
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:外語教學(xué)與研究出版社  作者:韓金龍  頁數(shù):224  


  欣聞韓金龍博士的畢業(yè)論文《學(xué)術(shù)論文中的作者身份構(gòu)建與自我宣傳》以專著的形式通過外語教學(xué)與研究出版社的評審并獲準(zhǔn)付梓,作為他的導(dǎo)師,我由衷感到欣慰?! ∈嗄昵埃诠プx碩士學(xué)位時,韓金龍就已經(jīng)不滿足于把語篇(文本)作為一個“自給自足”的“實體”予以理解和考察了。他曾撰寫((論文本的解讀》一文,后經(jīng)修改發(fā)表在本校的學(xué)報上,文中對“新批評”學(xué)派和后結(jié)構(gòu)主義文本理論的局限性做出公允的評述,考察了文本解讀的過程和層次,闡發(fā)了文本意義系統(tǒng)的本我地位及其開放性。于是他擺脫了傳統(tǒng)的“文體分析”(stylisticanalysis)理念,開始對語篇進行多角度、全方位的審視,發(fā)表了一些在當(dāng)時看來頗具新意的論文,如((體裁分析與英語教學(xué)》、((新聞英語的評價系統(tǒng)》、《廣告互文性研究》、《學(xué)術(shù)論文中的評價與自我宣傳》等。因此,在我看來,這部著作與其說是他讀博期間學(xué)術(shù)研究的結(jié)晶,倒不如說是他十余年來研習(xí)文體和語篇這個大題目的成果匯報。2005-2006年他曾在英國Luton大學(xué)訪學(xué)一年,這對他完成這部專著起到了很大的推動作用?! ∮嘘P(guān)學(xué)術(shù)論文中作者身份的構(gòu)建與自我宣傳這個課題,國內(nèi)學(xué)者的論述并不多見。韓金龍博士當(dāng)初決定啃這塊“硬骨頭”時,我心里其實是很不踏實的。因為我本人對這個課題的研究情況了解甚少,以己之昏昏,焉能使人昭昭!懷著與他一起讀書、共同鉆研的心理,或者說是在他的“挑戰(zhàn)”之下,我才應(yīng)允把這個課題作為他的博士論文選題。文獻檢索工作完成之后,我“漸入佳境”,而他則已“走火入魔”。在以后的日子里,我們經(jīng)常切磋琢磨,相互砥礪。




前言List of TablesList of FiguresChapter One Introduction1.1 Overview1.2 Institutional background for self-promotion in RAs...1.2.1 Academic research articles1.2.2 Interpersonal interactions in RAs1.2.3 Identity and self-promotion in RAs1.3 The rationale and significance of the present study1.4 Focus of the present study1.5 Research methodology and data1.6 Structure of the bookChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Overview2,2 The genre perspective2.2.1 Public discourse in academia as a quasi-advertising genre2.2.2 Academic genre as a periphery member of thepromotional genre colony2.3 The discourse perspective2.4 The lexico-grammatical perspective2.5 SummaryChapter Three Theoretical Framework3.1 Overview3.2 Identity3.2. 1 Identity and language3.2,2 Identity and genre3.2.3 Identity and intertextuality3.2.4 Identity and intersubjectivity3.2.5 Identity and rhetoric3.3 Writer identity in academic discourse3.3.1 Ethos and persona3.3.2 Writer identity3.3.3 Writer identity in the present study3.4 Writer identity and evaluation3.4.1 Appraisal Theory3.4.2 Engagement reexamined3.4.3 Evaluation in RAs3.5 A tentative analytical framework for the present study.3.6 SummaryChapter Four Subjective Voice and Self-Promotion4.1 Overview4.2 Representation of subjective voice4.2.1 Self-reference4.2.2 Certainty markers4.2.3 Attitude markers4.3 Discoursal identity constructed in representing subjective voice4.3. ] The construction of credibility4.3.2 The construction of authority4.4 SummaryChapter Five Intertextual Voice and Self-Promotion5.1 Overview5.2 Intertextuality in academic genres5.2.1 Intertextuality5.2.2 Intertextuality in academic genres5.3 Representation of intertextual voice5.3.1 Merged intertextual voice5.3.2 Non-merged intertextual voice5.3.3 Semi-merged intertextual voice5.4 Intertextual voice and the construction of discoursal identity5.4.1 The construction of credibility5.4.2 The construction of authority5.5 SummaryChapter Six Intersubjective Voice and Self-Promotion6.1 Overview6.2 The representation of intersubjective voice6.2.1 Inclusive we6.2.2 Shared knowledge markers6.2.3 Hedges6.3 The intersbujective voice and the construction of discoursal identity6.3.1 Writer-reader solidarity and consensus6.3.2 The construction of authority6.4 SummaryChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Overview7.2 Major findings7.3 Pedagogical implications7.4 Limitations and suggestions for further research.ReferencesAppendix Sources of the DataEconomics (EC)Applied Linguistics (AL)Physics (PH)Acknowledgements


  3.3.3 Writer identity in the present study  The present study is text-focused rather than writer-focused; therefore, we mainly concern ourselves with two aspects of writer identity in Ivanics (1998) framework, namely discoursal self and authorial self. We start by exploring authorial self, the authoritativeness that writers invest in their texts to personally get behind their statements. This involves how and to what extent writers represent themselves in relation to their research, the reader, and other researchers. In academic writing, writers may withdraw themselves completely from the text by attributing all the ideas in their writing to other authorities, or by presenting the content of their writing as objective truth. They may, on the other hand, present themselves in their writing to claim responsibility for their propositions. In this sense, authorial self is the stance writers take to announce their opinion, position and beliefs, revealing with the unfolding the text.



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