出版時間:1970-1 出版社:西安交通大學出版社 作者:付小蘭,李欣 著 頁數:164
Want to maintain a healthy heart? Keep track of these six health measurements that can warn youof trouble ahead. Six measurements can tell where you stand in your battle against the heart attackers. Three youcan check yourself —— all you need is a pencil, tape measure and a watch with a second hand. Theothers you can get from your doctor. Write these numbers down and keep track of them over time, andthey will speak volumes about the health of your heart. Daily Calorie Needs How much food do you actually eat? In a perfect world, youd eat just enough to provide fuel foryour body. In reality, many of us eat between 100 and 1000 calories more than we need most days ofthe week. An extra portion of curry here, an extra helping of meat there, a bag of potato chips ——"just this once" —— all add up to weight gain, and becoming overweight is among the worse things youcan do for your heart. Few people know exactly how many calories they need each day, but you can work that out bymultiplying your weight in kilograms by 28 to 33 depending on how active you are. Most women needjust under 2,000 calories a day for good health, men generally about 2,550. That roughly equates to300 to 400 calories for breakfast, 500 to 600 for lunch, 600 to 700 for dinner, and two or three snacksof roughly 100 to 200 calories each.