
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:陜西師大  作者:(印)泰戈爾|譯者:冰心  頁數(shù):299  譯者:冰心  




  羅賓德拉納德·泰戈爾(Rabindranath Tagore),印度近代著名詩人、作家和社會活動家,第一位獲得諾貝爾文學(xué)獎的亞洲人,世界文學(xué)史上的巨匠他的作品被譽(yù)為人們“精神生活的燈塔”,在世界近代文學(xué)史上占有重要的地位他在詩歌、小院、戲劇等不同領(lǐng)域內(nèi)均有非凡的成就《園丁集》、《采果集》、《流螢集》《新月集》、《吉檀迦利》、是泰戈爾極具代表性的抒情詩集?! ”模?,謝婉瑩,福建福州人現(xiàn)代著名詩人、作家、翻譯家、兒童文學(xué)家她崇尚“愛的哲學(xué)”,母愛、童真、自然,是她創(chuàng)作的主旋律代表作有:詩歌集《繁星》、《舂水》、散文集《小桔燈》、《寄小讀者》、《再寄小讀者》、《三寄小讀者》、《嬰花贊》、《拾穗小札》等:小說集《超人》、《去國》、《姑姑》等;另外,她還翻譯了印度詩人泰戈爾的《吉檀迦利》、《園丁集》等作品她的文學(xué)影晌超越國界,作品被翻譯成多種文字,得到海內(nèi)外讀者的一致贊賞因為成功翻譯了黎巴嫩作家紀(jì)伯倫的《先知》、《沙與沫》冰心在1995年獲得了黎巴嫩共和國總統(tǒng)簽署授予的國家級松勛章。




  One evening the stranger came down from the cloud-hidden peak; his locks were tangled like drowsy snakes. We asked in wonder, "Who are you?" He answered not but sat by the garrulous stream and silently gazedat the hut where she dwelt. Our hearts quaked in fear and we came back home when it was night.  Next morning when the women came to fetch water at the spring by the deodar trees, they found the doors open in her hut, but her voice was gone and where was her smiling face? The empty jar lay on the floor and her lamp had burnt itself out in the comer. No one knew where she had fled to before it was morning——-and the stranger had gone.  In the month of May the sun grew strong and the snow melted, and wes at by the spring and wept. We wondered in our mind, "Is there a spring in the land where she has gone and where she can fill her vessel in these hot thirsty days?" And we asked each other in dismay, "Is there a land beyond these hills where we live?"  It was a summer night; the breeze blew from the south; and I sat in her deserted room where the lamp stood still unlit. When suddenly from before my eyes the hills vanished like curtains drawn aside. "Ah, it is she who comes. How are you, my child? Are you happy? But where can you shelterunder this open sky? And, alas, our spring is not here to allay your thirst."  "Here is the same sky," she said, "only free from the fencing hills ,this is the same stream grown into a river, ——the same earth widened into a plain." "Everything is here," I sighed, "only we are not." She smiled sadly and said, "You are in my heart." I woke up and heard the babbling of the stream and the rustling of the deodars at night.


  從泰戈爾的詩里,我游歷了他的美麗富饒的國土,認(rèn)識了他的堅韌溫柔的婦女,接觸了他的天真活潑的兒童。我徹底承認(rèn)泰戈爾是屬于印度人民的?!  ?/pre>






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