出版時間:2010-9 出版社:東南大學(xué)出版社 作者:侯旭 頁數(shù):287
《社會語言學(xué)》共分八章,介紹社會語言學(xué)主要理論及研究成果。第一章介紹社會語言學(xué)興起的社會、物質(zhì)、學(xué)術(shù)背景,分析與相關(guān)學(xué)科的關(guān)系以及分支研究,突出社會語言學(xué)邊緣學(xué)科的特點(diǎn)。第二、第三章介紹社會語言學(xué)最重要的研究成果之一——語言變異理論,著重梳理不同研究視角變異研究成果的關(guān)系。第四章介紹不同語言在現(xiàn)實生活中接觸的狀況,并以英語為例,介紹世界英語的理論以及世界英語的幾種主要變體。第五章從言語交際研究的最初成果入手,介紹言語交際研究的民族學(xué)傳統(tǒng)以及語用學(xué)成果,并梳理了相鄰學(xué)科對言語交際的研究視角。第六章從語言、思維與文化的視角介紹哲學(xué)、語言學(xué)、心理學(xué)等學(xué)科的研究成果。第七章突出社會語言學(xué)理論與實證結(jié)合的特點(diǎn),著重介紹該學(xué)科研究方法,并詳盡介紹了經(jīng)典研究實例。第八章重點(diǎn)探討語言在社會中的運(yùn)用,包括語言規(guī)劃及語言教育?! ”窘滩牡倪m用對象:英語專業(yè)本科高年級學(xué)生、研究生以及其他對語言、社會相關(guān)學(xué)科感興趣的讀者。
Chapter 1 What is Sociolinguistics1.1 Introduction1.2 A compound term1.3 The rise of soeiolinguisties1.3.1 Time1.3.2 Background1.4 Definitions of sociolinguistics1.5 Sociolinguistics and relevant sciences1.5. l Sociolinguistics and dialectology1.5.2 Sociolinguistics, anthropological and ethnographic linguistics1.5.3 Sociolinguistics and pragmatics1.5.4 Sociolinguistics and socio-semiotics1.6 Branches of sociolinguistics1.6.1 Social dialectology1.6.2 Sociology of language1.6.3 Ethnography of communication1.6.4 Social psychology of language1.6.5 Interactional sociolinguistics1.7 Development of sociolinguistics1.8 Theoretical constructionChapter 2 Language Variation and Varieties2.1 Introduction2.2 Variation and variety2.2.1 Definition of variety2.2.2 Classification of language variation2.3 Dialect2.3.1 Regional/geographical dialect2.3.2 Social dialectChapter 3 More on Language Variation3.1 Introduction3.2 Register3.3 Choice of varieties3.3.1 Code-switching and code-mixing3.3.2 Types of code-switching3.3.3 Motivations of code-switching3.4 Other theories on language variation3.4.1 Speech community3.4.2 Social network3.5 Summary3.6 Variation and social significanceChapter 4 Language Contact4.1 Introduction4.2 Consequences of language contact4.2.1 Language assimilation4.2.2 Language convergence4.3 Language attitude4.3.1 Definition and classification4.3.2 Language loyalty and language competition4.3.3 Measurement of language attitude4.4 Varieties of English4.4. 2 Factors shaping the varieties of English4.4. 3 Examples of varieties of EnglishChapter 5 Speech Communication5.1 Introduction5.2 System of pronouns and address forms——a static perspective5.2.1 T/V5.2.2 Third person pronouns5.2.3 Address terms5.2.4 Social significance of the study5.3 Conversation analysis——a dynamic study5.3.1 Origin and schools5.3.2 Some basic findingsChapter 6 Language, Thought and Culture6.1 Language and thought6.2 Two stands6.3 History of language and thought6.4 Theories on language and thought6.4.1 The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis6.4.2 Prototype theory6.4.3 Basic-level concept6.5 Language and culture6.5.1 Definitions of culture6.5.2 Relationship between language and culture6.5.3 Examples of researches on language and cultureChapter 7 Methodology7.1 Introduction7.2 Quantitative and qualitative study7.2.1 Quantitative research methods7.2.2 Qualitative research methods7.2.3 Summary7.3 Sociolinguistics——the quantitative study of language7.3.1 The procedure7.3.2 Examples of the quantitative studyChapter 8 Applied Issues8.1 Language planning8.1.1 Significance and motivation8.1.2 Types and stages8.1.3 Language planning in modern China8.2 Language education8.2.1 Communicative competence8.2.2 Learners factors8.2.3 Teacher talk, power and solidarity8.2.4 Code-switching and ESL/EFL contextAppendixAppendix 1TerminologyAppendix 2Course SyllabusAppendix 3Evaluation Sheet
In Western history, discussions on the relationship betweenlanguage and the world also reflect what sociolinguistics is concernedwith, and this tradition can be traced back to the ancient Greek timewhen Socrates, Plato and Aristotle lived, though at that time, theirdiscussions mainly focused on what the world was and language wasonly a byproduct of such thinking. By the end of the 18 th century andthe beginning of the 19th century when historical comparative linguisticstudies prevailed, W. Humboldt, the famous German linguist hadpointed out explicitly, "The diversity of languages is not a diversity ofsigns and sounds but a diversity of views of the world. " (Trabant,2000) The task of comparative linguistics should include four parts:language; end of language use; human development and nation, amongwhich at least two were related to sociolinguistics. On the one hand,language is related to nation. It represents a nations spirit andcharacteristics. On the other hand, language is related to thought.Thought determines language and language restricts thought. By the1920s, there had appeared two important linguistic schools in Europeand America and they helped establish basis for the formation anddevelopment of sociolinguistics. The first school isLondon or Functional School represented by B. Malinowsky and J.Firth. The second school is North American Anthropological Linguisticsrepresented by F. Boas and E. Sapir. As time goes by, both schoolshave developed a close relation between sociolinguistics.