISPLACED SENSIBILITY, 751. Damnation on This Earth, 752. The Objective Correlative, 813. The Waste Land and Four Quartets, 88Five RIVAL IDIOMS: THE GREAT GENERATION, 1041. Robinson and Frost, 1042. Williams and Stevens, 1133. MacDiarmid and Muir, 1314. Moore, Cummings, Sandburg, Jeffers, 140Six NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH, 1601. D. H. Lawrence, 1602. Hart Crane, 1683. Auden and the Thirties, 182Seven EXQUISITE CHAOS: THOMAS AND OTHERS, 2031. Dylan Thomas and Recent British Verse, 2032. Robert Lowell and the Poetry of Confession, 2253. Poets of the New Academy, 2444. Outside the Academy, 264BIBLIOGRAPHY, 273INDEX, 279
Lawrence specifically rejects the term rebirth for the kind ofself-realization he thus celebrates. He visualizes the realization ofthe blood self as something new, a first birth out of the adultstate of non-being which has prevented the emergence of theprimal self into full growth. The point is that the state of livingdeath or non-being of our civilization is a necessary prelude to amodern mans self-realization. He must not go back to a savagestate but has still to let go, to know what not-being is, beforehe can be. Till he has gone through the Christian negation ofhimself, and has known the Christian consummation, he is amere amorphous heap. Whether we call this process rebirth orresurrection, then, it is a matter of coming through to a higherstage of personality. The irritable cerebral consciousness ceasesto inhibit the vital self, and the once oversophisticated intelligencesinks deep within the personality. Intelligence is not lost forever,as it would be if we simply reverted to a literally animal existence.It is absorbed into the life participation of men restored to normalrelations with the rest of the universe. Lawrences diagnosis of a diseased civilization seeing itself in amirror of false, antihuman abstractions and needing to recoverhealth through individual rebirth or resurrection is implicit inalmost all major modern poetry. The means of salvation, or ofpossible salvationmfor this is the great realm of the tentative, asEliots poetry surprisingly demonstratesmvary from poet to poet.But Lawrences mystical conception of a state of communion,body-centered, into which we have yet to be born, illuminates agreat deal of the poetry written over the past few decades. Theimpetus he has given to other writers comes not so much fromhis style——of all modem poets of real standing, he is perhaps theshakiest as a master of his craft——as from his simplifying the issues.