
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:外語教學與研究出版社  作者:翟潤蕾  頁數(shù):142  


  美國西部神話產(chǎn)生于西進運動之后。它以發(fā)現(xiàn)西部、征服土地、尋找自由為出發(fā)點,是美國人對自我身份的一次重新界定。受到西部神話的影響,20世紀初的美國西部文學對自然與女性的描述有許多相似之處。自然被女性化,其形象被大致歸為三種原型:母親、處女以及情婦。這三種原型與女性在西部神話中所承擔的角色極為相似,體現(xiàn)了自然與女性在西部神話中共同的“他者”身份。同時,二者的模式化原型也剝奪了女性與自然在西部的發(fā)言權,無法真實而全面地反映西部拓荒生活,展現(xiàn)拓荒女陛的生活面貌。相反,美國西部女作家卻為我們提供了一個全新的視角。她們往往不愿接受女性與自然在西部神話中的原型形象,并通過自己的作品對西部神話提出質疑。筆者正是以此為切入點,研究美國西部女作家是怎樣處理女性與自然的關系,并以何種方法重塑女性與自然在西部的形象的?! ”酒撐闹饕芯棵绹鞑勘簧窕瘯r期,即1900至1930年間四位重要的美國西部女作家的作品:多蘿西·斯卡伯勒的《風》、埃德娜·費伯的《西馬羅恩》、薇拉·凱瑟的(《我的安東尼婭》以及瑪麗·奧斯汀的《少雨的土地》。這四部作品描述的都是從19世紀80年代到20世紀20年代美國西部拓荒者的生活狀況,特別是女性拓荒者的生活狀況。


IntroductionChapter One Adams ParadiseⅠ. The Formation of the Western Myth and Its EssenceⅡ. Three Types of Women Images in the WestⅢ. The Land-as-Woman Metaphor in the Western MythⅣ. Women and the Western Landscape: A Privileged StandpointChapter Two Dispossessed of Paradise: Searborough’s The WindⅠ. A Masculine WestⅡ. Female Victims of the Androcentric ThinkingⅢ. Nature as ScapegoatChapter Three Challenging the Male Paradise: Ferbers CimarronⅠ. The Reversed Roles in the WestⅡ. A Satire on the Prairie MadonnaⅢ. Destruction of the Western LandChapter Four Recovering Mothers Garden: Cather’s My AntoniaⅠ. The Introduction: A Different Version of the American WestⅡ. Jim Burden: An Easterly Journey to Be Away from NatureⅢ. Antonia Shimerda: A Westerly Journey to Be with the Prairie LandChapter Five Repossessing Mothers Garden: Austin’s The Land of Little Rain.Ⅰ. The Land as Owner and HostⅡ. The Native Peoples Connection with the LandⅢ. The Basket Woman and Her Basket-MakingConclusionBibliography


  Influenced by these critics, some editors, in the fall of 1975, suggested to members of the Western Literature Association that one of the special topics at the annual meeting scheduled for Western Washington University in October, 1976, be :“Women, Women Writers, and the West.”The interest in women writers and the West was so intense that the book Women, Women Writers, and the West was published in 1980, which includes ten papers read at that meeting and eight solicited between then and the fall of 1977. The discussion in the book includes not only writers like Willa Cather and Mari Sandoz but also some long forgotten writers like Dorothy Scarborough and Gertrude Atherton. For the first time, women and women writers became a focus for the American Western literary study. Many women writers, from then on, were recovered and reevaluated, and their works began to receive serious critical attention.  In recent years, people discuss Western women writers by dividing them into different periods, different regions, or even different writing styles. In 2003, Julie Danneberg published Women Writers of the West: Five Chroniclers of the American Frontier, in which five women writers are discussed and analyzed. Focusing on the period from the end of the 1800s to the beginning of the 1900s, Danneberg writes about how these five remarkable women (Helen Hunt Jackson, Jessie Benton Fremont, Louise Clappe, Mary Hallock Foote, and Gertrude Bonnin) succeeded in describing the frontier life when female ambition was considered a flaw, not an asset. In 2004, Cathryn Halverson published Maverick Autobiographies.




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