出版時(shí)間:2012-8 出版社:廈門大學(xué)出版社 作者:賴良濤 頁(yè)數(shù):305
Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Rationale for the Studyl1.2 Aim and Research Questions1.3 Data Collection and Methodology1.4 Organization of the BookChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Aristotle's Ideas about Genre2.1.1 Literary Genre2.1.2 Rhetoric and Genrell2.1.3 Assessment2.2 Bakhtin's Theory of Speech Genres2.2.1 Utterance as the Real Unit of Speech Communication2.2.2 Genre as Type of Utterances2.2.3 The Dialogic Nature of Utterances and Genres2.2.4 Genre and Style2.2.5 Genre as Ideological Forms2.2.6 Assessment192.3 Genre in New Rhetoric2.3.1 Genre as Action-Based Discourse Classification2.3.2 Genre as Response to Recurrent Rhetorical Situations2.3.3 Meaningfulness of a Genre2.3.4 Cultural Basis of Genre2.3.5 Methodology2.3.6 Assessment2.4 Genre Studies in ESP2.4.1 Definition and Characteristics of Genre2.4.2 Genre in a Discourse Community2.4.3 Pre-genre and Genre Differences2.4.4 Schematic Structure2.4.5 Methodology2.4.6 Applications to ESP2.4.7 Assessment2.5 Genre Theory in SFL: Halliday and Hasan2.5.1 Halliday's Ideas of Genre2.5.2 Hasan's Theory of Genre2.5.3 Assessment2.6 Genre Theory in SFL: Martin and His Colleagues2.6.1 Definition of Genre2.6.2 The General Approach2.6.3 Theoretical Positioning of Genre2.6.4 Functional Parameters for Studying Genre2.6.5 Genre Structure2.6.6 Macro- Genre2.6.7 ContextualMetaphor2.6.8 Genre and Ideology2.6.9 Assessment2.7 A Note on the Study of Web Genres2.7.1 Web Genre Studies in Information Sciences2.7.2 Web Genre Studies in Social Senuotics2.8 SummaryChapter 3 A Teleologteal Perspective to Genre3.1 An Integrated Model of Genre Analysis3.2 The Nature of Genre3.2.1 The Teleological Nature of Genre3.2.2 The Social Nature of Human Action3.2.3 Genre as Typified Telos-oriented Social Action3.2.4 Teleological Structure of Social ActionChapter 4 Corporate Website Genres and Their RealizationChapter 5 Instantiation of Corporate Website GenresChapter 6 Individuation and Complexing of Corporate Website GenresChapter 7 ConclusionAppendix Data SamplesBibliograpby
It can be seen from the analysis that the deployment of the appraisal meanings in Text 10 shows the following features. First, like Text 9,the whole text is a monogloss. This means that all the ideational and interpersonal meanings are voices of the author. Moreover, the description of the company is presented in the form of bare assertions, which makes it look impartial and factual. In this way, the author manipulates the description and covers the promotional intention. Second, there are a few graduation resources in Text 10. Most of them are of the quantification type, specifying the extent (“worldwide”) of the processes concerned. There are no intensification resources.As a whole, the description of Acer is expressed in a relatively mild tone rather than in an exaggerative way. Such a tone is harmonious with the author's effort to establish Acer's identity as a world-renowned IT company in a relatively impartial way. This is also similar to Text 9. Third, the author employs many inscribed appraisal resources to promote the company. Unlike Text 9 where the company (Motorola) functions as the trigger/target in most cases, in Text 10, most of the triggers/targets of the inscribed appraisal resources are factors involved in the commercial operation of Acer. As a result, while judgment accounts for the major part of the appraisal meanings in Text 9, in Text 10, the major type of appraisal meanings is appreciation. The affect to the company (Acer) is inscribed only once in the text. Thus, the author of Text 10 focuses on the positive appreciation of the products, multi-brand approach, business model, supply chain and service/sales network of Acer rather than the direct judgment of Acer's behavior.In other words, while the author of Text 9 promotes Motorola by directly judging Motorola's performance, the author of Text 10, promotes Acer in a more indirect way, mainly by positively evaluating the products, services and business models of the company. Fourth, like Text 9, Text 10 also has many resources that can evoke appraisal meanings. In fact, almost all the messages in the text can evoke specific appraisal meanings that are different from the inscribed ones. Interestingly, while the inscribed resources of the text mainly express appreciation meanings as described above, the evoked appraisal meanings are mainly positive judgment of the company, particularly the judgment of the social esteem ( capacity) of Acer. The targets of the invoked appreciation meanings are its products and business modes, which is consistent with the inscribed appreciation resources. In addition, unlike Text 9 which lacks appraisal meanings about social sanction, the propriety of Acer's performance is also evoked, mainly by the description of its green products and supply chain and the description of its people-oriented long-term mission. In summary, interpersonally, the author of Text 10 promotes the company mainly in two ways, by explicitly appreciating Acer's business modes (including its products, multi-brand approach, business model, supply chain and service/sails network), and by implicitly evaluating the propriety of the performance of Acer. In Text 9, on the other hand, the author promotes Motorola mainly by evaluating the performance ( especially the capacity) of Motorola both explicitly and implicitly. While Text 9 construes Motorola more as a promising person of high status, with powerful capacity and full of creative spirit, Acer in this text is described as a capable and responsible company with well-designed business modes. ……