
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:天津大學出版社  作者:孔暄 編  頁數(shù):269  


  隨著經(jīng)濟全球化趨勢的不斷擴大,中國參與國際商務活動日趨頻繁,商務英語作為服務于國際商務活動的工具和媒介,占據(jù)著不可或缺的重要地位。商務英語并非作為一門獨立的語言而存在,而是服務于一個專門行業(yè)的門類,其本質離不開英語語言的基本規(guī)律,但也有著獨自的特點和應用范圍,在國際商務活動中發(fā)揮著獨特的作用。在國際商務交往中做到準確、高效是從事國際商務活動的人們希望達到的,而了解商務英語表達的范圍、模式、術語和規(guī)范,掌握其規(guī)律,無疑會在國際商務活動中處于有利地位?!  堵殘鲇⒄Z口語與寫作實訓商務英語》即以實用、高效為指導思想編寫的一本應用手冊。本書在編寫過程中,參閱了市場上多部商務叢書,在比較全面地覆蓋國際商務活動中所涉及領域的同時,力求做到重點突出、實用高效,使讀者一書在手,基本解決日常商務活動中遇到的英語表達問題?! ”緯譃閮纱蟛糠?。第一部分為口語實訓,編排順序從宏觀政策到微觀的具體業(yè)務活動。其中的業(yè)務活動從源頭開始,包含自初步交往、實質接觸、進行往來、簽訂合同,直至解決紛爭的全過程。第二部分為寫作實訓,概述部分。介紹了商務信函和合同寫作的基本原則和特點、日常業(yè)務信函的寫作實例和合同的寫作實例,均按照商務業(yè)務的流程和合同的基本種類進行排列。




上篇 商務英語口語實訓第一章 宏觀政策Unit 1 Concept of Foreign TradeUnit 2 Foreign Trade and Foreign TravelUnit 3 Customs Entries第二章 市場展望Unit 1 Economic LawUnit 2 Marketing Methods and Advertising第三章 業(yè)務操作Unit 1 Buying and SellingUnit 2 About the ContractUnit 3 Document and PaymentUnit 4 ShippingUnit 5 Complaints and ClaimsUnit 6 Insurance第四章 金融管理Unit 1 International FinanceUnit 2 Foreign ExchangeUnit 3 Banking下篇 商務英語寫作實訓第一章 商務英語寫作概論第一節(jié) 外貿(mào)信函的特點第二節(jié) 外貿(mào)信函寫作第三節(jié) 外貿(mào)合同的特點第四節(jié) 外貿(mào)合同寫作第五節(jié) 合同中的句子第二章 信函寫作實例第一節(jié) 建立業(yè)務關系第二節(jié) 進行業(yè)務往來第三章 合同寫作實例第一節(jié) 買賣合同第二節(jié) 租賃服務合同第三節(jié) 經(jīng)營合作合同第四章 其他商務寫作實例第一節(jié) 日常業(yè)務活動第二節(jié) 促銷和廣告第三節(jié) 商務報告第四節(jié) 業(yè)務描述第五節(jié) 市場調查附錄 商務英語術語Part 1 General BusinessPart 2 NegOtiationsPart 3 Business AdministrationPart 4  Accounting and BankingPart 5  InsurancePart 6  Stock MarketPart 7  MarketingPart 8  Products and PricePart 9  AdvertisingPart 10 E-CommercePart 11 Human ResourcePart 12 Corporate Culture參考書目


  Andrew: Were trying to increase our manufactured exports from India instead of just ship-ping raw materials, such as piecegoods instead of raw cotton, and also there may be things we could sell on the Continent that you dont want in the U.K. What do, you think, Mr. Pinter?  Pinter: Thats a big, big question, Mr. Andrew. Frankly, I havent studied the problems of your country. But whatever you want to sell, itll pay you dollars for cents to do a lot of market research first.  Andrew: Where can I get the information I need?  Pinter: Well, for a start, from embassies and consulates, including your own, chambers of commerce and trade associations, local clearing banks, credit enquiry houses, ship-ping agents, trade magazines and customs import and export lists.  Andrew: And what sort of information should I look for?  Pinter: First of all youve got to find out if theres any demand for your merchandise, and what sort of competition youll meet. Then there are local conditions and prefer-ences. Take PaCkaging, say, if you sell to Belgium, youll need labels in two lan-guages, French and Flemish. Even colors are important.  Andrew: You mean, just as in India we regard red and orange as lucky colors?  Pinter: Exactly. And theres the packaging material. For instance, some countries dont allow hay or straw, in case they contain bugs.  Andrew" What about advertising, and choosing selling agents?  Pinter: If you can find a good advertising agent, by the way, I can put you in touch with some, its best to leave the choice of media to him. It all depends on your merchan-dise. T.V. and radio ads are best for some lines, magazines and trade papers for others, still mail order and direct selling for other goods. As for choosing a selling agent, thats got to be your number one priority. Sometimes youll choose a firm already established in your line, if you can find one who isnt already signed up;other times you might choose a guy whos new to the business but has plenty of get-up-and-go. But before you choose, make sure you get credit reports from his bank-ers.



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