
出版時間:2005-1  出版社:社會科學(xué)文獻出版社  作者:張道真 編  頁數(shù):321  字?jǐn)?shù):415000  


本書從最基本的字母和語音知識開始,循序漸進地進行講解;教學(xué)內(nèi)容簡單易懂,課文短小精悍,詞序編排合理,強調(diào)口語化,容易背誦。本冊包含1200多詞匯,學(xué)完后可以打下英語學(xué)習(xí)的初步基礎(chǔ)。    這套書有下面主要特點:    1、課文短小精悍:一般一二十行,生詞約為十一二個。文字盡量口語化。要盡量做到大部分都能背下來。只有把課文背熟,生詞才能記住,語法也才能鞏固。要反復(fù)背,定期復(fù)習(xí),課文背得愈熟,基礎(chǔ)打得愈好。    2、內(nèi)容反映現(xiàn)代生活,包括常用的現(xiàn)代詞匯,學(xué)了就能用,所學(xué)詞匯可表述現(xiàn)代生活的方方面面,強調(diào)語言材料的實用性。    3、注意口語練習(xí):每課除有對話練習(xí)、句型練習(xí)、問答等之外,還有附錄中的口語練習(xí)。練習(xí)除了起復(fù)習(xí)鞏固的作用外,還可打好初步口語基礎(chǔ),必要時可干一些初級的口語工作。    4、配有錄音資料,便利學(xué)員自學(xué),同時保證發(fā)展正確的語音、語調(diào),為發(fā)展全面的語言能力打好基礎(chǔ)。錄音要反復(fù)地跟,務(wù)使自己有正確的語音語調(diào)。    5、每課有詳細(xì)的輔導(dǎo)材料,包括課文譯文,課文注釋,語法講解,語音說明,練習(xí)答案,以利自學(xué)。    6、有豐富的附錄,主要包括練習(xí)及復(fù)習(xí)材料,各類讀物(包括兒歌、小詩,故事等)來發(fā)展閱讀能力,并鞏固所學(xué)內(nèi)容。本書可說是精泛并舉。    這套教材是為英語自學(xué)者設(shè)計的,對職稱考試、就業(yè)應(yīng)聘及其他英語學(xué)習(xí)者也有很強的普適性、針對性,同時對在校大中小學(xué)生及教師的英語學(xué)習(xí)或數(shù)學(xué)也具有參考價值。于于學(xué)習(xí)這套書要用多少時間可以因人而異。如果中學(xué)畢業(yè)生、在家待業(yè),時間比較充裕,一年學(xué)完四本也是可能的。如中學(xué)英語沒基礎(chǔ),這四本書可細(xì)水長流地學(xué),學(xué)三四年也可以。


張道真教授 1947年畢業(yè)于南京大學(xué)(即中央大學(xué))外語系。1948年春赴美留學(xué),先就讀于華盛頓大學(xué)英國文學(xué)系,1949年轉(zhuǎn)往哈佛大學(xué)讀比較文學(xué)。1950年響應(yīng)周總理號召回國參加建設(shè),在北京外國語學(xué)院任教至1996年退休。后應(yīng)邀赴深圳大學(xué)任校長顧問。1990年赴美,在美國定居,潛心于


