出版時間:2004-1-1 出版社:華東師范大學出版社 作者:卡羅爾 頁數(shù):全5冊
一套供青少年和英語愛好者閱讀的叢書,應滿足三個要求: Read for pleasure; Read for information; Read for language improvement. 《Black Cat有聲名著階梯閱讀》滿足了以上要求而有余?! ∈紫?,這是一套同時供聽覺享受的書。一部作品,當它由專業(yè)演員朗讀時,就能以其優(yōu)美的聲音、抑揚頓挫的語調(diào)、加上傳神的表達,使讀者和聽者真正身臨其境,最充分地領會作品中的情、境、思。而這一效果,就不是只有白紙黑字的書面材料所能提供的了。加之這套書圖文并茂,更使視、聽兩種感官得以完美地結合?! ∑浯?,這套書為讀、聽者提供了有益的背景資料,包括作家生平、時代背景、人文知識等,有助于培養(yǎng)青少年的跨文化意識。書中許多傳世名畫,更給人充分的藝術享受?! ≡僬?,雖是讀物,卻兼具教科書的功能。每本書都編入為數(shù)不少的練習,涉及閱讀理解、詞匯辨釋以及語法結構等,為課堂的語言教學提供了有效的補充?! ≡诮逃款C布的國家英語課程標準中指出了泛讀的重要性,明確規(guī)定了學生每學期的課外閱讀量。學習任何外語,只有課內(nèi)的精讀,沒有課外大量的泛讀,是不可能學好的,更不用說獲得語感。《Black Cat有聲名著階梯閱讀》叢書的編印出版,為廣大青少年和英語愛好者提供了一個學習英語的新天地——我為你們慶幸。
《艾麗絲漫游奇境記》 好奇的艾麗絲做了一個奇怪的夢。在夢中她一會兒變大,一會兒變小,還遇到了一群會說話的奇怪的動物。這些動物或神秘、或粗魯、或暴躁,艾麗絲在那個“瘋瘋癲癲”的世界里經(jīng)歷了一系列稀奇古怪的事情。最后著急的艾麗絲猛地醒來,才發(fā)現(xiàn)原來所有的一切不過是一場夢。 或許令讀者感到驚訝的是,這部名著的作者竟是一位數(shù)學教師! 本套叢書還包括《王子復仇記》、《秘密花園》、《王爾德短篇故事》、《昔日的英國王室》。
《艾麗絲漫游奇境記》 認識劉易斯·卡羅爾 故事主角 其他角色 角色自我介紹 1 掉進兔子洞里 2 淚水哭成塘 3 一場會議式的賽跑 4 白兔先生的家 5 大蘑菇上的毛毛蟲先生 6 變豬的嬰兒和刺鼻的胡椒 7 瘋狂的茶會 8 與紅心皇后玩槌球游戲 9 誰偷了餡餅? 10 審判結束了 不規(guī)則動詞表 升級測試 練習答案和測試答案 故事全文錄音《王子復仇記》《秘密花園》《王爾德短篇故事》《昔日的英國王室》
Earns sixteen shillings 1 a week. It is hard for my mother to feed 2 themall. The fresh air on the moor makes them strong and healthy. OurDickons twelve. Hes always out on the moor. Hes good with animals.Hes tamed a wild pony 3. Go and look at the gardens, Martha said. Theres not much growingnow, but theyre lovely in summer. She paused for a moment, and thensaid quietly, One of the gardens is locked up. No one has been in it forten years. Why? asked Mary. Mr Craven closed it after his wife died. It was her garden. He lockedthe door, dug a hole and buried 4 the key. The enormous grounds of Misselthwaite Manor were divided by highwalls into many gardens. In some there were flowers, trees andfountains. Vegetables grew in others. Doors opened from garden intogarden. Because it was winter, the trees were bare and no flowers grew.Mary thought that it all looked very empty and ugly. After a while an old man came through one of the doors. He had asurly 5 old face and did not seem at all pleased to see Mary. Can I go through that door? Mary asked. If you like, he replied. Theres nothing to see. Mary hoped that she might find the door to the locked garden. Shetried many doors, but they all opened easily. Then, she noticed onewall that was covered in ivy 6, but seemed to have no door in it.
商務印書館(香港)傾力打造。精選套裝,更經(jīng)典、更實惠。圖文并茂,語言地道,原版錄音,真情演繹,選票經(jīng)典,難易適中,聽說讀寫,面面俱到。 黑貓英語,精選套裝,讓利讀者?! 〗逃俊队⒄Z課程標準》專家組組長、北京外國語大學教授陳琳如是說:“一套供青少年和英語愛好者閱讀的叢書,應滿足三個要求:Read fnr pleasure;Read for information;Read forIangru-a-ge improvement.《Black Cat有聲名著階梯閱讀》滿足了以上要求而有余?!?/pre>圖書封面