
出版時間:1997-11-20  出版社:華語教學出版社  作者:Joel Bellassen,Zhang Pengpeng,Joel Bellasen  頁數(shù):276  


  The two volumes that make up this method of learning Chinese were published inFrance at the end of 1989 (Ⅰ) and 1991 (Ⅱ) respectively.They are intended for studentswith no previous knowledge of the language.  We would like to express our gratitude to those colleagues in Germany, America,England, China and Scandinavia who, acquainted with the French manuals, first putforth the idea of an English edition.Our thanks go to them for the continued interest theyhave shown in the present volumes, in which there is, no doubt, room for improvement.This interest, we feel, has been kindled by an entirely different conception of learningChinese. Departing from the usual form of teaching in vogue for the last forty years, thisnew approach is nevertheless intrinsically traditional, in that it shows a great respect for theoriginality of the Chinese language.  In every aspect of life, only when we chose to look reality in the face, can we avoidencounters with conflict and disorder.In terms of learning Chinese, the written languageis not merely a graphic duplicate of the oral sounds. Bearing this consideration in mind,Chinese students as well as their professors must adopt two separate approaches of thelanguage which consist of distinguishing two systems of logic of thought.Those twosystems are not identical and they may even conflict with each other.Meanwhile, onehas to keep in mind that the Chinese characters as fundamental unit of written languageshould always be entitles to a specific place and that is what I strove to do in this book.We would like to thank Mrs. Anne Alexis and Ms Jocelyne Finazzi for their attentiveediting.


  《漢語語言文字啟蒙》顧名思義,這是一本漢語語言文字的啟蒙教材,分一、兩集,本書為第一集?! h語的一個重要特點是:其漢字足表意文字,個體突出,以單個漢字為基礎可以層層構詞。本教材的第一冊是在三千多個常用字中選擇了其中使用率最高的四百個漢字(使用率近70%),并以此為基礎編寫而成。   本教材在總體設計上力圖體現(xiàn)漢語字與詞關系這一特點,循漢語之本來面目進行教學,故本教材可稱為“字本位教學法”。作者使用此法曾有多年的實踐,教學效果事半功倍。  本書作者兼收并蓄,突出了語言教學的交際性和循序漸進等原則?! ”緯鴮χ袊鴤鹘y(tǒng)文化的介紹穿插其中,極受學生歡迎。  本書在漢字字形、字義教學上,頗具匠心,便于學生記憶及教師使用?! ”緯婷嬖O計生動活潑,陶文并茂,獨具特色,書后附繁體字課文及英文譯文?! ”緯溆袃珊袖浺魩?。


  若埃爾·白樂桑,生于1950年,1973年至1975年在北京語言學院和北京大學學習,現(xiàn)為巴黎第七大學副教授及法國漢語教師協(xié)會主席,漢語教學專家,著有Lesiddogrammes chinoisoul Empiredu sens,Chinois mode d’emploigrammairepratique etexercices,等?! 埮笈螅?947年出生,1975年畢業(yè)于北京語言學院法語專業(yè)。自1975年開始從事對外漢語教學工作,曾在法國巴黎大學和瑞士日內(nèi)瓦大學教授中文?,F(xiàn)為北京語言文化大學教師。其著作還有《現(xiàn)代千字文》、《漢語外貿(mào)會話》、《現(xiàn)代反義詞詞典》等。


Abbreviations and SymbolsIntroductionChinese WritingFrequency TablePinyinGraphic Elements (Radicals)Table of 400 CharactersKeyPREPARATION: Sequence 0.0-Lesson 0 Sequence 0.5-Lesson 0, 5 Numbers and DatesPART 1 Sequence 1.1-Lesson 1 Sequence 1.2-Lesson 2 Sequence 1.25-Lesson 2, 5 Sequence 1.3-Lesson 3 "Snowball" Version 1 Sequence 1.4-Lesson 4 Dynasty Time Line Sequence 1.5-Lesson 5 Sequence 1.6-Lesson 6 "Snowball" Version 2 A Landscape Painting (Poem)PART 2 Sequence 2.1-Lesson 7 Sequence 2.2-Lesson 8 Map of China Sequence 2.3-Lesson 9 "Snowball" Version 3 Sequence 2.4-Lesson 10 Sequence 2.5-Lesson 11 Sequence 2.6-Lesson 12 "Snowball" Version 4 Zhuangzi and the Butterfly(Story)PART 3 Sequence 3.1-Lesson 13 Sequence 3.2-Lesson 14 Sequence 3.3-Lesson 15 "Snowball" Version 5 The Animals of the Horoscope Sequence 3.4-Lesson 16 Sequence 3.5-Lesson 17 Sequence 3.6-Lesson 18 "Snowball" Version 6 Old Meat Nanniwan (Folk Song) Texts in Complex Characters Translations Grammar Review Vocabulary Table of Tapes


  Once upon a time in the north of China, there lived a farmer who, wanting to has-ten the growth of his new shoots, went every morning to pull them up slightly. After ashort time the shoots withered and died. "  The ancient wisdom of the Chinese teaches us through this story that we must notfight against the nature of things. This is the first idea that guided me in devising thismethod. Many texbooks (Chinese ones included) westernise and "alphabeticise"Chi-nese. It is surely far more appropriate, however, to present the language as it really is, toreveal its own logic, its own spirit.  It is generally agreed that learning Chinese is a question of memory.Memory,however, is afraid of emptiness; it needs supports. Any method of learning Chinese mustbe constructed accordingly, providing where possible the essential elements for learningevery Chinese character or sinogram (we have borrowed this new term from DelphineWeulersse and Nicolas Lyssenko, authors of Methode programm6e du chinois moderne).  These supports will be visual (the student will readily observe a characters origi-nal design), auditory (the student who remembers things when he hears them will benefitfrom saying out aloud the elements that compose a character) and gestural (the strokeorder and positioning).




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用戶評論 (總計15條)


  •   感悟漢語——好教材!
  •   確實是還漢語本來的面目。
  •   目前最好的漢字教材,簡單易學。
  •   法國人寫的學中文書籍,我有一同事在中國七年,能看報,他推薦的,我用這本書教過幾個老外了,作教材不錯。
  •   書的內(nèi)容很好,都有英文注解和英文介紹,適合初學者,還有筆畫書寫的順序。
  •   包裝很好,還有光盤,感覺很不錯。
  •   太適合老外學中文了
  •   暫時先買了1,總之價格是十分優(yōu)惠的。內(nèi)含光碟,可根據(jù)光碟學讀音。還沒開始系統(tǒng)的教朋友,但是看上去還是挺不錯的。
  •   外國人比較喜歡
  •   i ***e it_very usefull
  •   描述真實,跟我在書店里買的一樣。還有更多折扣。挺好。
  •   書還行,就是內(nèi)容有些老。
  •   粗看了一下,但是覺得很好
  •   其實是買來送給給外國客戶自學的,在網(wǎng)上了解過相關的外國人漢語教材,才認識了白樂桑這個法國人,據(jù)說最好的對外漢語教材是法國人寫的,不知道是不是說的他,因此百科了一下關于白樂桑,才買了這本書。不過不好對書或者書里的內(nèi)容評論,我根本沒看到,直接寄給客戶了。另外《體驗漢語系列》和新華字典漢英雙解也是我想買的,不過當當沒貨,只好在淘寶上買了。
  •   教老外的參考書,語法點都有英文解釋,有文化部分,有漢字的解釋,但版本有些老,有些表達方式已經(jīng)不用了

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