出版時間:2005-12 出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社 作者:哈特曼 頁數(shù):211
詞典學(xué)是一門重要的學(xué)科,詞典是一個寶貴的資源?!对~典學(xué)教學(xué)與研究》從“詞典歷史”、“詞典評論”、“詞典類型” 、“詞典結(jié)構(gòu)”及“詞典使用”等方面闡述了詞典編纂和詞典研究之間的關(guān)系,較為全面地為讀者介紹了這一學(xué)科在國際范圍內(nèi)的研究現(xiàn)狀及動向,可以在詞典使用、詞典研究和詞典編纂等方面為廣大讀者提供幫助。 本書的主要內(nèi)容和結(jié)構(gòu)如下: ·實(shí)踐和理論中的詞典學(xué); ·詞典研究的多種角度; ·詞典研究的課題、方法及個案; ·可供借鑒和參考的信息資源及術(shù)語。
General Editors’PrefaceAuthor's PrefaceAcknowledgdmentsSection I:Lexicography in practice and theory 1 The lexicographic scene 1.1 Mapping lexicography 1.2 Lexicography as a many—sided activity 2 Lexicography 8S practice 2.1 Dictionary rnbaking 2.2 The lexicographic process(es) 2.3 Compilation in action:the DoL(1998) 3 Lexicography as theory 3.1 Compiler,user,teacher,researcher 3.2 From metalexicography to reference science 3.3 Lexicography and applied linguistics 3.4 Diversification and globalisationSection II:Perspectives on dictionary research 4 Historical and critical perspectives 4.1 Dictionary history 4.2 Seven perspectives on dictionary history 4.3 Dictionary criticism 4.4 Six perspectives on dictionary criticism 5 Structural and typological perspectives 5.1 Dictionary structure 5.2 Six perspectives on dictionary structure 5.3 Dictionarytypology 5.4 Towards a typology of the pedagogical dictionary 6 The user perspective 6.1 The dictionary user-all unknown quantity? 6.2 Six perspectives on dictionary use 6.3 Limitations of research on dictionary use ……Section Ⅲ:lsues,methods and case studiesSection Ⅳ:ResourcesBibliographyCited dictionariesOther referencesIndex