Lesson 1: The English Alphabet       Tonal Practice      Exercises       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 2: Pattern Drill (This is..., Is this..., etc.        Talk About Pictures        Exercises       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 3: Pattern Drill (What are..., What colour is..., etc. )        Talk About Pictures       Exercises (vowel sound [e])      輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 4: Text A: My Room       Text B: Our Classroom       Pattern Drill (There is, There are, etc. )        Exercises ( vowel sound [a])       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 5: Text A: A Little Girl       Text B: Brother and Sister       Talk About Pictures (verb to have, can)        Exercises ( vowel sound [i] )       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 6: Text A: Tom and Mary       Text B: The Greens       Pattern Drills (How old is... , etc. )       Talk About Pictures       Exercises (vowel sound [v]; nuinerals)       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 7: Text A: A Picture of My Family       Text B: Nancy's Family       Pattern Drill ( Who is..., Where is... from, etc. )       Talk About Pictures       Exercises ( vowel sound [A]; verb tO be)       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 8: Text A: My Foreign Friends       Text B: Diana and Koji       Pattern Drill (Who is..., What is .... Where is..., etc. )       Talk About Pictures       Exercises (Vowel sound [ei], Good morning, etc. )       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 9: Text A: Nancy's Apartment/      Text B: Our Living Room       Pattern Drills (verb to be, There is... , There are..., etc. )       Talk About a Picture       Exercises (vowel sound [i:]; Mrs. Smith's Living Room)       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 10: Text A: Our House        Text B: A New House        Pattern Drills ( There is .... There are... , etc. )         Talk About a Picture        Exercises (vowel sound [ail; a dialogue)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 11: Text A: The Week        Text B: The Seasons        Pattern Drill ( It's cold, etc. )         Talk About a Picture        Exercises (vowel sound [ou]; dates; James Anderson's New House)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 12: Text A: Peter Smith        Text B: Betty        Pattern Drills (Where does..., What time do..., etc. )        Talk About Pictures        Exercises (vowel sounds [u], [u:], [ju:]; two dialogues)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 13: Text A: Carla        Text B: Kelly Hall        Questions and Answers (verb to do)        Talk About Pictures        Grammar: Parts of Speech        Exercises (vowel sounds [u:], [~:], [o:]; What time is it? Mrs. Watson)       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 14: Text A: Anna        Text B: The Gomez Family        Questions and Answers (the Simple Present Tense)         Talk About Pictures        Exercises ( vowel sounds [ au ], [ a ], [ eo ]; the plural forms of nouns; Mr. and Mrs. White)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 15: Text A: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner        Text B: American Meals        Questions and Answers (the Simple Present Tense)         Talk About a Menu        Grammar: The Simple Present Tense        Exercises (consonants [], [], [tS], [d]; a dialogue)       輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 16: Text A. The Dawsons        Text B. The Clarks        Questions and Answers (the Simple Present)         Talk About the Picture        Exercises ( III, [, and some other consonants; the Sawyers)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 17: Text A: In the Classroom        Text B: Cleaning the Classroom       Questions and Answers (the Present Continuous)         Talk About Pictures        Grammar: the Present Continuous Tense        Exercises (some consonant sounds; the Sawyers)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 18: Text A: On the Sportsground        Text B: Sports        Questions and Answers         Talk About Pictures (the Present Continuous)        Exercises (Learn to read transcriptions; the - ing forms of verbs; a dialogue)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 19: Text A: The Summer Palace        Text B: Sunday in the Park        Questions and Answers ,        Talk About Pictures (the Present Continuous)        Exercises (plural endings; the Black Family)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 20: Text A: A Fine Day        Text B: Free Activity Hour        Questions and Answers (the two tenses)         Talk About Pictures        Pronunciation: Word Stress        Exercises ( words in transcription; the - ing forms of verbs; Rod Watson)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 21: Text A: A Letter        Text B: Mr. Patterson        Questions and Answers         Talk About Pictures        Grammar: The going to Construction/       Exercises (Comparison of vowels; be going to construction; a dialogue)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 22: Text A: Our City        Text B: Hammersville        Questions and Answers         Talk About A City        Exercises ( Comparison of vowels; review of tenses; Monday Through Friday)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 23: Text A: A Letter From Paris        Text B: A Letter From London        Questions and Answers         Pattern Drill        Exercises (Comparison of vowels; some rules of reading; a dialogue)      輔導(dǎo)材料  Lesson 24: Text A: New York City        Text B: London       Questions and Answers        Pattern Drill        Exercises (More rules of reading; self-pronouns; Marion Lake)        輔導(dǎo)材料  Appendixes (附錄): ?、? Revision Exercises (復(fù)習(xí)練習(xí))   1. Questions and Answers    2. Talk About Pictures    3. Retell Short Passages   II. Sapplementary Reading (補充閱讀)   1. Nursery Rhymes (兒歌)   2. Poems (詩歌)    3. Fables (寓言)   4. Fairy Tales (童話故事) Vocabulary (詞匯表)




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  •   這本書很好,不過里面的光盤沒有用,這本書應(yīng)該是配合張道真空中英語課堂學(xué)習(xí)才行
  •   收到的書的光碟是壞的,
  •   我把圖書館的書掉了,沒有辦法。不過在網(wǎng)上買書還真是快捷。呵呵謝謝了
  •   內(nèi)容很淺啊光盤用了2次就不能用不知道怎么讀不起來了
  •   書還可以吧,但是光盤為什么沒有前面的內(nèi)容呢,而且如果是絕對的初學(xué)者者恐怕還真實\是弄不懂啊,
  •   光盤是在書里夾著的,買來光盤已經(jīng)被壓碎了,不能用了。
  •   書拿到時還很高興,可聽MP3時就覺得跟不上啊
  •   不好!如果真的是一個自學(xué)者來說根本就聽不懂,CD里讀的都是后面課文的內(nèi)容,沒有隨書本內(nèi)容走

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
