出版時間:2009-9 出版社:池仁勇、 等 知識產(chǎn)權(quán)出版社 (2009-09出版) 作者:池仁勇 頁數(shù):759
PART ONEINNOVATION2 Synergistic Evolution of Technological Innovation and Industrial Structure on Convergence6 Exploring Technological Innovation Capability Based on Patont Information Analysis: A Case Study on Guang xi Automobile Industry12 The Evaluation on Technological Innovation mad Its Countermeasure Research for SMES 15 The Development of Price Mode Ls for .Innovated-technology Products with In-troduction of Time Variable20 The Analysis on a Skavey of Enterprise Technological Innovation: Based on the Questionnaires from 225 Eat ezprises in Wenzhou 25 The Discussion of Hubei High-tech Industry Technololgy Innovation Policies 29 The Dynamic Relationship of Institutional Innovation, Technological Innovation and Economic Development: From the Angle of Proffessive Evolution of Eco-nomic Cycle 34 The Organization Innovation in Construction of New Socialist Countryside BAI Yun, GONG Yandtao37 A Modal of Service Innovation Based on the View of Company/Custom Inter face WE/Tie, LU Ruoyu41 The Outlook of "Problem Situation" for Innovation during Growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 45 Literature Study on Korean National Innovation System Policies 49 The Service Innovation Method of Increasing Customer Value for Whole Sevice through Additional Service53 The Construction and Empirical Study on a Measure Model of the Technological Innovation Capability in Enterprises58 The Analysis of the Evaluation System on Enterprises' Independent Innovation Capacities and the Hindrance Factor: An Empirical Research Based on Zhejiang Province66 Constructing Vertical Cooperation Innovation Network Based on Value Network71 Properties and Evolution Mechanisms of Regional Innovation System: From a Perspective of Complex Adaptive Systems Theory75 Research on Approaches to Promoting Cooperative Innovation between Enterprises and Universities in China80 International Comparison and Learning from: On Financial Supporting System of SMEs Technology Innovation85 Student Loan, the Accumulation of Human Capital and Technological Innovation89 The Technological Innovation Capability of Enterprise on Brand Influence93 The Study of Open Innovation on Chinese Electronic Information Industry in the Area of Shenzhen99 The Innovation Capability of Modem Service Industry in Optics Valley of China104 Market-orientation of the Technical Innovation of Small and Millium-sized Private Enterprises108 Evolution of Regional Innovation113 The Risk Evasion of the Virtual Enterprise Technology-innovation117 The Selection Research of Vehicle Manufacturing Firms' Strategic Suppliers on Technological Innovation Ability123 Network Structure, Absorptive Capacity ,and Innovation of Cluster Firms128 The Innovation of Financial Mlant in Chinese Private EnWrpriscs132 Technological Innovation and Industrial Structure Upgrading138 Analysis of Obstacles to Technology Innovations of SMEs in Henan Province and Countermeasures Research142 Product Innovation on the Basis of Interface Management145 Enhancing Technological Innovation Capability through Patent Information Analysis: A Case Study on Guangxi Cane Sugar Industry149 Corporate Reputation Signaling Restrains Adverse Selection of Alliance Partners by Game Analysis152 The Incentive Environment of Chinese Enterprises' Innovation……
插圖:We know that R&D investment is an important pre-requisite for convergence innovation, adding two supple-men tary variables: c4 and cs, which is the HI of R& D personnel?and R&D expenditures, which reflect the situation of industrial convergence.3. 2 The select of Indicators in the Information In-Dus trial Structure Systems The evolution of industrial structure is an ongoing process of high grade tends to have more of a phased and orderly. In this paper, we select five factors to represent the essential characteristics of internal structure of the in formation industry, which is the demand structure(S2), the technology structure (SI), the employment structure(S3), the trade structure ($4) and the out put structure($5).Where these indictors are respectively indicated with labor productivity that is industrial added value of electronic information industry divided by the number of employees, the sales rate that is the out put value of electronic information product sales and in dus trial output ratio, the proportion of average employ ment of electronic information industry in the total employ esas a whole, the proportion of export delivering value in industrial output value; Industrial added value of electronic information industry in the overall industrial add-ed value.3. 3 indicator Data Processing Firstly , industrial convergence subsystem data in 2005was analyzed with factor analysis, and get the initial factor loading matrix( see table 4. 1). From the table, we can see that R&D expenditures convergence, research personnel convergence and market convergence has ahig her load factor on the first public factor; technology convergence and business convergence have a higher load factor on the second public factor. The weights( eigenvectors) corresponding to each indicator is defined as the data in initial load factor matrix divided by the corresponding square root of eigen values of each factor. Eigenvector multiplied by standardized data make sea chpublie factor score function, and take the proportion of eigen value of each public factor in the sum of eigen values as weight to calculate composite factor scores. For example, we get the factor scores of industry convergence in 2005, Ca =0.33zc, +0.38zc' +0.4zc' +0.3zc' +O. 29zc,. Weight tells technology convergence is the basic of industrial convergence; market convergence is the key to achieve industrial convergence. Only the technicall evel of convergence is very difficult to achieve real convergence on industry level.
2009鄭州技術(shù)管理研討會論文集·上冊 PDF格式下載