
出版時間:2010-12  出版社:金城出版社  作者:哈里·洛拉尼  頁數(shù):250  譯者:東偉  


我們應(yīng)該學(xué)會控制自己的大腦,而不是讓大腦控制了我們。    這是一本腦力訓(xùn)練的書。作者認(rèn)為,記憶能力如果經(jīng)過訓(xùn)練,—定能在心智組織結(jié)構(gòu)中成為重要的影響因素之一。除了強調(diào)記憶能力訓(xùn)練之外,作者對其他與之相關(guān)的因素也著墨甚多,這些都能幫助我們開發(fā)自己的潛能,有效地利用腦力。本書語言幽默詼諧,案例真實生動,其中還收錄了諸多名言佳句,發(fā)人深省。




第1章  讓頭腦高效運作第2章  培養(yǎng)興趣,獲得成功第3章  喚醒激情,增強動力第4章  高效思考才能帶來結(jié)果第5章  邏輯性的思考讓你步步為營第6章  創(chuàng)造性的思考讓你打破陳規(guī)第7章  你永遠有時間去做想做的事第8章  集中注意力能讓你的成果翻倍第9章  找到問題所在才能解決問題第10章  堅持好習(xí)慣,拋棄壞習(xí)慣第11章  相信別人才能成功第12章  好奇心也能讓你獲得成功第13章  只要想學(xué),就能學(xué)到第14章  如何提高觀察力第15章  最經(jīng)濟的記憶方法第16章  如何記住別人的姓名和面容第17章  如何讓所有人都喜歡你——個性的秘密第18章  如何成為一名從容不迫的高效演講者第19章  焦慮控制——內(nèi)心平靜的秘密第20章  如何戰(zhàn)勝恐懼和不可避免的麻煩第21章  從思想上的巨人到行動上的巨人第22章  你想要什么樣的成功第23章  怎樣得到自己的好運氣第24章  何時開始


  第2章 培養(yǎng)興趣,獲得成功  打破孤獨的牢籠  從另一方面來說,如果你從沒有無私地幫助過別人,那么減輕孤獨感將是一個痛苦的過程。  暫時忘掉你自己的心思,想一想別人的需求。如果你覺得每個人的需求和希望跟你的都差不多,那也許你會覺得這不是那么困難。至于人們?nèi)绾卧趯崿F(xiàn)自己目的的同時,也能盡量爭取實現(xiàn)別人的需求,我不想舉很多例子。你能在每一個成功人士的自傳里,或者任何一本教你如何取得成功的書里找到答案?! ‘?dāng)你真正真心為別人做出自己的努力,同時也能實現(xiàn)自己的需求時,你就發(fā)現(xiàn)了其中的答案和真理。我的意思并不是做所有事都指向別人的利益,而是為了別人。在面對這條“黃金規(guī)則”的時候,我總是很小心,避免解釋得過于字面化,因為這里面并沒有完全考慮到所有人的口味和喜好?! ∽鋈魏问虑槎汲鲇趧e人的利益、迎合別人的喜好和口味,并要求別人也對自己這樣做,只適用于別人和你有同樣的問題和困惑時。你們同病相憐,才會出現(xiàn)這樣的情況。舉個比較極端的例子,我很不喜歡一個受虐狂對我運用“黃金規(guī)則”!他希望別人為他做出的努力和幫助,我對此一點都不感興趣?! 』氐絼偛诺脑掝},如果你能對別人表現(xiàn)出自己的興趣和真正的關(guān)心,這也將讓別人對你更感興趣,更關(guān)心你。這只能在堅固的“自我”意識上淺淺地劃一下。但這種小小的改變已經(jīng)足夠讓你不那么自我了。  當(dāng)別人和你說話時,不要再想著你自己,或只想著你想要說什么,試著去傾聽!  我從每個我認(rèn)識的人身上都學(xué)到了一些東西,不管他們是什么樣的人,從事什么行業(yè)。他們的一些經(jīng)歷、思想或想法,不管多么微小多么不起眼,都會從他們身上復(fù)制到我的身上。如果這種思想或想法沒有發(fā)生復(fù)制,我就要努力去實現(xiàn)它。如果我沒有從我遇見的每一個人身上學(xué)點什么,我就會覺得很失落,好像失去了什么。  上面這些不會發(fā)生,除非我懂得傾聽。我是說真正傾聽他們的心聲。就像我之前說過的,一個人的教育只有在他真正開始傾聽時,才會開始。


