出版時間:2012-10 出版社:首都師范大學出版社 作者:爾悅 編 頁數(shù):222
每套或每冊書出版之前,總會有編者寫一段文字,謂之前言或序。本叢書的編者也曾伏案冥思,欲求作一個好序。一日,朋友出示了一篇文章的片段,眾人讀之,不禁拍案:“斯言賢哉!”令人遺憾的是,大家都不曉得文章作者的名姓。恕在肅然起敬之余,引以為前序。 “讀書是人的存在和精神生態(tài)的綠化”?! 叭说囊簧娴倪^得太快。當我們?yōu)槿粘o所不在的慣性所推動的時候,是否可以以“生活在別處,的他者眼光來審視自我生活的意義?是否可以通過閱讀哲人的生命蹤跡來反觀自身生命的軌跡?是否可以在日常生活的喧囂中給自己留一方精神的凈土?這些在閱讀中暫時中斷日常生活慣性的意識,表明了生命意義的復歸和存在價值的追問。” “真正的人生需要文化作為底色,文化的傳承在于書籍文本和精神稟賦中。讀書生活的獨特性在于思接千載,心游太玄,在喧嘩與騷動中保持自我思想的獨立性,守持人文理性的價值底線和良善心地。讀書使人心理、精神、人格氣質(zhì)不斷發(fā)生根本性的變化,在思想的超越性和言說的有限性之間感到生命的飄逝性,在怦然心動的閱讀中體悟無邊的人類憂思和生命意義的升華。讀經(jīng)典性的著作,一定要‘進得去,出得來’。進去了方可尋覓家園,而燈火闌珊處的風景只等待慧者。讀書中生出的快意,使得生命感領著本真的歡喜與虔誠、透悟與識見,如此方能在溪清如許中覓到源頭活水?!薄 白x書有不同的境界,一是被書所讀,不知為何而讀書;二是讀書僅僅局限于書,為讀書而讀書;三是讀書不局限于書,而是成為清理思想和新思想誕生的前奏。在與書相伴的讀與思中,捕捉那稍縱即逝的思緒,領悟‘生有涯而知無涯’的意味,將生命飄逝與學問累積相反相成地聯(lián)結(jié)起來,何其快心!” ……
Week One(廣告信息類)MondayPassage A 閱讀理解(博物館簡介)Passage B 閱讀理解(文化衫)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(回憶往事)Passage B 閱讀理解(夏日野營)WednesdayPassage A 七選五閱讀(抗擊壓力)Passage B 閱讀理解(潛水探險)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(火災救援)Passage B 閱讀理解(書籍廣告)FridayPassage A 閱讀理解(書籍廣告)Passage B 閱讀理解(銷售信息)WeekendPassage A 七選五閱讀(課外活動)Passage B 賞讀美文Week Two(人物故事類)MondayPassage A 閱讀理解(濃濃友情)Passage B 閱讀理解(速滑冠軍)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(奇特的救火經(jīng)歷)Passage B 閱讀理解(電影明星李小龍)WednesdayPassage A 七選五閱讀(如何建立友誼)Passage B 閱讀理解(“倒霉蛋兒”)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(狗狗救主)Passage B 閱讀理解{游泳健將)FridayPassage A 閱讀理解(電影明星)Passage B 閱讀理解(素不相識的“兒子”)WeekendPassage A 七選五閱讀(新年必做之事)Passage B 賞讀美文Week Three(社會文化類)MondayPassage A 閱讀理解(圣誕禮物)Passage B 閱讀理解(禮儀風俗)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(餐館經(jīng)歷)Passage B 閱讀理解(英美之間的Pig War)WednesdayPassage A 七選五閱讀(同情心)Passage B 閱讀理解(節(jié)日購物潮)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(人生理想)Passage B 閱讀理解(從考古看古代文明)FridayPassage A 閱讀理解(咖啡廳的經(jīng)營模式)Passage B 閱讀理解(精明的商家)WeekendPassage A 七選五閱讀(社會活動)Passage B 賞讀美文Week Four(新聞媒體類)MondayPassage A 閱讀理解(孤島生存)Passage B 閱讀理解(美國醫(yī)改)TuesdayPassage A 完型填空(圣誕親情)Passage B 閱讀理解(挪威槍擊案)WednesdayPassage A 閱讀理解(水果還是果汁)Passage B 閱讀理解(“變味”的蜜月之旅)ThursdayPassage A 完型填空(巧遇老友)Passage B 閱讀理解(“雙向”電視)……Week Five(科普小品類)Week Six(人文地理類)Week Seven《生活哲理類)Week Eight(體育健康類)Week Nine(教育文化類)Week Ten(氣候與環(huán)保類)Week Eleven(記敘文類)Week Twelve(說明文類)Week Thirteen(議論文類)Week Fourteen(綜合訓練Ⅰ)Week Fifteen(綜合訓練Ⅱ)參考答案與解析
A Are you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places: Visit art museums. They offer a variety of ac- tivities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer work- shops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits,book signings(簽名) by children's favorite writers, and even musical performances and other arts. Head to a natural history museum. This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Al- so. ask what kind of workshops and educational pro- grams are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up. Go to a Youtheater. Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors. Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts. Puppet c術偶) making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find. Try hands-on science. Visit one of the many hands-on science museums around the country. These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums. ……