出版時間:2008-8 出版社:重慶大學出版社 作者:朱坤領 頁數(shù):270
我國的大學英語教學起步于20世紀80年代,經(jīng)過20多年的發(fā)展,大學英語在教學水平、課程設置、教學方法、教學環(huán)境、師資隊伍等各個方面都有了長足的進步和發(fā)展。但隨著我國加入WTO和國民經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展,大學英語教學暴露出與時代要求不相稱的一面。為適應現(xiàn)代社會對人才培養(yǎng)的實際需求,推動和指導大學英語教學改革,教育部于2003年頒布了《大學英語課程教學要求(試行)》(以下簡稱《要求》),并于2007年結合對人才能力培養(yǎng)的新要求再次做了修訂和調整,作為全國各高校組織非英語專業(yè)本科生英語教學的主要依據(jù)?! 兑蟆穼⒋髮W階段的英語教學分為一般要求、較高要求和更高要求三個層次,強調要貫徹分類指導、因材施教的原則,使英語教學朝著個性化的方向發(fā)展,要“將綜合英語類、語言技能類、語言應用類、語言文化類和專業(yè)英語類等必修課程和選修課程有機結合,形成一個完整的大學英語課程體系,以確保不同層次的學生在英語應用能力方面得到充分的訓練和提高”。這樣,大力發(fā)展大學英語選修課就成了大學英語教學改革的重要課題。 大學英語選修課的開設不僅是《大學英語課程教學要求(試行)》精神的體現(xiàn),也是《教育部財政部關于實施高等學校本科教學質量與教學改革工程的意見》(以下簡稱《意見》)的內在要求?!兑庖姟穼ⅰ皩W生的實踐能力和創(chuàng)新精神顯著增強”作為教學改革的重要目標之一,而大學英語教學要在這方面有所作為的話,必須注重培養(yǎng)學生的跨文化交際能力、文化素養(yǎng)和在全球化、信息化的背景下獲取知識的能力,這顯然是傳統(tǒng)的大學英語教學和課程設置所不能勝任的?! 〗陙恚珖S多高校紛紛進行了開設大學英語選修課的嘗試,并取得了可喜的成績。但是,由于指導思想不明晰、教師知識結構單一和配套改革滯后等原因,在大學英語選修課的開設中出現(xiàn)了“因人設廟”,開課隨意性強,開課種類單一,各門課程難易不均,課程測試不規(guī)范,學生對各門課程的興趣差異過大等問題。大學英語選修課的開設迫切需要某種程度的規(guī)范與引導,需要更為科學地設置選修課程,確實達到《要求》和《意見》中提出的目標。
Section Ⅰ Novels IntroductiOn to the Novel Unit1 The Old Man and the Sea Unit2 Animal Farm Unit3 The Good Earth Unit4 The Golden Notebook Unit5 TheJOyLuckClub Section Ⅱ Short StorieS Introduction to the Short Story Unit6 The Mourners Unit7 Thc Law Of Life Unit8 The Company OfW01res Unit9 The Mark on the Wall Unitl0 The Magic BarrelSectionⅢ EssayS Introduction to the Essay Unit11 Middle Age,Old Age Unit12 Education and Discipline Unit13 Self-reliance Unit14 Civil Disobedience Section Ⅳ Drama Introduction to the Drama Unit15 Death Of a Salesman Section Ⅴ Poetry Introduction to the English Poetry Unit16 EnglishPoetry AppendiX Ⅰ chinese Translation Of the English PoetryAppendiX Ⅱ IndeX Of Literary TermsAppendiX Ⅲ Answer Key Bibligraphy
George Orwell (1903-1950), a famous British writer, was born in India. He grew up in Britain where prejudice and class distinction often haunted him. This childhood trauma nurtured his antipathy towards hierarchy and authoritarianism, which would become a major political subject in his writings later. In London Orwell lived together with the poor, sympathized with them, and wrote about them in some of his books: When serving with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, he witnessed the imperialists' viciousness and the natives' misery, which became themes of some other books of his. In 1936, he was involved in the Spanish Civil War, fighting as a socialist against Fascism and totalitarianism. This experience was the major one in shaping his political writings: "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism. " World War II intensified his concerns over humanity: he found that human liberty was being threatened and feared that the concept of actuality and objectivity was fading from the world. Throughout his life, Orwell assumed it his responsibility to voice his sympathy for humanity and his hate against all forms of social evils. He wrote several novels and many essays and short stories. He was one of the three foremost 20th century political satirists, together with Adlous Huxley and Eugene Zamyatin. Trying to salvage the English language from corruption, he was also known for his simple but vigorous style. His masterpieces are Animal Farm (1945) and 1984 (1948). 1984 satirizes totalitarianism by setting the story in London which is ruled by "Big Brother", and Animal Farm is political literature in the disguise of a beast fable.
《大學英語選修課系列教材(語言文化類):英語文學賞析》以教育部《大學英語課程教學要求》為指導,吸納各高校選修課開設的成功經(jīng)驗?! 〗滩捏w系科學系統(tǒng),四個大類體現(xiàn)大學英語學生的選修取向。堅持“實用、夠用”原則,教材編寫符合選修課課時要求和學生實際水平?! ∽⒅刂R與技能語言與文化的結合,有利于培養(yǎng)學生的批判性思維能力和跨文化交際能力?! 【哂星罢靶???紤]了學生英語水平的逐漸提高對英語教學更高層次、更多樣化的需求。