  你想成功嗎?你是否已經(jīng)準(zhǔn)備好了不斷提高自己?你是不是正在尋找一種更好、更快樂、更幸福的生活呢?   再也不需要用筆記和備忘錄了!哈里·洛拉尼的獨特的腦力訓(xùn)練法將徹底揭開人類精神力量的秘密,幫助你記住一切清單、名字和面孔,甚至是——電活號碼。   在這本書中,你將收獲獨特且行之有效的諸多能力:成為一個出色的演講家,以新的姿態(tài)面對生活,改善你的觀察力,有邏輯、有效率、創(chuàng)造性地思考,學(xué)會信任他人,高效率地管理和運用時間。




    神奇的腦力激蕩術(shù) PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計18條)


  •     《神奇的腦力激蕩術(shù)》這本書我最初寫于1961年。從那以后,我寫的有關(guān)記憶訓(xùn)練的書開始暢銷,并被翻譯成18種語言。而我在這個領(lǐng)域中的第一本書是初版于1957年的《怎樣擁有超強記憶力》,它和我之后寫的幾本書到現(xiàn)在還能在書店里買到?!渡衿娴哪X力激蕩術(shù)》是我的第二本書,我在原來的基礎(chǔ)上并沒有做太大的修改,只是增加了一些材料。有意思的是,直到今日,我40年前的思想仍然有生命力。
       沒錯!你能成為比現(xiàn)在更幸福的人,也能更有效地運用自己的大腦。沒有問題的。只要認(rèn)準(zhǔn)這些是可能的,你就能讓自己的心智發(fā)揮更大的作用。塞繆爾?約翰遜塞繆爾?約翰遜(Samuel Johnson,1709~1784),批評家,18世紀(jì)最重要的英國作家之一。曾經(jīng)寫道:“滿足感的泉水定是涌自內(nèi)心。如果一個人對人之本性沒有足夠的認(rèn)識,只是通過改變身外之物而不是自己的內(nèi)心來尋求幸福,那他的努力注定是在浪費生命,而且本想避免的不幸還會翻倍?!?br />   
  •     26th, Arpil
      Dear Mr. Lorayne,
      I feel very much honored to write to you, for I've just now handed in my complete translation work - the Chinese version of your great book Secrets of Mind Power - to my editor from Jincheng Press House, Beijing, China.
      At the beginning of this year, one of my friends, the editor, asked me if I’d like to start a book about how to manage the brain. I was interested in the topic a lot and accepted the translation work of the book (from English to Chinese) pleasantly.
      As a matter of fact, I was not good at managing myself before I finished the book. I could kill my spare time by hanging over internet for hours just doing nothing, or decided to wash clothes and clean the room during the weekend but when Monday came everything remained the same as Friday, or stayed back as the way I used to behave after a failure and ignored what I should do to change the situation. What I want to say is, through the process of my translating the book, I really learnt a lot on how to improve myself, how to make my tasks easier, how to achieve things seem to be impossible and how to be happier than before.
      Frankly, although I was an English and Cross-Culture Communication major student when in university, this is the first book that I ever translate. The reason that I wanted to start a book translation, is I didn’t want to waste my time anymore and to see where the upper level of my ability stayed. Could I finish something that I had not tried before? Had not tried does not mean I could not!
      Yet, I was too optimistic when receiving the original English version, your great book, from my editor early this year. You know, I’m a journalist and travel a lot all over the country and have to write reports from day to day. Therefore, I started the translation of the book on my way to Qinghuangdao, a northern coastal Chinese city in January. But traveling and interviewing and writing often interrupted the translating work. After that, the Chinese Lunar New Year, also known as Spring Festival, came. Just as Christmas in the USA and Europe, Spring Festival is the biggest celebration among Chinese in the whole year. Everyone got a seven-day vacation, so I made up my mind to make full use of the vacation. Indeed, my translating work progressed smoothly and I came to page 50 (your book has 175 pages) at the beginning of February.
      You know Chinese journalists, especially those from state-owned media, as where I work for, need to focus on those so-called political events. The annual session of CPC (China People’s Congress) and CPPCC (Chinese People’s Political and Consultative Conference) fell on the first half of March. As a result, the translating nearly stopped for I had to make interviews and write reports everyday. While for the left half of March, I had to deal with some personal affairs. That means, only about 30 pages were done in March.
