出版時間:2009-1 出版社:哈爾濱工業(yè)大學出版社 作者:崔洪國 頁數(shù):180 字數(shù):162000
我的這個研究使用的是敘述性探究的方法(narrative inquiry)。敘述性探究是一種質性的研究方法(a qualitative method),與量性的方法(quantitative methods)不同。我在文中經(jīng)常使用第一人稱便是一個不同之處的例子。 我的論文的主題都是與我的教學與學習密切相關的。我的研究話題之一是我的身份認同(identity)。話題之二是我的個人實踐知識(personal practical knowlodge)和我的專業(yè)知識(professional knowledge)之間的關系。話題之三是我(作為教師)和課程設計(curriculum mddng)之間的關系。同樣的話題也用于研究另兩位參與者的經(jīng)歷。參與論文研究的另外兩位教師,因為對他們身份的保護的原因,只能筆名代替他們的真實姓名。我在這里真心感謝他們的參與和分享。我的論文對中國英語教學以及中國英語教學的改革做了討論。這篇論文同時也是我們三位英語教師心聲的表達?! ∥覉孕沤處煹慕?jīng)歷(experience)是教師身份認同(teacher identity)以及教師的個人實踐知識(teacher’s personal practical knowledge)的關鍵所在。敘述性探究就是研究教師的經(jīng)歷的方法。我希望我的這篇論文能讓敘述性探究這種研究方法在中國被更多的教師接受和使用。
Chapter 1 The Research PuzzleChpter 2 Related Literature 2.1 Contexts of Engish Teaching in China 2.2 Teacher Knowledge, Teaching Context and Teacher Identity 2.3 Tensionsand Dilemmas Teachers Experience on the ShiftingChapter 3 Narrative Inquiry 3.1 The Beginning of My Written Nanatives 3.2 Living in the Field 3.3 Composing Field Texts 3.4 Composing Research TextsChapter 4 My Narrative Accounts 4.1 Space of My Living and Learning 4.2 Elementary School Life 4.3 Junior High School 4.4 S-miner Private Engtish Class 4.5 End-of-Junior-High Carnival 4.6 Senior High School Cafisis 4.7 City High School Life 4.8 New Strategies egies of Learning English 4.9 Engish Major 4.10 Lost in College and City Life 4.11 Working as an English Teacher 4.12 Stories of Retuming to TeachChapter 5 Mey's Narrative Accounts 5.1 Coming to Mey' s Narratives 5.2 Mey's Living Space and Schooling 5.3 Mey's Undergraduate Life 5.4 Mey in America 5.5 Mey Became a Teacher 5.6 Mey as a TeacherChapter 6 Lee' s Narrative Accounts 6.1 Lee' s Living Space and His Early Schools 6.2 Lee's University Life 6.3 Lee as an English TeacherChapter 7 Narrative Overlappings 7.1 Our Starting Landscapes 7.2 Our School Landscapes 7.3 Our Teaching LandscapesReferences