
出版時間:2008-8  出版社:語文出版社  作者:暴麗穎  頁數(shù):248  


  第二語言教學經(jīng)歷了一百多年的變遷,期間,第二語言教學的發(fā)展幾乎被等同于第二語言教學法的發(fā)展。不同的語言認識論、語言習得理論和教學理念,促使第二語言教學法不斷涌現(xiàn)、頻繁更新。  從20世紀70年代至今,第二語言習得研究蓬勃發(fā)展,取得了許多重要的研究成果,已經(jīng)成為一門獨立的學科。其中,經(jīng)典的詞素研究和加拿大浸入式教學研究,不僅確立了第二語言習得研究作為一門獨立學科的地位,而且對第二語言學習產(chǎn)生了巨大的影響。人們開始更客觀、更具體地研究第二語言習得,不僅研究第二語言教學方法,而且研究教學環(huán)境、教學內(nèi)容和學習者的學習動機、認知風格、學習策略等,大大推動了第二語言習得研究?! ≌Z言石化研究就是在這一大環(huán)境下產(chǎn)生和發(fā)展的。在第二語言習得研究領(lǐng)域,語言石化一般指在有持續(xù)的語言輸入、足夠的學習動機和充分的練習機會的情況下,發(fā)生的語言發(fā)展停滯現(xiàn)象。語言石化現(xiàn)象,一直是第二語言習得研究的研究熱點。人們從普通語言學、社會語言學、心理語言學神經(jīng)生理學的角度,探討石化現(xiàn)象的產(chǎn)生原因和防治策略,取得了許多可喜的成果。




Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Overview1.2 Background of Fossilization Research1.3 Significance of the Research1.4 Organization of the BookChapter 2 A Theoretical Study on Fossilization2.1 Introduction2.2 The Recent Developments of Fossilization Research2.2.1 Defining Fossilization2.2.2 Behavioral Reflexes of Fossilization2.2.3 Causal Variables of Fossilization2.2.4 Difficulties in Research on Fossilization2.2.5 Problems in Fossilization Studies2.3 Fossilization or Stabilization as the Object of Emvirical Studies of Fossilization2.4 Fossilization from Emergentist and Connectionist Perspectives2.4.1 Emergentist Approaches to Language and SLA2.4.2 Connectionism2.4.3 Rational Contingency Learning2.4.3.1 The Design of an Optimal Processor2.4.3.2 The Rational Analysis of Learning and Memory2.4.3.3 Contingency: AP2.4.3.4 Irrationalities as the Results of the Effects of Attention2.5 Attention and Noticing Hypothesis2.6 Focus on Form2.7 Conceptual Framework of the Present Study and Research QuestionsChapter 3 Research on the Existence of Fossilization and StabilizationA Questionnaire Study3.1 Introduction3.2 L2 learners' Serf-Report about Fossilization and Stabilization3.2.1 Participants3.2.2 Methods and Materials3.2.3 Procedures3.2.4 Results and Discussions3.2.4.1 Handling Irrelevant Data3.2.4.2 Motivation Types3.2.4.3 Subject-Predicate Agreement3.2.4.4 Inflection of Plurals3.2.4.5 Inflection of Past Tense Predicate3.2.4.6 Distinguishing "He" and "She" Articles3.2.4.8 General Impression on IL Development3.2.4.9 Multiple Choice Items3.2.4.10 Open-Ended Questions3.2.4.11 Summary3.3 Foreign Language Teachers' Observation of Fossilization and Stabilization3.3.1 Participants3.3.2 Methods and Materials3.3.3 Procedures3.3.4 A Pilot Study3.3.5 Results and Discussions3.3.5.1 General Evaluation of Development and Cessation3.3.5.2 Specific Features3.3.5.3 The Participants' Feedback on Their Students' Mistakes3.3.5.4 Multiple Choice Items3.3.5.5 The Open-Ended Items3.3.5.6 SummaryChapter 4 Research on the Existence of Fossilization and Stabilization:A Pseudo-longitudinal Study4.1 Introduction4.2 Participants4.3 Methods and Materials4.4 Procedures and Coding4.5 A Pilot Study4.6 Results and Discussions4.6.1 The Grammaticality Judgment Task4.6.2 The Dictogloss Task4.6.3 The Elicited Imitation Task4.6.4 SummaryChapter 5 The Effects of Different Types of Feedback on Stabilized Features5. 1 Introduction5.2 Participants5.3 Methods and Materials5.4 Procedures and Coding5.5 Results and Discussions5.5.1 The Pretest5.5.2 The Instructional Intervention Process5.5.2. 1 Past Tense Marking5.5.2. 2 Third Person Singular Marking5.5.2.3 Articles5.5.3 The Immediate Posttest5.5. g The Delayed Posttest5.5.5 SummaryChapter 6 The Effects of Input Enhancement on Stabilized Features6.1 Introduction6.2 Participants6.3 Methods and Materials6.4 Procedures and Coding6.5 Results and Discussions6.5.1 The Pretest6.5.2 The Immediate Posttest6.5.3 The Delayed Posttest6.5.4 SummaryChanter 7 The Effects of Enhanced Output on Stabilized Features7.1 Introduction7.2 Participants7.3 Methods and Materials7.4 Procedures and Coding7.5 Results and Discussions7.5.The First Pretest7.5.The Second Pretest7.5.The Immediate Posttest7.5.The Delayed Posttest7.5.SummaryChapter 8 Conclusion8.1 Introduction8.2 Results Summary8.3 Contributions of the Research8.3.1 Theoretical Significance8.3.2 Pedagogical Implications8.3.3 Methodological Significance8.4 Limitations of the Research8.5 Recommendations for Further Research8.6 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix Ⅰ Questionnaire for StudentsAppendix Ⅱ Questionnaire for TeachersAppendix Ⅲ Material for the Pseudo-Longitudinal Sludy


  While it is surely the case that some people are more articulate thanothers in using their Ll,all children with normal faculties and given normalcircumstances master their mother tongue. People marvel at the easeand rapidity with which children acquire their L1. Standing in contrastwith L1 acquisition,SEA does not often result in the outcome of languagemastery. Furthermore, there is a much broader range of language profi-ciency achieved among L2 learners than first. The issue of differentialsuccess involves not only inter-learner view but also intra-learnerview. The ultimate attainment of L2 learners end up with differential ter-minal IL states and for a given learner, part of his IL system ceases to de-velop. In SLA research, such kind of failure has largely been dealt withunder the construct of "fossilization" ( Selinker, 1972).  Although SLA researchers have studied fossilization since Selinkerproposed the construct in 1972, there is no universally acknowledged defi-nition of fossilization. A wide range of cessation of second or foreign lan-guage learning is reported under the construct of fossilization in all kindsof learuing conditions. Researchers in this field attribute different beha-vioral reflexes to fossilization, explain fossilization from different perspec-tives, and make efforts to solve the problem of fossilization with differentmeasures. Consequently, as Long( 2003, p. 492 ) asserts, numerous studiesover the past 30 years purporting to demonstrate and explain fossilizationmay be questioned for their defects in describing fossilization, choosingsubjects, collecting data, and conducting analysis. The chaotic situation offossilization study, on one hand, calls for a paradigm and theoreticaland methodological frameworks.   ……



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