      Now, I backed myself into the corner, or just one step by the cliff, I had no choice but manage to make use of every second I have to finish the translation, for the deadline is Apr. 25th.
      When I had time to take a break at office, I read your book. When I travel by air or train, I read your book. When I lay myself in bed before sleep, I read your book. By doing all these, I just wanted to get more familiar with the book and finish the translation on time. But the harder you try to do something, the more obstacles you will meet. I was sent by my boss to Shanghai to cover the preparation of 2010 World Expo from Apr. 13th till the end of the month. By then, there were still more than 50 pages left. What shall I do? The work in Shanghai would not leave me much free time, but there were still more than 50 pages to be done.
      No other ways, I was at the side of the cliff. And, surprisingly, when there’re no other ways, usually a person’s sub-ability can be inspired by the fear of falling off the cliff and work in full speed, the efficiency will be extremely high. When in Shanghai, I just worked in the speed as a runner chased by a hungry puma. Even though I worked till one or two o’clock after midnight everyday, yet I noticed that when I live and work positively, I become a positive person full of energy. The same as our mind power, the more one uses his/her energy, the more energy one will have.
      After some days’ hard work, eventually I came to page 175, the final one. Look back to the whole process, I’ve not only achieved my goal, to finish the translation, what’s more important, I learnt how to complete a task in a comparatively short period of time and ensure the quality at the same time. Everyone has the sub-ability to be dug out, the only thing to do is back oneself into corner, or even by cliff. Then, you’ll become a superman.
      Thank you very much Harry, for teaching me how to manage my brain, my work and my life in a more effective way, to achieve something which I’ve never done before, and to be happier than ever.
      Very pleased to write to you, hope my email has not bothered you too much. The Chinese version of Secrets of Mind Power will be published later this year, I really hope the book will help more Chinese readers with their life.
      Dear Mr. Lorayne, I’m practicing the thinking you introduced in the book, and it has done good to me. At last, wish you a happy and healthy life everyday.
      yours, Dongwei
      on the train from Shanghai to Beijing
  •   開講座吧!
  •   目前遠沒有那個本事,只要大家覺得這本書還算有用我就滿足了。
  •   現(xiàn)在真的很有效率么?
  •   如果真的想要做一件事,不得不做的,那你留給自己的時間越短,最后就越有效率。當(dāng)然這是冒險的做法。我自己的經(jīng)驗是,就算你留給自己的時間不多,也得事先想好怎么做,心里有個底才行。
  •   今天去書店看了 覺得還可以吧 最關(guān)鍵的還是學(xué)習(xí)后實踐吧
  •   最關(guān)鍵是,人都有惰性,沒到需要自己拯救自己的時候,很少有人主動出擊的。
  •   呀,東偉也在這兒!
  •   精髓說不上,皮毛而已。養(yǎng)成習(xí)慣或者改變習(xí)慣不是件容易的事,只要想做,并且朝著那個方向努力,哪怕努那么一點點力,也是往前邁出的一大步了。細(xì)水長流的力量會讓自己都驚訝感嘆的。
  •   I am reading this book right now. Could I ask that has your chinese version published? What is the chinese version's name? I want to buy it. Thank you :)
  •   hi bear, thanks for your attention and pls refer to the address below for the chinese version:
  •   .... ok.... I saw it...恩恩。。挺好。??墒俏矣袀€疑問 我不是在質(zhì)疑你。。。 為什么書名搞的像成功學(xué)一樣。。。
  •   書名不是我起的,是出版社起的。。??赡芩麄冇X得這樣比較好賣吧
  •   恩 我也是這么猜想他們會這樣做。。。請問 實際銷量如何呀~~
  •   我也不知道,賣多少也沒我分成的份兒。。。
  •   。。那大哥你這翻譯做的真冤。??傆幸惶靷€人也有能力出版的
  •   現(xiàn)在的出版社不都這樣么,所以普遍翻譯質(zhì)量都不高,一分錢一分貨,當(dāng)然學(xué)術(shù)類的除外(其實學(xué)術(shù)類的翻得好的也不多。。。)

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
