出版時間:2009-11 出版社:吉林大學出版社 作者:萬學海文名師團隊 頁數(shù):310
任何一種語言都有它的規(guī)則。孟子日:“離婁之明、公輸子之巧,不以規(guī)矩,不能成方圓?!痹谟⒄Z學習中,語法就是這樣的規(guī)則。它是學習語言過程中有價值的工具,英語語法學習的好壞是英語學習成敗的關鍵??佳杏⒄Z大綱中明確規(guī)定考生應能熟練地運用基本語法知識,所以掌握考研英語語法會幫助考生在英語復習過程中取得事半功倍的效果。為此,萬學海文教育集團結合多年的考研英語輔導經驗,聘請高校權威名師作指導,針對研究生入學英語考試專門研發(fā)了這本考研英語語法輔導書。本書聚焦考研,從浩瀚的語法材料中集萃精華、化繁為簡,編纂而成,具備考研英語復習的切實功用。 本書設計具有如下特點: 一、與考研要求緊密結合。在對基礎語法進行系統(tǒng)梳理的同時,將考研語法貫穿其中,幫助考生理解和掌握考研英語語法的重難點,由易到難,循序漸進?! 《?、理論闡述扼要。簡化復雜的論述,使讀者能夠一目了然,并著重提出語法中的特別注意事項?! ∪?、講解與練習同步進行。每章講解之后均配有相應的練習題目,幫助檢驗自己的學習效果。
上篇 英語基礎語法第一章 名詞1.1 名詞的類1.2 名詞的數(shù)1.3 名詞的格1.4 名詞的句法功能1.5 習題第二章 動詞2.1 動詞的分類2.2 動詞的形態(tài)2.3 動詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài)2.4 情態(tài)動詞2.5 習題第三章 形容詞3.1 形容詞的分類及基本用法3.2 形容詞的句法功能和位置3.3 形容詞的感情色彩3.4 形容詞的比較級和最高級3.5 習題第四章 副詞4.1 副詞的分類及其基本用法4.2 關于“形容詞+ly”構成副詞4.3 幾組有兩種形式的副詞的用法區(qū)別4.4 副詞的級4.5 習題第五章 代詞5.1 代詞的分類5.2 代詞的用法5.3 代詞的一致關系5.4 習題第六章 冠詞6.1 冠詞的類6.2 冠詞的用法6.3 習題第七章 介詞7.1 介詞的用法7.2 介詞短語的語法功能7.3 考研高頻介詞短語搭配7.4 習題第八章 英語句子結構8.1 句子成分8.2 五種基本句型8.3 句子種類8.4 習題第九章 主謂一致9.1 主謂一致遵循的三個原則9.2 主謂一致的應用9.3 習題英語基礎語法綜合測驗題習題答案下篇 考研語法必備第一章 動名詞1.1 動名詞的語法功能1.2 動名詞的復合結構1.3 動名詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài)1.4 動名詞的習慣表達1.5 習題第二章 動詞不定式2.1 動詞不定式的語法功能2.2 不定式的復合結構2.3 代詞、副詞、連詞和不定式的搭配2.4 不定式的時態(tài)和語態(tài)2.5 不帶to的不定式2.6 習題第三章 分詞3.1 分詞的語法功能3.2 分詞的變化形式3.3 分詞的復合結構3.4 現(xiàn)在分詞與過去分詞的區(qū)別3.5 分詞三種被動形式的區(qū)別3.6 分詞和不定式的區(qū)別3.7 現(xiàn)在分詞和動名詞作定語的區(qū)別3.8 習題第四章 連詞4.1 連詞的分類4.2 并列連詞4.3 從屬連詞4.4 特殊連詞用法4.5 習題第五章 定語從旬5.1 定語從句的概念和結構5.2 限定性定語從句和非限定性定語從句5.3 由關系代詞引導的定語從句5.4 由關系副詞引導的定語從句5.5 由特殊關系詞引導的定語從句5.6 關系詞的選擇和關系詞的省略5.7 分隔定語從句5.8 定語從句與其他句型的區(qū)別5.9 定語從句的翻譯5.10 習題第六章 名詞性從句6.1 主語從句……第七章 狀語從句第八章 省略第九章 倒裝第十章 強調第十一章 虛擬語氣第十二章 簡單句式的擴展與長難句式的解析習題答案
4. I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her much-publicized resignation from the editorship of She after a build-up of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life", and making the alternative move into "down-shifting" brings with it far greater re-wards than financial success and social status. 5. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both all into the river——and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: "Pluff ! Pluff ! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms. " 6. Today, surrounded by promises of easy happiness, we need art to tell us, as religion once did, Memento mori: remember that you will die, that everything ends, and that happiness comes not in denying this but in living with it. 7. But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions. 8. Instead, the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get E-mail, consider it a reminder to check the database again. 9. Its theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. 10. What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar.