
出版時間:2012-5  出版社:北京語言大學出版社  作者:馬亞敏,李欣穎 編著  頁數(shù):57  字數(shù):17000  


  The primary goal of this series Easy Steps to Chinese for Kids
is to help total beginners, particulariy non- Chinese background
children, build a solid foundation for learning Chinese as a
foreign language.
  The series is designed to emphasize the development of
communication skiHs in listening and speaking.Recognizing and
writing characters afe also the focus of this series.
  Each lesson has a song using all the new words and sentences, and
Chinese culture is introduced in a fun way.
  Easy Steps to CNnese for Kids consists of 8 colour books, which
cover 4 levels. Each level is made up of 2 books (a and b).


Lesson 1 二十一~四十
Lesson 2 兩個弟弟
Lesson 3 好朋友
Lesson 4 我的玩具
Lesson 5 我愛看書
Lesson 6 我會穿衣服
Lesson 7 紫色、橙色



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