
出版時間:2010-3  出版社:大連理工大學(xué)出版社  作者:視界國際出版(香港)有限公司 編  頁數(shù):304  


Modern is an international design language which can be recognized simultaneouslywhen people see it. At the same time, chic cannot be neglected also as a fashionelement. The book is a collection of 40 projects around Asia-Pacific region by topdesigners, Expect a showcase of professionally photographed sDaces accompaniedby substantial detailed elements involved in the inspirational designs.


Modern NoblenessZoeppritz ApartmentThe Tsai ResideceUrban ForestParallel MovementSurreal HomeWan Wan ShuSansheng Central ParkThe Lin's Residenceof Ban QiaoYamei Lijia FlatFlying on RiversideSky FieldColor BoxYat Nga SpaceCheng Feng HouseTianmu ImperialPlace Show FlatGreen CapsuleForest No.1Model Town House 12Silver MakeupLes FleursZhongcheng MingshihuiSloping HarmonyXiangyu Central ParkPalm SpringsInternational GardenWending GardenSai Kung PortofinoThe Zhan's ResidenceThe Mysterious Castleof Black KnightThe Chen's ResidenceMeilun HaoyangBeautiful GardenElegant Terrace"My Home"Ecological andHealthy CommunityMocha TownAustralian GardenVan ConstructivismMoulin RougeLuxury HomeThe Chen's Residenceon Yongji RoadThe Lin's ResidenceGemdale Green Spring



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