
出版時間:2009-10  出版社:中央編譯  作者:鄧肯  




ISADORA DUNCAN (1877-1972): a remarkble visionary, revolutionized dance in the twentieth century, captivating audiences in the United States, Europe and Russia with her passionate, innovative, free-flowing style. Frank and open like her dancing, her famous autobiography describes her total commitment to establishing modern dance as a serious art form, leading the way for other great dance pioneers as Ruth St. Denis, Agnes de Mille, and Martha Graham.
Ducan tells of her early enchantment with classical music and poetry and their influence on her techniques, her great successes abroad, and her funding of schools of dance for children in France, Russia and Germany, as well as the love affairs and tragedies in her life.


IntroductoryChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter TwelveChapter ThirteenChapter FourteenChapter FifteenChapter SixteenChapter SeventeenChapter EighteenChapter NineteenChapter TwentyChapter Twenty-OneChapter Twenty-TwoChapter Twenty-ThreeChapter Twenty-FourChapter Twenty-FiveChapter Twenty-SixChapter Twenty-SevenChapter Twenty-EightChapter Twenty-NineChapter ThirtyChapter Thirty-OneKey Dates in Isadora Duncan's Life


插圖:The little theatre grew and became quite celebrated in the neighbourhood. Later on this gave us the idea of making a tournde on the coast. I danced, Augustin recited poems, and afterwards we acted a comedy in which Elizabeth and Raymond also took part. Although I was only twelve years old at the time, and the others still in their teens, these tournes down the coast at Santa Clara, Santa Rosa, Santa Barbara, and so forth, were very successful.The dominant note of my childhood was the constant spirit of revolt against the narrowness of the society in which we lived, against the limitations of life and a growing desire to fly eastward to something I imagined might be broader. How often I remember haranguing the family and my relations, and always ending with, "We must leave this place; we shall never be able to accomplish anything here."Of all the family I was the most courageous, and, when there was absolutely nothing to eat in the house, I was the volunteer who went to the butcher and through my wiles induced him to give me mutton chops without payment. I was the one sent to the baker to entice him to continue credit. I took a real adventurous pleasure in these excursions, especially when I was successful, as I generally was. I used to dance all the way home with joy, bearing the spoils and feeling like a highwayman.


在我看來,鄧肯像一個天真無邪的孩子,跳著舞穿過沐浴在晨曦中的花園,去采摘自己想象中的美麗的花朵。    ——西奧多·羅斯福"Isadora was a wild voluptuary, a ture revolutionary. She flouted every tradition... She alone and unhelped changed the direction of her entire art."    ——Agnes de Mille"She wrote as candidly as she spoke, so that her written word conveys the impression of speech. Her memoirs constitute a great document, revealing the truth of her life as she understood it, without reticence or apology or compromise."    ——New York Herald Tribune"SENSATIONAL READING."    ——NEW YORK TIMES






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用戶評論 (總計19條)


  •   書挺厚的,但是不大,裝包包里剛好~我不太確定這個是不是外國原版書,因為她有中文的廣告紙介紹該書,還說是外文原版,落款還是中央翻譯出版社。。。不過無所謂啦,反正不影響我看這位偉大舞蹈家的心情啦。。。
  •   不一樣的人生,不一樣的靈魂。同時學(xué)習(xí)英文,很棒!
  •   期待中,因為還沒看
  •   勵志的同時提高英語!
  •   英文原版 原汁原味
  •   喜歡鄧肯的隨心所欲
  •   還不錯。英文比較原汁原味,只是圖片并不多。
  •   全英文的。。建議沒看清楚的當(dāng)當(dāng)們下手之前考慮~~
  •   那個時代的叛逆,也是這個時代的榜樣,可以看到很多,英語也很好,就是有些龐雜,還是一本很好的勵志書。
  •   了解她是通過網(wǎng)絡(luò),購買者本書是因為對她很好奇,書還沒有讀完,但卻舍不得放下了
  •   說句實話,寫得不怎么樣。前面還行,越讀越?jīng)]勁。
  •   封面和里面印刷跟我預(yù)期的不一樣,不過價位還行,速度也比較快。
  •   書名后面還寫著插圖珍藏版,不過書的質(zhì)量可真不敢恭維,紙張不好封面也劣質(zhì),三十塊錢的書就像街邊地攤貨里的二手書,買了這本說不后悔是假的。
  •   中國引進(jìn)的書的通病,有很多是拼寫,打印錯誤,
  •   拿到手略有些舊舊的,隱隱有不少劃痕,但好在比較輕微,不知道是不是二手的。書里面很不錯,讀起來很舒適。
  •   顯然不是正版,印刷不夠精美,難道稱得上收藏么??封面也有褶印,有壓壞的痕跡。
  •   還沒看 朋友推薦的 看過中文的還行 這本一直沒時間讀質(zhì)量還行
  •   沒有破損,果然是再生紙,文字感覺很親切不生澀
  •   這本書印刷,內(nèi)容都不錯。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
