出版時間:2009-9 出版社:華東理工大學出版社 作者:張明愛 編 頁數(shù):250
本書全面敘述了英國、美國、加拿大、澳大利亞、新西蘭五個主要英語國家的地理、歷史、政治、文化、教育、宗教等社會生活各方面的情況,圖文并茂,內(nèi)容豐富多彩,語言流暢易懂,編排簡潔清新,主要內(nèi)容附中文概要?! ”緯Y料來源于英美等國家官方發(fā)布的最新數(shù)據(jù),信息準確,內(nèi)容新穎,是主要英語國家社會各領域發(fā)展的最新體現(xiàn)?! ”緯髡呦蹈鞲咝S⒄Z專業(yè)從事英語國家國情教學和研究多年的資深學者,他們大多都有國外工作生活經(jīng)歷,對于英語國家國情的了解與把握透徹而理性。除主要作者外,曹磊、沈群、楊春春、韓娜老師都參加了本書部分內(nèi)容的編寫工作。外籍專家StanleyRoy教授和MichaelRadice博士對本書內(nèi)容作了全面審讀和修正,在此向他們表示誠摯的感謝?! ”緯晒┤珖叩仍盒S⒄Z專業(yè)學生作為英語國家概況課程的教材使用。同時,本書可作為研究英語國家國情的學者、對英語國家國情感興趣的讀者和出國留學生了解和研究英語國家國情的參考書使用。
《英語國家概況》全面而系統(tǒng)地敘述了英國、美國、加拿大、澳大利亞和新西蘭五個主要英語國家的地理、歷史、政治、文化、教育等諸多方面,圖文并茂,內(nèi)容豐富,語言流暢易懂,編排簡潔清新。全書主要內(nèi)容均附有中文概要,以備讀者參照使用。 該書可供全國高等院校英語專業(yè)學生作為英語國家概況課程的教材使用,也可供研究英語國家國情的學者、對英語國家國情感興趣的讀者和準備出國留學的學生參考使用。
Part 1 The United KingdomChapter 1 A General ViewⅠ Climate of the UKⅡ EnglandⅢ ScotlandⅣ WalesⅤ Northern IrelandⅥ The Commonwealth of NationsChapter 2 Early British HistoryⅠ Early SettlersⅡ Roman BritainⅢ The Anglo-Saxons (446-871)Ⅳ The Norman Conquest (1066)Ⅴ Norman Rule (1066-1381)Ⅵ The Great Charter and the Beginning of the ParliamentⅦ The Hundred Years War with France (1337-1453)Ⅷ The Black Death (1348-1349)Ⅸ The War of the Roses (1455-1485)Ⅹ The English ReformationⅪ James I (1603-1625) and the ParliamentⅫ Charles I (1625-1649) and English Civil War* The Restoration* The Glorious Revolution of 1688Chapter 3 The Industrial Revolution (1780-1830)Chapter 4 Colonial ExpansionⅠ The Seven Years WarⅡ The Growth of DominionsⅢ The Conquest of IndiaⅣ The Colonization in South AfricaⅤ Aggression Against ChinaⅥ Britain and the First World War (1914-1918)Ⅶ Britain and the Second World WarⅧ Decolonization and Decline (1945-1997)Chapter 5 The Government of the United KingdomⅠ The MonarchyⅡ The ParliamentⅢ The Cabinet and Privy CouncilⅣ The ConstitutionⅤ Government DepartmentsⅥ British Political PartiesChapter 6 CultureⅠ Primary EducationⅡ Secondary EducationⅢ Higher EducationⅣ Festivals and Public HolidaysⅤ Religion in BritainⅥ British LiteraturePart 2 The United States of AmericaChapter 1 A General SurveyⅠ Location and SizeⅡ GeographyⅢ ClimateⅣ American Geographical RegionsChapter 2 HistoryⅠ The Colonization of the New WorldⅡ The War of IndependenceⅣ The War of 1812Ⅳ Territorial Expansion and Westward MovementⅤ The Civil WarⅥ World War Ⅰ and the United StatesWorld War Ⅱ and the United StatesChapter 3 The Government of USAⅠ Legislative BranchⅡ PresidentⅢ Judicial BranchⅣ Elections and VotingⅤ Cold War and Civil RightsⅥ Political PartiesChapter 4 American CultureⅠ Race & EthnicityⅡ ReligionⅢ EducationⅣ HolidaysⅤ LiteraturePart 3 CanadsChapter 1 A General ViewⅠ GeographyⅡ Provinces and TerritoriesⅢ ClimateⅣ DemographicsChapter 2 The History of CanadaChapter 3 The Government of CanadaChapter 4 Canadian CultureⅠ EducationⅡ religionⅢ Festivals and HolidaysPart 4 AustraliaChapter 1 A General SurveyⅠ GeographyⅡ Political RegionsⅢ ClimateⅣ DemographyChapter 2 Australian HistoryChapter 3 The Government of AustraliaChapter 4 Australian CultureⅠ EducationⅡ ReligionⅢ Festivals and HolidaysChapter 5 Plants and AnimalsPart 5 New ZeslandChapter 1 A General SurveyⅠ GeographyⅡ ClimateChapter 2 HistoryChapter 3 The Government of New zealandChapter 4 CultureⅠ EducationⅡ ReligionⅢ Festivals and HolidaysChapter 5 Plants and Animals附錄中文概要第一部分 英國一、概況二、歷史三、政府四、文化第二部分 美國一、概況二、歷史三、政府四、文化第三部分 加拿大第四部分 澳大利亞第五部分 新西蘭參考文獻
Charles wished to move the Church of England away from Calvinism in a moretraditional and sacramental direction. This goal was shared by his main politicaladviser, Archbishop William Laud. Laud was appointed by Charles as the Archbishopof Canterbury in 1633, and started a series of unpopular reforms in an attempt toimpose order and authority on the church. Laud attempted to ensure religious uniformity by dismissing non-conformistclergymen and closing Puritan organizations. This was actively hostile to the reformedtendencies of many of his English and Scottish subjects. His policy was obnoxious toCalvinist theology. Laud was also an advocate of Arminian theology, which wasviewed as heretical and virtually "Catholic" by strict Calvinists. When Charles attempted to impose his religious policies in Scotland he facednumerous difficulties. The King ordered the use of a new prayer book modelled on theEnglish Book of Common Prayer, which, although supported by the Scottish Bishops,was resisted by many Presbyterian Scots, who saw the new prayer book as a vehicle forintroducing Anglicanism to Scotland. When the General Assembly of the Church ofScotland abolished Episcopalian government (governance of the Church by bishops) in1638, replacing it with Presbyterian government (governance by elders and deacons),Charles sought to put down what he saw as a rebellion against his authority. In 1639, when the First Bishops War broke out, Charles sought to collect taxesfrom his subjects, who refused to yield any further. Charless war ended in ahumiliating truce in June of the same year. In the Pacification of Berwick, Charlesagreed to grant his Scottish subjects civil and ecclesiastical freedoms. Charless militaryfailure in the First Bishops War in turn caused a financial and military crisis for him.