出版時間:1970-1 作者:組編審定
This course is designed for new beginners to Chinese. Upon finishing the course, learners will have grasped over 1,000 basic words, 200 sentence patterns and 3,000 useful sentences enabling them toeffectively communicate with Chinese people in day-to-day situations. Practical and contemporary spoken Chinese, which resembles day to day Chinese conversation, will help the learner to develop good listening skills. English explanations also help learners to understand the situations presented.Containing both situational dialogue in the TV program and the texts recorded by newscasters, thematerials are ideal for both classroom teaching and self-study. The recordings contain not only the audio materials of new words, texts and exercises of eachlesson, but also answers to all the exercises. The accompanying textbook, DVD and CD-Rom software are all designed to aid the learner in getting the most out of the material.