
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:天津大學出版社  作者:袁曉燕  頁數(shù):158  


本書以各種材料的概述性基礎知識及其重要品種的結構與應用為主要內容,涵蓋金屬材料、無機非金屬材料、高分子材料及生物材料和復合材料。是繼專業(yè)外語之后發(fā)展的一門材料類綜合性雙語教學課程教材。本書內容選自外文書籍、期刊和相關網(wǎng)站。全書共設5章,每章后附有關鍵詞和簡答題。     本書為高等理工科院校材料科學與工程專業(yè)本科公共基礎理論課教材,同時也適用于本專業(yè)研究生的教學與科研,還可供從事材料方向研究和應用的科研技術人員參考。


Introduction 1.1 Historical perspective 1.2 Classification of materials 1.3 Structures of metals and ceramics  1.3.1 Structure of metals  1.3.2 Structure of ceramics 1.4 Polymer structures  1.4.1 Macromolecules  1.4.2 Molecular weight  1.4.3 Molecular structures Keywords Problems Selected from2 Metal Materials 2.1 Structure and properties of steel  2.1.1 Iron-earben alloys   2.1.2 Strength versus carbon content in steels  2.1.3 Formtion of pearlite  2.1.4 Effect of cooling rate  2.1.5 Alloying dements  2.1.6 Selecting carbon steels 2.2 Heat treatment of steels  2.2.1 Response of steels to heat treatment  2.2.2 Hardenability  2.2.3 Surface hardening  2.2.4 Tempering  2.2.5 Choice of heat treatment 2.3 Stainless steels  2.3.1 Composition, nomenclature and general properties  2.3.2 Common stainless steel alloy systems  2.3.3 Corrosion behavior of stainless steels 2.4 Nonferrous alloys  2.4.1 Copper and its alloys  2.4.2 Aluminum and its alloys  2.4.3 Magnesium and its alloys  2.4.4 Titanium and its alloys  2.4.5 Refractory metals  2.4.6 Superalloys  2.4.7 Noble metals  2.4.8 Miscellaneous nonferrous alloys  Keywords Problems Selected from3 Ceramic Materials 3.1 Introduction to ceramics  3.1.1 Definition of ceramics   3.1.2 Classification of eeramies  3.1.3 Overview of ceramic and glass manufacturing  3.1.4 Structure and properties of ceramics   3.1.5 History of ceramics  3.1.6 Impact on society 3.2 What are advanced eeramies 3.3 Structural ceramics and its development  3.3.1 Introduction and current status  3.3.2 Trends  3.3.3 Future work strategies  3.4 Eleetroeeramies and its developing directions   3.4.1 What are electroeeramies  3.4.2 Common applications for eleetroeeramies  3.4.3 Fundamental research needs and developing trends'for eleetroeeramies 3.5 Bioceramies   3.5.1 Introduction  3.5.2 Bioinert and bioactive materials   3.5.3 Compatibility between bioeeramies and the human environment  3.5.4 Most eommon bioeramies  3.5.5 Uses for bioeramies  3.6 Advanced ceramic materials: Summary of possible applications  3.6.1 Introduction   3.6.2 State of the art  3.6.3 Trends for the future  3.7 Advanced ceramic materials: Basic rescareh viewpoint  3.7.1 Introduction  3.7.2 State of the art   3.7.3 Trends in technology   3.7.4 Needs for future basic research Keywords Problems Selected from4 Polymer Materials 4.1 Introduction   4.1.1 Fommtion  4.1.2 Classification  4.1.3 Nomenclature  4.1.4 History 4.2 Natural polymers   4.2.1 Polysaeeharides  4.2.2 Proteins 4.3 Themoposties  4.3.1 Polyethylene  4.3.2 Polypropylene  4.3,3 Polystyrene   4.3.4 Poly(vinyl chloride) 4.4 Engineering plasties and thermosets  4.4.1 Nylons  4.4.2 Polyesters  4.4.3 Polycarbonates  4.4.4 Polysiloxarles  4.4.5 Epoxy resins 4.5 Applications of polymers  4.5.1 Membrane separations  4.5.2 Biomedical applications  4.5.3 Applications in electronics Keywords Problems Selected from5 Composite Materlals 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Dispersion-strengthened composites 5.3 True particulate composites 5.4 Fiber-reinforced composites 5.5 Characteristics of fiber-reinforeed eomposites 5.6 Manufacturing fibers and composites 5.7 Fiber-reinforced systems and applications  5.8 laminar composite materials 5.9 Examples and applications of laminar composites 5.10 Sandwich structures Keywords Problems Selected from



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